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A/N: Some of you requested a second part of the previous oneshot, so here it is. I hope you like it.

It's been two and a half years since the first time you met your girlfriend's family. Ever since then, your relationship with Kendall had gotten stronger and deeper. Even though, the two of you argued from time to time, usually over silly things, you knew that you wanted to spend the rest of your time on this earth with her. She had never failed to make you laugh, make you feel loved and cheer you up whenever you were sad. You moved in together almost two years ago. It was was a huge step but you made it because it had felt right.

You had been thinking about making the next step, but it kind of terrified you. You knew that Kendall loved you, and that you loved her. You knew that you wanted to be with her forever, but it still made you anxious to even think about a proposal. You had never been that kind of girl, who pictured herself getting married, but when you met Kendall, everything changed. You could had pictured yourself being her wife, even the thought of it made you all fuzzy and happy. That was what you wanted.

"I think I'm gonna ask her", you told your very good friend, Lauren. The green-eyed girl arched her brow. "Ask who, what?", she wondered. "Ask Kendall to... you know, marry me", you said hesitantly. "For real now?", your friend asked excitedly. "Damn Y/N, you're really serious, aren't you?" You shyly nodded. "What do you think?", you asked the dark-haired girl. "My opinion shouldn't really matter but if you're sure about it and if that's what you want, then you should totally go for it". You sighed and ran your hand through your hair. "I want it. I really do, but I'm scared", you admitted. "Scared of what?", Lauren asked softly. "What if Kendall doesn't want to marry me. What if it's too early?"
"Y/N, you can ask yourself endless 'what if' questions but that won't bring you anywhere. I'm sure Kendall wants to marry you, I mean who wouldn't want to?", your friend comforted you, which made you smile.

A couple of days passed, and you still had the idea of proposing to your girlfriend of over three years on your mind. For the past few minutes, you had been looking at her being focused on the movie you were currently watching. She was so concentrated and invested, that she didn't notice your staring.
"It's still a miracle to me", she shifted her attention to you, as soon as she heard your voice. "What?", she curiously furrowed her eyebrows. "That you're still not tired of me", you admitted. "Babe", she cooed and took you in for a hug. "How could I possibly be tired of you?. I love you. Please stop saying such stupid things", she said before pecking your lips. "I love you, too", you said and snuggled into your girlfriend.

"Are you gonna go in there or not?", you heard Lauren ask you, sounding a little bit annoyed. The two of you had been sitting in your parked car for the past twenty minutes. You called your friend and asked her to accompany you to a jewelry store because you wanted to look for the perfect ring.
"I can't just go in there", you said and earned an eye-roll from the green-eyed girl. "And why is that?", she wondered. "What if the paps take pictures? What if Kendall sees those pictures? It won't be a surprise anymore", you reasoned.
"Seriously, stop with this 'what if' shit", your friend hissed. "C'mon let's get out of the car and inside the jewelry store", with that, the dark-haired girl left your car. You took a deep breath and followed her.

Once inside the store, you took a look at all the different rings. They were beautiful and you liked a lot of them but you had to find the perfect one for Kendall.
"Don't you think that wedding rings are like friendship bracelets but for adults", Lauren raised her eyebrow at your statement and chuckled. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" "Shut up", you sarcastically laughed and rolled your eyes.
Eventually, your eyes landed on a very simple, yet beautiful ring. Thinking about your girlfriend wearing that ring made your heart flutter and put a smile on your face, so you didn't waste any time in buying it.

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