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*Three months later*

Serenity and I have been together, for about three months now. We had a long discussion about our wants and needs, in this relationship. We agreed that she's going to lay low, so that we can stay out of the drama. She still comes to some of my shows but she stays in the crowd and doesn't come backstage. It's been working for us. I've even been giving her time, to study. It's paid off because she's graduating, today, with a 3.8. I knew she was smart but not that smart. All of her family is in town, so she's been with them the past couple of days. Her parents are now satisfied, with our relationship, because she kept her grades up. 

I look at myself, one last time, before heading downstairs. "I see you looking good for your girl." Jerrod says. Trish is graduating as well, so he's coming along. I'm not gonna lie, I'm surprised they've lasted this long. Rod's just as much as a hoe as I was. "You too, boy!" I dap him up. "You know how I do." He laughs. I grab my keys and head out, to Chauncey's car. There's no doubt that people will notice me being there, so I don't want to take the chance of driving. "Looking good, gentlemen." Chauncey says. "Thanks, man." We both shake his hand. He's taking us to Serenity's dorm, so we can meet the family first. 

We get to her dorm and I see her and some family members, outside. Of course she's still taking pictures. "You ready?" Jerrod asks. "As ready as I'll ever be." We step out of the car and everyone looks my way. Thankfully, it's all smiles, especially Serenity. She rushes over to me and I'm in awe. "God, you are beautiful." I say and kiss her forehead. "Thanks, babe." She smiles. "Hey, Jerrod." "Hey, Congrats, girl." Jerrod says. "Thank you!" She grabs my hand and leads me to her family. "Everyone, this is Trey. Trey, this is my mom, dad, two of my grandparents and two of my cousins. Everyone else is on the way." She says and points to everyone. "It's nice to meet all of you." I say. "And this is Jerrod, Trish's friend." She winks, making us laugh. "How y'all doing?" Jerrod asks. "It's nice to meet the both of you. We've heard a lot about you." Her mom says. "Yea, maybe a little too much." Her grandfather teases. "I'm sure my mom thinks the same thing." I joke. 

We all mingle and take pictures, for a little while, before it's time to head to the stadium. A few students have already tried to interrupt us, by asking me for pics. I nicely told them that today is a special day and all the attention is for the graduates. Some could respect that but not all of them. Who cares? It's all about Serenity, right now. We all get into our cars and drive to the stadium. I try my best to not be seen, while walking in.  It'll be a little easier, once we actually sit down and the ceremony starts. People won't be rude and ask for pictures and what not. 

The ceremony finally starts and the lights are dimmed a little. Thankfully, we got there early enough, to get seats in the second and third row, near Serenity. We all listen to the speeches and guests, awaiting Serenity's name. Her major is like the third section, so it doesn't take long for her to get ready, to walk across that stage. "Serenity Aaliyah Meyers." The announcer says. All 17 of us stand up and cheer as loud as possible, including some others, scattered around. We're so proud of her. For a second, I wish I was down there, with all of the teachers, but it wasn't meant to be.

After an hour of calling names, they were finally done and moving their tassels, to the left side. "I'd like to make one last statement, before I let everyone go." The new president, of the college says. "Last semester, this school took a big blow, with the whole scandal." Ah hell. What is he doing? "I want to let each and every one of you know that I am SO proud of you, for staying focused. You could've lost your faith in this college but you didn't. I want to take this time out to present a special award, from the new Board of Directors, to someone. We call it, the Good Faith Award. We want this to become a consistent award, after this ceremony. It will go to someone or more, who has gone through trials and tribulations but stayed focus on their goals. Today, this award goes to Ms. Serenity Meyers and Ms. Trisha Hart." 

The crowd goes crazy and they get a standing ovation. I can see that she's so overwhelmed, with happiness, that she's crying. The crowd keeps cheering, until they get on stage. "We present this award to you, Serenity and Trisha, for helping the school realize that we were in need of a better board. We appreciate you both continuing to focus on school, with everything that you've been through. Do you have any words?" He asks. "I just want  to thank any and everyone, who's supported me and my decisions, here at school." Trish says. Then, Serenity takes the mic. "First of all, I have to thank God, for guiding me through my entire journey. I want to thank my family and friends, for their continuous support and last but not least, I'd like to thank Mr. Neverson. I know he's been through a lot, because of this situation as well but he still stuck it out, for the entire semester. To that, I am thankful." Surprisingly, the crowd cheers and begin to notice me. I stand and give the "thank you" nod. I blow a kiss, to Serenity, which I know will cause some talk.


We enter a fancy restaurant, for Serenity and Trish's celebration dinner. We're in a private room that seats all 30 of us, comfortably. Instead of ordering separate things, her parents had them set it up like a catering event. There's plenty of options and ya boy is hungry! Before getting our food, a few people make some toasts. "I'm so proud of you, baby." Serenity's mom says. "This has been a long road but you stuck to it. You have two degrees, now and that's beautiful. You can have the world, baby." Serenity's been crying on and off, tonight. I know she's proud of herself. "Anyone else want to say something?" Her dad looks my way. Kevin is sitting next to me and he taps my arm. "I think I should say something." I stand. "First, Ren, I am so proud of you. Your dedication to your work, is unmatched." I say, making her laugh. "It could have easily broken you, all that drama but you're such a strong woman. I admire you, I do. I knew that from day 1 of classes. By the way, y'all she definitely told me she didn't  care for me, in front of the entire class." Everyone laughs. "Serenity." Her mom playfully hits her. "I said it nicely." "She did and from that moment, I knew I needed her in my life. Mr and Mrs. Meyers, you've done a fantastic job raising your daughter. I need to thank you, for bringing her into this world and soon accepting me, into your world." "You're welcome." Her grandfather jumps in. Everyone cheers, as Serenity makes her way to me. We share a tasteful kiss, before we get to enjoy our food. 

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