Very Close pt.1

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You wake up and feel the sun rays shining in through your bedroom window. You want to move but a head on your chest makes it difficult. Immediatly you remember that Kendall stayed over.

The two of you met a year ago and since then you're inseparable. This friendship means a lot to you but you can't deny that you have a huge crush on the model. You became very good at hiding it, but it's getting harder every day. She's just so incredibly beautiful, from the inside and outside.

Spending time with Kendall is something you love. She just makes everything better. Sometimes you feel like those feelings are two-sided but maybe you're just seeing things that don't exist. The other girl can be very flirty and she sometime's acts like a jealous girlfriend but that's probably just her personality. A few months ago you kissed. It was at a party and the both of you were very drunk, so you blame it on the alcohol. You never talked about that incident, which makes you think that it was probably just a drunken mistake.

"Morning", you hear Kendall say huskily, while she snuggles into your chest. You can't help but feel all the millions of butterflies going wild in your stomach.

"Morning sleepy head", you say to her. She looks up at you, with her messy hair and make-up less face. She's just so beautiful, so pure, so angelic. You really want to kiss here right here and now. You really wish you could just do that. It'd make everything better.

"Hey, it's not my fault you always wake up before me", the model protests as she sits up and stretches.
"Have you been watching me sleep again!", she asks, with a smirk plastered on her face.
Your cheeks turn red but you still try to defend yourself. "You look peaceful when you sleep and you're not as annoying as when you're awake".
Kendall raises an eyebrow at you and leans in. "Creep", she whispers and chuckles.
"Just shut up", you say while you're getting out of bed and into the bathroom.

You get out of the bathroom and see Kendall sitting on your bed and playing with her phone. She looks up when she notices your presence.

"Make me some breakfast, wifey", she orders, looking at her phone again.
You just roll your eyes but blush.

"Why am I always the one making the breakfast?", you ask, teasing her because you know she can't cook at all.

"Because you're so good at it and it's your turn now. I made breakfast the last time", she says while looking up from her phone.
"And because you can't cook", you add and earn an eye-roll from her.

With that you leave your bedroom and go to the kitchen, where you start to prepare the breakfast.

"What's on the menu?", you hear Kendall ask, as she enters the kitchen. She's wearing one of your oversized t-shirts, which looks amazing on her. That's why you can't help but stare at her in awe. The way she walks, the way she smiles, all the things she does, while she's unaware of how cute she actually is while doing them.

"Earth to Y/N", she interrupts your little daydream, while waving her hand in front of your face.

"What? Oh sorry... I..", you stutter to which the model responds with laughter.

"You're so cute when you space out", she says and pinches your cheek. You don't know how much longer you can hide your feelings, which by the way get bigger with each day.

"I want to help you with breakfast", she states while rummaging through your fridge, taking out eggs, bacon and some vegetables. You just look at her surprised. "Alright", you say and start to prepare everything.

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