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I walk to the counselor's office, with my head held as low as possible. I'm so pissed, right now, I could really strangle the shit out of Taj. I want that nigga out of my class, if they still let me teach. I pass the front desk and head straight, for Mrs. Charm's office. No need to wait in the waiting room. I knock on her door and she says "come in!" She lets out a huge sigh and stares at me, for a while. "I'm only going to ask you this once. Do not lie to me." She starts. "Is it true?" I set my bags on the floor and take a seat, in the chair. "The events happened, but none of it is how he's making it seem." She sits, on the edge of her desk and shake her head, in disappointment. "Well explain to me what happened because right now, you are two seconds away, from jobless." "I didn't plan to see them at the restaurant. I didn't know she would be at the club. We just crossed paths and spoke. No hugging or any kind of touching was done. We didn't even talk to each other for longer than 30 seconds." "Umhm?" She says, as in "go on". "When he made that stupid comment, in my class, I just wanted to let him know I'm not one to play with. I'm very serious about this and the last thing I wanted was a class clown."

"Okay and what about today?" She folds her arms. I get the feeling that she doesn't believe. I may be wasting my breath here. "I held a study session, after class, to review for Friday's test. Not everyone could stay. Once I was done, I went to the library, ALONE. She must've seen me, walking by the door and she stopped in. I wouldn't have denied any of my students, if they came to me, for help, even if it was after class. I've wanted this for so long, Layla. I'm doing everything, to make it happen." She stares at me again. She gets up and walks behind her desk. She picks up a voice recorder and I assume turns it off. "You recorded me?" I ask, while standing up. "I did. They knew that you would be honest, with me, so they asked me to record you." I shake my head, in disbelief. "I believe you but you're going to have to make the Board of Directors believe you, as well. This recording, is just for knowledge. They can't use it against you but hopefully it can work, to your advantage." I have no words.

They want to have a hearing, next week but until then, you have to cancel class." "What?! Their test is Friday. I can't postpone it. It'll throw everything off." "I'm sorry but they don't want you on campus, until this is resolved." I sit in my thoughts, for a moment. "What about the lab? Does anyone have the testing lab, Friday at 10?" I ask. It's mainly used, for foreign language testing, midterms and finals but it's available all year. "Let me look." She scrolls through her computer. "You are way too damn lucky, Tremaine. It's available." "Bet. I'm going to reserve it, right now." I pull out my Macbook and reserve the room. She watches me but I'm too into what I'm doing. I upload the test and make it only available at 10AM and ends at 10:50. There's a monitor, in the room, at all times, so there's no way they can cheat. The screen doesn't even let them open up a new browser, once the test is started. I love it.

I finish what I'm doing and pack up my things. "Thanks, Layla. I appreciate you." I say. "I mean, Mrs. Charm." "You can call me Layla but only if you call me." She says. It takes me a minute, to realize what she means. "Uhhh." "I could use a friend and obviously you can too. You're going to be home for the next four days, so you should hit me up. We could grab a drink. It'll either be celebratory or to drown your sorrows away." I laugh a little. "You got jokes, huh? Alright but you're buying." I say. "I got you." She smiles. Damn devil in a dress. I shake my head and leave her office. Going out with her is probably the last thing I need to do. 

I get into my car and pull Serenity's number out of my pocket. I can't call her, with my cell phone. I purposely bought another phone, for school, so students can call me, after class or even on weekends. I haven't turned it on yet but I guess I should now. I turn it on and dial her number. "Hello?" She answers. "Hey, Serenity, it's Trey...I mean Mr. Neverson." Keep it professional Trey. "Hey! How'd it  go?" She asks genuinely. "Not too good, to be honest. I'm banned from campus, until Monday. There's  going to be a hearing." "Damn it. I just checked my email. They want Taj and I, to be there. They made sure it was during a time, we both didn't have class. Smart." She sighs. "Taj won't answer any of my calls or texts. He's being a female, right now and it's pissing me off. There was hope for us to get back together but he's ruining it now." "And you're sure he's never acted this way, before?" I ask. "I promise you he hasn't. I just don't understand."


"Case 148-16 J, Georgia State vs. Tremaine Neverson, is now in session." Judge Mason states. It's not an official court but it's the equivalent, for school. "Mr. Neverson, you've been accused of purposely failing Mr. Taj Anderson, for the sole purpose of, and I quote, stealing his girl friend. How do you plea?" This is so embarrassing. "Not guilty, your honor." I answer. Taj makes a sound and his counselor shushes him. They give us school counselors, acting like attorneys, to help us out. Mine just happened to be late. "Mr. Caine, why are you late?" Judge Mason asks, with understood annoyance. "Sorry, your honor, I've received new evidence, to help my client. The police department said they contacted your office." He says, out of breath. The judge's counselor says something, in his ear. "Counselors approach." The judge says.

They whisper amongst themselves, before returning, to their podiums. "Given this new evidence, I have choice but to drop the case against Mr. Neverson." Judge Mason says, shocking us all. "What evidence? I gave y'all all the evidence you needed!" Taj yells. "Young man, you need to lower your voice." The board of directors whisper to one another. "Mr. Anderson, you posted this video, on your Instagram story. Excuse the language." The judge plugs in the flash drive and plays the video. We see and hear Taj talk about me. "That nigga Trey Songz took that Mr. Steal your girl shit too far. You wanna fuck with me? I'm bout to end your entire career, my nigga." "Bruh ain't even did shit, for real." His friend laughs. "I don't care. I'm bout to make all this shit up! Fuck he though? Serenity is mine!" I look back, at Serenity and she is almost in tears. I don't think she's sad, she's pissed. Taj just sits there, dumbfounded, as the video continues.

Once the video ends, no one speaks. "Mr. Anderson, this man has worked very hard, to get to this point. What on earth made you think that you'd get away, with this?" Judge Mason asks. "Man, that was supposed to be for close friends." He says, lowly. Dumb ass. Somebody must've screen recorded it. I guess they're not as close as he thought. "Your honor, I request that Mr. Anderson is removed from Mr. Neverson's class, on the grounds of defamation. I know his other social media accounts are present, for evidence but I assure you, there's plenty." Mr. Caine says. "I couldn't agree more." The judge answers. "Mr. Anderson, you will receive a WF, for this course, even though we are still in the grace period, for dropping classes. You may retake the class, with another professor, next semester." "Are you serious right now?!" "You better be glad I didn't suspend you altogether. Now this court is adjourned."  I smile and thank God over and over. I look over at Serenity and she is giving Taj the death glare. 

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