Already Taken

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We finish chilling, at the lounge, after I finally get these women out of my head. Jazz texted me on some BS but I didn't even bother to respond. I just blocked her. If she texts me from another number, I'll have to change my number, for sure. We all make sure that no one follows us, as we leave the lounge. It's only 2ish, but I'm ready to be home alone. Well, I'd rather not be alone but that's the only option I have. We drop Jerrod and Peanut off and head to my house. 


Instead of partying all weekend, I just looked over my lesson plans, for this week. This is more important than upholding my old lifestyle. Hell, I'm pretty sure I would've ran into Jazz again. I blocked her but that won't stop her from showing up to wherever I am. It's annoying. I shake my head, at the thought of her, while the first few students trickle in. I anxiously wait for Serenity to walk in. I've been thinking about her, after seeing her at the club. I tried getting her out of my mind, along with Jazz but I can't shake her. But, as if to ruin my morning, Taj walks in. "Mr. Anderson." I nod his way. "Mr. Neverson," he answers. To my surprise, he says with a bit of an attitude, before taking his seat. I'm not sure what that was about, but I can't dwell on it, much longer. 

I teach my lesson, as a professional should. I've dreamed of this very moment, for a long time and I can't let some young people alter it. Besides, I'm giving out my first real homework assignment. I've given them a few chapters, to read, last week. Today, they'll be going over chapter 3, in class and 4 over night. We'll discuss chapter 5, in class, on Wednesday, and review, before Friday's quiz. I've gone over the style of my test, multiple times. I don't want it to be too hard but I definitely don't want it to be too easy. 

"Okay, so I'll end it here, for today. Wednesday, we'll go over chapter 5 and then review, for the quiz," I start. "Please review all five chapters, before Friday. I will not be curving any grades or allowing anyone to have any makeups. Well, only for emergencies. Does anybody have any questions?" "Yea, when's the cut off, for dropping a class?" Taj asks. It makes most of the class laugh. Serenity glares at him. Seriously, what does she see in him? "You might wanna drop the class, before the quiz. Save yourself some embarrassment." I clap back. A wave of "damns" roll over the class. The clock strikes 10:50, in perfect timing. "See y'all Wednesday." I say, before returning to my desk. Most of the students leave.

"What the hell was that?!" Serenity whisper yells, at Taj. "I was just making a joke but ol' boy wanna take shit personal," he says loud enough for me to hear. "I ain't ol' boy. I'm your professor. If you wanna act a clown in my class, it's only right I treat you like one. Nothing personal about it." I stand up, from my desk. "I think it is a lil personal since my homeboy gave me word that y'all was all up on each other, at the club, the other night." His words shock me and Serenity both. Not only was this a lie but this was a lie, told in front of a few other students. "What the fuck, Taj?!" Serenity yells. "You got people spying on me, now?" "Man, gone somewhere with that. It wasn't even like that but now I see that it needs to be!" Taj yells back. "You know I'm not out here all up on anybody but you. We been together, all this time, and you never distrusted me." "You didn't have Trey Songz, as your teacher," Taj says, while grabbing his bag, to leave. 

Serenity stands there, for a second, before speaking. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Neverson. I don't know why his friends would even say something like that." "'s fine as long as this is the last I hear of this." I laugh a little, to ease the awkwardness. "I'm really sorry," she says, before heading out as well. The last few nosey ass students leave as well. If this gets out, I'm going to be in some deep shit. It's already against the rules, to have relations, with a student. It doesn't help that I'm Trey Songz, known for messing with hella women. They might think I tried taking advantage of her or that she was tryna make sure she gets good grades. This is all fucked up. 

I close my room door and ponder on what just took place. What if Taj is right? What if he knows how I feel about Serenity? I could've ignored his dumb ass question but I was ready to clap back. I should've known something was up, from the moment he walked in. I should've never acknowledged him, first. So much shit I wish I could do over. Damn. My phone rings, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Hey mumma," I answer. "Hey, baby, how was your class, today?" She just don't know what she's about to hear.

I tell her all of what went down, even the whole club situation. "Wow, that is a lot," she says. "Now, I know you would never lie to me so I believe you when you say you didn't make a move on her." "Thank you, Mumma." "BUT do you like this girl?" Her question throws me off. How do I answer this. I never lie to my mom but I don't want to admit I'm attracted to Serenity. "I take it, by your silence, that you do like this girl. Tremaine, you went through hell to get here. The last thing you need is more drama. They will be quick to fire you. Is she worth it?" I don't even know how to answer that either. The easy answer should be "no", because she's already taken, but I can't bring myself to say it. "Listen to me, do NOT throw away all of your hard work, for anyone or anything. This semester ends in December. You better wait until then," she says, making a point. "You're right. I worked way too hard, to let it be thrown away by some girl." "That's my boy."

I gather all of my things and head to my car. I don't feel like cooking nor do I feel like going out somewhere. I drop my things, in my car and head to the cafe. I'm sure I can get a lil sumn from there. I enter the cafe and show the host my professor's badge. Part of our contract is free meals, from the cafe. Now for the restaurants, on campus, we have to pay.  I grab a plate and stand in line. They have wings and fries, today and that's just what I'll go for. The lady smiles extra hard, as I walk up. "Hey, how you doing?" I ask. "You have made my day. I heard you worked here but I couldn't believe until now," she says. "What would you like?" "Well I'm happy to make your day. You can make my day with some hot wings and fries." I laugh. "Of course!" She piles about 8 wings and a mountain of fries, on my plate. That's way more than what she gave the person in front of me. "Thank you. You have a good day," I say. "You too!"

I smile and head to the dessert area. There's cakes, cookies, brownies and ice cream. Lord knows, I need to hit the gym this week. I've been so busy that I only worked out once, this weekend. I go ahead and grab two cookies and a brownie, anyway. I scan the cafe, for a secluded table or booth. I unfortunately see Taj, with a group of guys. Of course, they're all looking at me. The Trey Songz in me smirked. I couldn't help it. I didn't even stand there long enough, to see his reaction. I just find me a table, in the back and chow down. I didn't make the situation any better. 

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