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I get to campus just as early as I did on Monday. I'm really just hoping that my social media posts and my emails helped me out some. As if I'm in an elementary class room, I post classroom rules on the far right side of the dry erase board. I even added them to my syllabus because I feel like without them, things won't change.

"NO pictures, without my consent," I hear a familiar voice say reading what I write on the board. I turn around to the door and I see Jerrod standing there with his infamous McDonald's breakfast. "Ay, man! What's up?" I say while walk over to dap him up. I'm actually kinda glad he's here cuz it might take the edge of the situation. "Day two of this. Ion even know if I'm ready." "Well you ain't got much time to think about it. Don't ya class start in bout 25?" Jerrod says, while taking a seat in the far back right corner. I completely lost track of time because it was just nine o'clock.

Five minutes pass and the first student walks into class. It's a tall, dark skinned girl with kinda like an athletic look. She has on a school t-shirt, sweat pants and tennis shoes. She smiles but it's like a scared or confused smile. "Hey, I'm Professor Neverson. Here's the syllabus and you can sit where you want." I say hoping this isn't a repeat of Monday. "Um..okay," she says. "So like you really my teacher?" I laugh because it's slick a relief that she's confused like this. "Yes, I'm really your teacher," I answer while handing her a syllabus. "Just as long as you're supposed to be here." She shakes her head still confused and takes a seat in the second row.

Groups and groups of students walk in either trying to sneak a picture or video, screaming, jumping, just complete chaos. Chaos but it wasn't too much to bring much outside attention. I guess they were too excited to be completely quiet but they also didn't want to risk class being cancelled. "This bout to be one hell of a class, bruh," a male student says to two of his homeboys. I ain't gone lie, I'm slick prejudging him. He walks like he's the cool kid of his crew, wears the clothes they think is most popular, and talks like the typical Atlanta dude. I ignore it and hand him a syllabus though.

10 o'clock hits so I head for the door to close it. It's only a 50 minute class and I kinda wanted these first two days for the students and I to get better acquainted. As I'm closing the door, I hear a female voice. "Wait!" I can tell that for her voice, that was considered yelling but her voice was so soft and sweet. In walks a beautiful dark skinned beauty with dark brown, long, naturally curly hair. I mean this girl is gorgeous. I can't take my eyes off her. Damn, Trey, she's a student and the last thing you need is another problem to get you kicked out. "Ahem. Alright, take your seat," I say to her. "Next time, try to get here before ten." She smiles nervously and walks to an open seat in the back.

I walk over to my desk and take a seat on the front end. "Okay, class as most of you, if not all of you may know, I am Trey Songz," I begin. "Well actually, in this class, I won't be referred to as such. My name to you all will be Professor or Mr. Neverson." I say this is stern yet friendly voice. "I'm sure some of you may have questions and concerns but to be honest, I have a few of my own." I laugh. Some of the students laugh as well, lightening up the mood even more. Maybe this won't be too bad.

"First thing's first though, I'll introduce myself and my reasoning for being here," I stand up and walk back and forth across the front of the room while speaking. "Then, I will do a roll call and with that, each student will tell me a little about themselves. Got it?" A mutual "Yes" spreads across the room.

"Alright so I am Tremaine Nervson..." I start. As I'm speaking, I am interrupted by a female student. "Aldon. You forgot Aldon," she says as if she's going to win a prize for knowing my middle name. Some students laugh while others roll their eyes. I slick roll my own "Thank you for that I guess," I say. "In this class, my name or birthday or any other fact you may know or think you know about me, isn't important or going to help you pass this class. I'm not going to show any favoritism to a fan." The girl stops smiling. I smile to reassure her that I'm not being an ass, but I mean it though.

I give them a little bit more about me and the reason as to why I'm even their professor right now. "Math has always been my passion since grade school," I say. "However, the easier route was to sing. I did it pretty well and I could get easy money from it. Everybody knows professors don't make that much money." The students laugh and I laugh along. "I'm Jerrod, his best friend, just in case y'all were wondering!" Jerrod shouts out from the back. "Aye man I was gone get to you," I laugh. "But since he wants to be seen, that child back there is my boy, Jerrod. Been friends forever and he's actually more like a brother." "That's right so I'ma be your second teacher." He says with the creepiest face ever. "That is incorrect. After today, he won't be allowed back in my classroom." I laugh.

I head to my desk to review the roll. "When I call your name, tell me your classification, major, and something interesting about you." I say. Everyone nods in agreement. As I go down the list, I can't help but wonder what that beautiful girl's name is. I tune all the students out waiting and hoping for me to call her name. After I call the 13th name, I finally get to her. "Serenity Meyers?" I say. She stands up and smiles while pushing a portion of her hair behind her left ear. She seems so innocent. "Hey, everyone. My name is Serenity Meyers, I am a junior and a communication major," she starts. "Okay, what's an interesting fact about you?" I ask. I genuinely want to know. "I am not a super crazy fan of Trey Songz." Her words sting me. It doesn't hurt, it actually makes me interested. Like I can't believe she was bold enough to say that to me. The class gasps and some students hold their mouths open. She stands there staring at me, innocent but tempting like she knows what she's done. "Okay, Ms. Serenity Meyers, better make sure you come to class before 10 next time," I joke. She laughs and the class is still kinda torn about what just happened. I'm not sure what kinda of feeling I'm having right now. It's kinda unusual...

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