I Won't Mind

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A/N: This story was requested by @drama_girl14. I hope I met your expectations. :)

"So this is it now?", you heard Kendall's voice crack. You ran your hand through your hair and sighed, tears threatened to fall from your eyes.

"What do you want to hear, Kendall?", you asked the crying girl in front of you. "That everything is alright? That we will live happily ever after? That all this is how it should be?", now you were crying, too.

"Y/N, please. Don't be like that", she said teary-eyed. "You know how much I love you"

"Well, it doesn't really feel like it", you said coldly. "I've never felt like a priority in your life"

"But you are my everything. How can you say that", the model said and cupped your cheeks.

You freed yourself from her grip and huffed in annoyance. "I didn't know that being your everything meant to always stay in the background, to never show up to public events with you, to always hide and be labeled as your friend, while watching you pretend to be in love with all those guys". You sighed, "I have no idea what I am, but I sure am not your 'everything'.

You started to throw your clothes into your bag, while Kendall tried everything to get them out again. You just rolled your eyes and tried to ignore her childish behavior.

"Stop it", you hissed while putting the clothes she took out of your bag, back inside. Then, you went into the bathroom to get your toothbrush and other stuff.

"Where do you want to go anyway? It's already two a.m.", the tall girl asked after she followed you into the bathroom.

Kendall and you met two years and four months ago. Two years and two months you had been in a relationship, which for the most part went well. One year ago you moved in together, you still remember that day like it was yesterday. It was a huge step in your relationship and back then you didn't think that the end could be so near. One day ago, you decided that it was for the best if the two of you went your separate ways.

If you were honest, your relationship hadn't been the same for a while now. A few months ago you almost broke up, but you got it together somehow. This time, it didn't really seem like anything could save your relationship.

The model and you kept your relationship a secret. That was what her management and she wanted. You on the other hand, always hated the hiding and pretending. As a musician, you hated lying about who your songs were about and you hated lying to your fans. It had been killing you for a while now, especially because your new album was about to drop and again, you had to lie about your lyrical inspirations.

Kendall always told you how sorry she was about everything but after some time it became difficult for you to believe it. Instead of going on events and parties together, or walking red carpets together, she did all of those things with some guy, who she pretended to be dating.

At the beginning those PR-stunts didn't bother you that much, because you trusted your girlfriend and you were so in love that you couldn't think straight. After a year, it had become a burden. You would always get mad when she did those stunts. They ruined everything. Whenever you won an award, you were never allowed to mention her as your girlfriend in your speech, which really sucked. And all those beautiful and heart-felt songs you'd written about her, to show her your love were never appreciated by her management. Once, they even told you to change the lyrics, because people might had figured out it was about her.

You loved Kendall. You really did, but you weren't happy anymore. It felt like you were stuck and your only way out was getting away from the model. That's why you decided it was time for an end.

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