Y. A. S. (You Ain't Shit)

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After our moment Serenity goes back into the library. I sit in my car. Shook. Did that really just happen? What does this mean? I'm so confused but I'm interrupted by a call. "Hello?" I answer. "Mr. Neverson, it's Micah." The board President says. I can only assume that he's seen my resignation letter. "Good afternoon. How are you?" "Well, I'm not sure. We received your resignation. We haven't fully decided on what would take place. The last meeting is tonight. What's going on?" "Mr. Robinson, I'm sorry. This semester has been so crazy. I've been dragged through the mud, I couldn't even build a reputation, I lost a friend and I almost lost my life. I just don't think the world was prepared for this. I did so much to prepare and it just didn't work." "Mr. Neverson, I completely understand. However, I don't want to accept this resignation. Just let us have this meeting tonight and then decide." If he's saying this, then maybe there's a chance. "Okay, Mr. Robinson. I will wait." "Thank you, sir. You will know by tomorrow morning."

I drive the whole way home in silence. Serenity just tongued me down but there's still a possibility that I could keep my job. Although I'm not sure I still want it, I don't know if I should be giving up, this soon. Who knew this would be harder than performing. I kinda miss it. I've made a few club appearances but nothing too major. I've been trying to lay as low as possible, so that it doesn't get back to the school. Ugh. I pull into my driveway and I couldn't be happier. It's a safe haven. None of my neighbors know or care about who I am, so I have most of my privacy. The only people other than family, that's ever been here is Serenity.


I can't even believe I just did that. There was nothing I wanted to do more. As soon as I saw him put that resignation letter in Mr. Robinson's drop box, I knew what I had to do. He's not my professor anymore so it's not inappropriate. I still have one more final but I couldn't wait until then. I wasn't sure if he was going to get rid of his work phone. He wouldn't have my number anymore or access to get it. I didn't take the chance at his house so this was it, for me. "What's on your mind?" Trish asks me. We both have the same last final, so we decided to walk together. "Trey. I did something crazy." I whisper. There are hella people in the halls. "What?" She stops walking and looks at me, concerned.

 I look around, before pulling her, to the side. "I kissed him." I whisper. Her eyes become huge but she covers her mouth, to keep from screaming. I haven't had a chance to tell her what all went down, the other night. I don't even know if I can. "When did this happen?" She finally whispers. Before I can open my mouth, I hear a phone ring, behind me. I didn't realize that we were near Mr. Kaplan's office. He's one of the other counselors. Now my eyes are widened and my hands are covering my mouth. I don't know if he heard any of that. "Yea, Micah?" We hear him answer. For whatever reason, his phone is on speaker. "I just spoke with Tremaine. He's going to wait until after the Board meeting, to decide. We need him to stay." I hear the President say. "Hell yea, you know how many students applied, after they found out he works here?" "Exactly. I need this money." Mr. Robinson laughs. I'm taken aback right now. Trish and I both stand there, shook. I lean in even closer, to his door. "Yea, and I want my cut. You better make sure he stays or it's gone be a lot of pissed people. We haven't made this much, EVER." "I know! I got this. I'm just going to focus on the fact that he really did try and we understand his loss of Layla, was tragic and it's something he can overcome. That kind of bullshit." They both laugh. "Alright, let me go. I think the students are in the halls now." Mr. Kaplan says. 

Trish and I scurry down the hall, a little, before Mr. Kaplan opens his door. He looks around and I try not to make eye contact. He fixes his shirt and heads in the direction of the bathroom. "Bitch what did we just witness?" Trish asks, when he's out of sight. "I don't know but I'm about to find out." I say, with anger. Here Trey was, thinking he caused too much drama and they wouldn't want him. They do want him and that's because they have some crooked ass administrators. "What are you going to do?" "I don't know but I need to see their financials. There has to be something there that shows money being taken out, for these people. I just wouldn't know where to look." I sit and ponder, for a moment. "I do." She sighs. Trish is a double major in business and criminal justice. "I cannot get caught though, Serenity. My parents and Kevin will kill me, if I get expelled." "I know. I don't want to get you involved." "But without me, you'll be in someone's office way longer than needed and get caught. I just need you to get him out of the office." "I have a plan." I say. 

***Tremaine's POV***

I braced myself, before entering the mini court room. There's a long rectangular table, where all the Board members are sitting. Mr. Caine walks next to me. I'm surprised he was on time, tonight. Judge Mason sits at his podium. We have about 15 minutes, until the meeting starts but everyone's here. I just don't get the feeling that they'll want to keep me here. I feel like this is a waste of time. As I take a seat, my pocket vibrates and it's my work phone. Serenity's calling me. I answer and step outside. "Hey." I say, simply. "Don't agree to stay." She says. "What?" Oh damn, maybe she was hoping I'd leave, so we can date. I don't know. This is my career and if I have a chance, I should probably take it. "Serenity..." "No, it's a set up!" She says. "I'm heading your way." She hangs up. What the hell is going on?

In a matter of seconds, Serenity and Trish are running my way. "What's going on?" I meet her half way. "The Board is playing you." She says out of breath. "I got a hold of their financials. They're planning on making money off of you, starting next semester." Trish says, handing me some papers. "What?" "They've been skimming off money, for the past five years and they plan on skimming more off next semester, with hopes of you staying. Basically they're going to raise the admin fee from $300 to charge $500/semester but it only costs around $150, for admin fees. They pocket the other $350 and divide is amongst the Board president, a couple Board members and a few counselors." "How did you get this?" I ask, looking at the papers. "I stole it but that's not the point. The five of them are going to be getting about $2 Million dollars a piece!" This is one scandalous ass school. "There's no way we can present this to them." "We don't have to."

Just as Trish says this, a group of policemen walk our way. "Right on time." Serenity says. "Mr. Neverson, I hate to meet you this way." An officer Lewis says. "I'm Officer Lewis and this is my team. We are here to arrest five members of this administration. You're going to go in and act normal. I've heard what you've gone through and I want you to get the satisfaction of busting their bubble." I couldn't help but dap him up. "I appreciate you." I reply. "And I appreciate the both of you. Without you, I would've walked into something crazy." "Yea, they were gone make you sign a two year contract. The fine print gave them exclusive rights to some of your music profits." Trish says. "You'd never be the real Trey Songz again." That pisses me off. I've worked so hard to get here and it's some grimy ass people tryna stop my grind. That ends tonight.

I leave them all, in the hall and enter, as the meeting starts. "I thought you ran out on us." Mr. Robinson says. I could beat his ass but I keep my cool. "Oh nah, I don't want to miss this." I reply. Little does he know. He begins the meeting, stating the facts of what went down this semester. "We know you are still mourning the loss of Layla..." He says, but it's time I interrupt. "But it's something I can overcome right?" I stand and say. It catches him off guard. "Well...yes, exactly." "You know Mr. Robinson, you're forgetting one major detail, though." Everyone's looking around now. "Um...and what might that be?" He sits up, in his seat. "You forgot the part where you and four other people in this room would be getting about $2 Million of these students' hard earned money." A wave of shock rolls over the room. Judge Mason sits up in his seat, as well. "Judge Mason, I assure you I have no idea what he is talking about." Mr. Robinson stands up. "Mr. Neverson what are you saying?" Judge Mason asks. "I'm saying that your trust Board President and a few of his colleagues are crooked as hell. They plan to up charge new students, after announcing my stay here, skim off of that amount and collect over $11 Million." Mr. Robinson, Mr. Kaplan, Mrs. Fowler, Ms. Jeanne and Mr. Morris all look like they've seen ghosts. The rest of the board just looks shocked. 

"Judge Mason, this is nonsense." Mr. Robinson tries to keep up the charade. Officer Lewis and his team bust in. "I don't think it is, though." I smirk. Once again, the five of them are shook. I'm loving this. "Judge Mason, we have received credible Intel on five of your employees, which led us to an investigation. For the past five school years, these members have stolen over $24 Million dollars, equaling about $4.8 Million, a piece. As Mr. Neverson said, if he signed that bogus contract the President is trying to provide, they'd each make another $2 Million, next year." Judge Mason is completely shocked. Mr. Robinson has nothing to say. The other four are basically in tears. Officer Lewis brings Judge Mason the papers. "Micah." Judge Mason says, taking off his glasses. "I have praised you for such good work. We've been friends for over two decades. Never in a million years would I have thought that you'd behave this way." "Donald, please..." Mr. Robinson starts. "I don't want to hear it. Officers, get them out of my sight." The police happily arrest the criminals and I couldn't help but smile. Mr. Caine and the other counselors and Board members are in complete shock.

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