Thunder and Lightning

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"Ok guys I really need to get going", your friend Hailey informed you.

"Oh, that sucks. Can't you stay a little longer", you asked the girl.

"Why? Am I not enough", you heard Kendall ask you offended.

"Chill. You know that's not how I meant it", you reassured your girlfriend.

"See? Kenny wants to throw me out", the blonde said jokingly and laughed.

"She can't throw you out of my house", you said, eyeing Kendall, who just rolled her eyes. Why don't you just sleep over?", you added.

"Nah, I really don't want to be the third wheel. Besides, I don't think I could handle hearing the two of you 'doing it', Hailey giggled. "I know we're close friends but there are boundaries"

"Yeah, you would feel super uncomfortable, Hails", Kendall said as she wrapped her arms around you. "It's gonna be pretty loud", she smirked. You slapped your girlfriend's arm playfully.

"Okay, I'm outta here", the blonde laughed and went towards the front door.

"You know Ken is just joking", you tried to convince your friend to stay.

"It's alright. I have to fly out to New York tomorrow and I still need to do some packing", Hailey said.

The rain that was falling outside got heavier and a thunder growled in the distance.

"Shit, I should leave before it gets worse", the blonde murmured.

"Drive safely", you told her as the two of you shared a warm hug.

"Bye, Hails", Kendall hugged her too before the other girl left your house.

"It's so silent, suddenly", you stated once Hailey left.

"Yeah, Hailey's a loud person actually. Not in an obnoxious way but you know what I mean", the brunette said.

You made your way to the couch and plopped down, followed by your girlfriend.

"So?", Kendall broke the silence.

You gave her a confused look. "So, what?"

"You practically begged Hailey to stay the night but you're not even bothering to ask me if I want to?", she sounded offended.

You laughed at her jealous behavior. "Babe, I thought it's clear that I want you to sleep over. I didn't know I had to ask you", you softly kissed her cheek.

"What? You act so flirty with everyone, that you seem to forget that you're dating me", Kendall huffed.

"Okay, that's not true at all. I don't act flirty with anyone but you", you defended yourself.

"You do"

"No, I don't", you said. "You know that I have eyes only for one girl, and that girl is you. So, please stop being jealous, babe", you pressed a soft kiss on her jaw.

She gave in and turned her head to you, pressing her lips on yours. You captured her bottom lip between yours and bit it softly. You were lost in that beautiful moment until a growling thunder startled you.

"Wait", Kendall said while surpessing a laugh. "Are you scared of thunderstorms?", she asked amusedly.

"No", you casually said. "The noise just startled me"

"Sure", your girlfriend eyed you suspiciously.

Lighting struck and a crash of thunder followed soon after, indicating that the storm wasn't that far away anymore.
You tried to act cool, like it didn't bother you at all but your girlfriend knew you too well.

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