Wonder Woman

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I drove home, in silence. I drowned myself, in deep and negative thoughts. This job can be easily taken away, from me yet I let some kid get to me. I pull into my garage and sit for a while. I just hope that this never gets past Taj's friends. After today, I'm going to relax. I'm not letting Serenity get in my head or Taj. Fuck them kids. I laugh at myself and get out of the car. I can hear Kane barking, like crazy. It hasn't even been that long. I don't leave him out but I bought a customized dog house and cage, for him. He's living just as well as me. That shit costed me about $3,000.

I let him out, to go outside. I'm making it a habit of taking him out, after work and then falling asleep, on my hammock. It's way too comfortable. Before I can even sit down, Kane is back and jumping on my leg. "I guess it's not nap time." I say to him. I decide to play around, with him. It's such a nice day out, I might even go for a swim. In a matter of seconds, I'm imagining how Serenity would look, in a bathing suit. Damn. For this girl to diss me in front of my class, was way outta pocket but somehow I liked it. That way, if we ever dated, I'd be sure she'd be dating Tremaine and not Trey Songz. She could really be my Wonder Woman.

"Why am I still thinking about this girl?" I ask myself, out loud. "That's what I want to know," I hear, from behind me. My body immediately goes into defense mode. "Damn, Ru, you scared the shit out of me." After I calm down, I dap him up. "What are you even doing here? And I gave you that key, for emergencies, nigga." "This is an emergency! You out here risking it all, for a girl you barely know." "But you didn't know that, until today." "I was tryna surprise you, since it's been minute. Obviously, it's been too long. Somebody needs to talk some sense into you." "Man shut up." Kane jumps all over Ru, as if he was tired of playing with me. "Traitor." I whisper to Kane, as he and Ru run off. I shake my head and lay on my hammock. I guess I can take a nap.


It's quiz day and I'm nervous as hell. Thankfully Ru is here, to keep me calm. He's sitting in
"Jerrod's" seat, to help me monitor any possible cheaters. I watch, as the students pile in. Most of them look nervous. Of course, I'm waiting for Serenity to walk in. I'm also waiting for Taj, so I can ignore him. I just want this issue to die down, as quick as possible. I'm so nervous, I'm twiddling my fingers, while looking over the test. The review, on Wednesday, seemed to go okay but I know there were a feel people confused. Depending on how this test goes, I'll start offering tutoring, after class.

Serenity walks in and smiles. "Hey, Mr. Neverson. Are you ready?" She surprises me. "The better question is are YOU ready?" I laugh. "I think so." She answers. "How bad would that look, to fail the first quiz, especially when people know who our professor is, y'all?" She asks the class. I glance at Ru and I knew he knew that this is the girl that has me going crazy. He does a small nod and smirk, to agree with me that she is stunning. "I was literally thinking the same thing." Mariah says. A wave of conversation, rolls over the class. Im glad to see everyone in great spirits. It's odd that Taj isn't here yet, though. He hasn't dropped the class, to my knowledge. Serenity seems to be in her own world. I wonder what's up with that.

10 o'clock hits, so I head for the door. I want them to have the full 50 minutes, to take this quiz, although it should only take about 25. I close the door and before I turn around, someone bangs on the door. Taj. If I keep him out, he'll probably think it has something to do with Serenity. I told them on Wednesday that if they're late, they won't be allowed in. I also told them that they can't borrow a calculator, until after another student is done using it and I clear the history. These new calculators will have people sending messages.

In order to keep things cool, I open the door. "Thank you, Professor. Car troubles." Taj explains. "It's fine. Take your seat." I answer as polite as I possibly could. Serenity rolls her eyes. I take it they are still not on good terms. I grab the quizzes, off of my desk and pass them out, face down. "Alright everyone, you have until the end of this class, to finish this quiz." They turn over their tests and begin. I ended up making the test mostly multiple choice with a bonus short answer question. I think the questions are pretty reasonable. I gave them 26, because it's a quiz. For the test, they'll probably get around 36. They're gonna have to move quickly, with that one.

I sit at my desk and look at them, while they take the quiz. They're thinking hard. I notice Taj looking frustrated. I realize that he doesn't have a calculator. Now this, I can't help him with. He better hope that someone finishes pretty fast. We're about 10 minutes in, now and I know he hasn't answered anything, yet. I secretly text Ru, about Taj. I see him looking around, to find who I described. My boy is stressed lmao. He texts back. I try not to laugh too hard. I mean I really don't want to make an example out of him, when I discuss grades. Of course I won't say who got the grade but I definitely will discuss them.

Serenity finishes first and surprises me. I could tell that she knew what she was doing but I didn't think she'd be first. "It's nerve wrecking, being the first one done. Makes you think you didn't do well." She says, handing me her paper. "You sure you don't need more time?" I ask. "I'm positive." She answers, before heading for the door. She pauses, at the door, holding on to the doorknob. She comes back to my desk and sighs. "Can you clear my history, please?" She asks. She doesn't look particularly happy about it but I'm assuming she knows Taj is in distress. "Of course." I answer. I clear her history and hand it back to her. "Thanks." She pauses again, before walking over to Taj. "Oh my God, thank you." He whispers and gently grabs her hand. For a brief moment, she smiles. "You got it." She answers, before finally leaving. That actually makes me smile. She has a good heart.

10:50 comes around and the last few students scramble, to finish their quiz. "Alright guys, lets wrap it up." I stand , to say. Taj stands up and hands me his quiz. "Thanks, again." "Yea, no problem, man." I answer . Truth is, I'm eager to see if he's failed or not. I close the door, after everyone leaves. "I can't even blame you, bruh," Ru says, walking toward my desk. "She is bad." "I told you. Just simply beautiful, for no damn reason." "Is she smart?" "I guess I'm about to find out." I sit down, at my desk, and get ready to grade Serenity's quiz. The first ten answers are correct. This girl never ceases to amaze me. "Don't be cheating, for her, now." Ru jokes. "Shut up! She all the questions right, even the bonus. This is unbelievable." "Fine and smart. Sounds like a catch." "Yea, Taj's." "Well, you right about that. Don't go stealing this man's woman, now." "She don't want him, anyway!" I yell. "You don't even know that. She helped him finish his quiz." "Because she has a heart!" I shake my head and walk away, from the desk.

"Man, you gotta relax," Ru puts his hands up, like he's surrendering. "This is getting out of hand." "I know." I agree. I sigh and head back to my desk, to finish grading the tests. Ru phone rings, so he steps into the hall. It's sad to say that out of my 23 students, only 3 got A's, 7 got B's, 9 got C's and 4 got D's and F's. "Damn. I don't think I made the quiz that hard." I say out loud. Ru walks back in. "What's the verdict?" He asks. "Take my quiz." I hand him a blank quiz. He shakes his head but does it anyway. I wait 20 minutes , for him to finish. He's not the best at math but he's not dumb. If he can pass, I'll know my quiz wasn't too hard. "84." I say, when I finish grading. "It wasn't that bad but that short answer question was NOT getting answered." Ru laughs. "I'm gonna have to have this conversation, on Monday." "Good luck."

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