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I am mentally unprepared for this. I mean, I've been a singer all of my life and honestly, I will always be one. I just wish I can be known as a great professor that knows how to sing. I expect it to be hectic the first week but after that, things need to change. I want my students to be focused on the material and not the celebrity they still see in me.

I felt like if I'ma change my occupation, I need to change my overall lifestyle. No more  fancy house and lavish living with overly expensive things. I mean I'm not bout to go get me a 1999 Honda Accord but I ain't gone be driving my lambo. I got me a new house in a new outer city. It's slick small compared to my others but it made me feel more normal. It's a three floor Mediterranean model home with six bedrooms, six and a half bathrooms and a fully furnished basement. I bought a new car too; black BMW with black rims and tinted windows. May seem fancy to some but to the Trey Songz everybody used to see, it's a huge downgrade. It's just going to be so different...

"I'ma come sit in on ya first class and watch it all unfold." my childhood friend, Jerrod says. We're chilling in my new house in Douglasville, Ga after a long day of moving. Because of all the business I had to take care of, this move from Atlanta took way longer than it was supposed to. "Man, I'ma need full security!" I laugh. Hell, I may be laughing now but I'm slick serious. I can't imagine my class being peaceful from the jump.

I asked the university to withhold my name when students signed up for my class. I didn't want a lot of drama from students trying to get my class. I insisted on them putting me in a class in the cut but they wasn't going for that. I don't want to be the center of attention taking away from other professors' work. Ugh.

"You better hope this is all worth it," Jerrod says. "'Cause you bout to go through hell." I couldn't agree more. I mean, I'm focused. This is what I want to do but is it worth all the mess that's gone come with it? "Bruh, ion even know, to be honest," I answer . "I'm just as lost as you." I don't even have anymore time to think this over. Class starts tomorrow.
My class starts in 34 minutes and I kid you not, I am sweating like hell. I ain't been this nervous in years, man. All those times I performed, in front of thousands of fans, and doing my first love is what's making me sweat bullets? I need to watch my sweat because I'm wearing a nice ass gray suit. I'm so nervous, my class don't start til 10am but I got here around 8:45. I printed out about 35 syllabi for the 28 students I'm supposed to have. Why did I print out so many?

In the middle of my thoughts, I hear a loud gasp. I look over to my open class room door and a short light skinned girl with curly light brown hair holds her breath while staring at me. "You're...you're..," she starts. I really want to calm her down before everyone else gets wind of me. "Hey, I'm Professor Neverson," I say while grabbing one syllabus. "Are you in my trigonometry class?" The girl still stands there without breathing. "Hey, breathe. You need to breathe." I rush over to her and catch her just before she faints. Great...it's starting.

I lay her on the floor by the door while trying to yell for help from someone. "Help! Anybody near by to help?" As I yell, I realize this will not only bring help, but unwanted fans. I swear I love my fans but the last thing I need to happen is fans overpowering the fact that she has passed out.

I try fanning the girl while a girl I assume is in the nursing program runs in. "What happened?" she asks. I'm happy she doesn't notice me or care about who I am. "She just fainted." I explained. Another nursing student comes to help but this one almost does the same as the girl that walked into my class. "Oh my God, Trey Songz!!!!" No sooner does she screams this does the attention go from the fainted girl to the reason she fainted, me...


My class was cancelled because it caused like half the school population to rush to my classroom. Jerrod didn't even make it to see the commotion so I hit him up, when things finally cooled down and I could sneak to my car. "Bruh, when I tell you it was complete chaos!" I yell. "The nursing students had to close the door on people and actually lock us inside until campus police came." "I told yo ass it was gone be crazy," Jerrod says. "Nobody knows Tremaine Neverson." I hate that he's right. I knew it wasn't gone be easy so I can't turn back now. University officials told me that if everything doesn't calm down by the end of this week, I won't be able to teach here. I changed so much of my lifestyle for this and it's all bout to be taken away so fast...

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