Can't keep my hands to myself

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Kendall and you haven't seen each other for almost three weeks now. She's been busy with her modeling stuff and you've been busy with your life. After almost seven months of dating you got used to the fact that you can't see each other every single day and that there are times in which the both of you are separated for quite some time. In the beginning of your relationship it was hard and jealousy was a big issue, it still is but you both trust each other and know you have nothing to worry about.

Today, Kendall is supposed to come back home. You couldn't be happier. The past three weeks have been hard without her. You tried to text and face time regularly but it wasn't that easy. Either she was too occupied with work or you were in different time zones. Most nights you lay awake in bed and thinking about your beautiful girlfriend. Wondering what she's doing in that exact moment. Wondering if she's missing you as much as you're missing her. Occasionally you would lay your head on her pillow because it smells like her.

Your girlfriend texted you her flight details and you're on your way to pick her up from the airport. You're patiently waiting in your car as the excitement and happiness is taking over your body. In only a few minutes you will be reunited with your love. LAX is busy as usual but you can spot your girl right away because you notice the crowd of paparazzi. You waste no time in getting out of your car and helping the model to get through the swarm of annoying photographers.
Once you're both in your car you can't bare it anymore and attack Kendall with a tight hug and lots of kisses. The tall girl can't help but smile and blush.

"Looks like someone's missed me quite a bit", Kendall says right before you kiss her soft lips.
The both of you smile into the kiss. "More than you can imagine", you simply say as you brush a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "And did you miss me?", you say in a low voice. The girl just smirks at your question and leans in for a kiss. She softly bites your lower lip and you can't help but let out a small moan. Her tongue brushes your lip, asking for permission which you gladly permit. As the kiss gets more heated, you feel her hand painfully slow gliding from the side of your face, down your neck, softly brushing your boob and finally landing on the zip of your jeans.

"Not here Kenny", you warn her after breaking off the passionate kiss. "The paps are gonna take pics and then sell it for thousands of dollars and I really don't want to give them that courtesy"

Kendall just looks at you with an amused smirk. "Well then, start the car and let's continue this in a more private place", she whispers in your ear before softly nibbling at your earlobe. You can already feel yourself getting aroused and the bright shade of pink on your cheeks is giving you away. What this girl does to you.
You waste no time and start the car.

Once you're out on the highway you feel a hand on your thigh. At first you don't mind because Kendall often does this but then you feel her hand softly going up and down your thigh. Each time closer to a certain area. You turn your head and find your girlfriend pretending like she's not doing anything. She loves to tease you but right now you're not in the mood in playing along because you have to keep your concentration on the road and she's giving you a very hard time in doing so. You take her wandering hand in yours and intertwine your fingers.
You feel her looking at you. She scoots closer so you can feel her breath on your cheek. "What's wrong, babe", she asks
you all innocently.

"I'm driving, baby and that's why I need my head to be focused on that", you say and she just leans in closer.
"Well Y/N, aren't you a careful driver?", she says huskily as she moves your hair to the side to get access to your neck.
Your hands tighten around the steering wheel the second you feel her wet lips on your skin. You can't help but bite your lip in order to suppress a moan.
"Babe. Ken.. Kenny. I really need.. need to focus on the road", you say breathlessly. She's driving you crazy.
"You have no idea how bad I wanna fuck you right now", you hear her low voice saying. That's it. You feel a very familiar sensation between your legs but you don't want to let her get away with this easily. You don't want to let her win. Not again.

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