Made to Be Together

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I wake up, around eight, as if I wasn't just up a few hours ago. I can never sleep. I get up and check on Serenity. I knock lightly and I hear nothing. I crack open the door, a little and I see her laying there, sleeping beautifully. Not many can do that. "Just beautiful." I whisper. I close the door and head back to my room. I guess I can get ready and then make some breakfast. Hopefully she likes waffles and eggs because that's what I want to eat.

After getting ready, I warm up my waffle maker, as I make the batter. As I'm mixing, I get all kinds of ideas. I settle on making waffles, veggie and cheese omelettes, and sausage, with avocado, fruit and mimosas on the side. I play a little music and I dance along. I don't know why I'm so happy to do this. "I see why you sing and not dance." I hear Serenity say. I damn near jump out of my skin. "Sorry." She laughs. "I didn't hear you come down here." I say, catching my breath. "I'm a light walker." Her early morning smile makes my day. I don't even understand why. "What's the occasion?" She asks. Without even thinking, I say "You". Her eyes widen. "Sorry...I just meant...uh since you're here. You know?" I try catching myself.

She smiles shyly and comes into the kitchen and looks for plates. "The least I can do is set the table." I watch as she sets the table, being very careful. I could wake up to this, everyday. Focus Tremaine. She's your student. It could never work. Then it hit me. The semester is almost over so it wouldn't be wrong to date her. She has to actually want me though. Last night she said she wanted us to get to know each other but it didn't seem like more than friends. I'm thinking about this too much. "Hello?" Serenity knocks me out of my thoughts. "What's up?" I look over to her. "What's on your mind?" I think this time and I shouldn't say "you" again. I honestly froze. "Me?" She asks. I don't say anything. I turn off the last stove burner, as I finish everything. She walks over to me and stands in front of me. She's shorter than me, so she stood on her toes and kissed my cheek. She's so innocent. At that moment, I felt like a lil boy that got kissed by my crush.

We set the table in good silence. I smile occasionally, thinking of how her lips felt on my face. I'm wondering what they would feel like on my lips. "Thank you again. You didn't have to do any of this." She says, breaking the silence. "It's no problem. You've been so helpful. I know you think you're part of the problem but you're not. It's me. I know you see how I look at you. It'd make any boyfriend mad. Then messing around with Layla and Jazz was just bad business. It's all me." "Well, for what it's worth, I like you more now than when school started. You're not that overrated and you can cook." She says stuffing her face. If she was my girl. I'd lay her straight across this table, right now.

After a little talking and eating, it was sound 10:30. "If I don't study for these finals, I'll be screwed." She says, heading upstairs, for her things. Once she finishes getting ready, we head back to the police station, for my car. "Thanks a lot. I appreciate your hard work in my class and honestly as a person." I say, before getting out. She smiles with a sense of accomplishment.

It's the day of finals and to be honest, I'm glad. Jerrod is here, to once again, ease my anxiety. The board has been discussing the whole Layla situation for the past couple of weeks. I know they're going to fire me but what they don't know is that I'm just not going to renew my contract. Once they take their final, I'm going to stay in here and grade them right away. Once that's done, I should have their grades up by 12:45 and my "notice" on the President's desk by one. They get two hours, to do their finals.

Serenity gives me a beautiful smile and a wink, as she walks in. Damn she looks good. I already told her my plan, to resign. "Alright everyone, before we get started, I'd like to say a few words." I start. "Thank you all, for sticking it out with me. As I said on the first day of school, this has always been my dream. It was a crazy ride but we made it through. I really wish each and every one of you the best." "Are you going to teach next semester?" Mariah asks. I don't want to distract them by saying I'm leaving. I said I'd put my notice on the desk but I don't even know if I can. "Honestly, I'm not sure. You guys know everything that took place with a former student and the late Mrs. Charm, I'm sure. I just don't know if they'll want to keep me here. It was a lot for one semester." "Well I hope you do. Despite all the drama, you're really great, at what you do." The classes simultaneously agree.

After the small conversation, I pass out their tests. Jerrod is going to be my eyes, in the back of the class. As they take their tests, I just ponder about the past few months. I think about what I could have done differently. I came to the conclusion that my first mistake was being Trigga. I knew that shit was wild but I did it anyway. I can be mad at Jazz, Taj and even Layla but at the end of the day it's all MY fault. This could've all been avoided and my job wouldn't be in jeopardy.

An hour and a half passes and everyone has finished. "Boy I could feel the sweat dripping of them kids, man." Jerrod walks up to my desk. "Haha, man that's a big part of their grade. They better be sweating." I say. I graded their tests, as they brought it up, so I can get through it sooner. "You really ready to end it all?" "Nah I'm not but I'd rather leave, before they get rid of me. And to be honest, it made me lose interest a little. I don't know. Maybe it's just this school." "Maybe you can teach at another school." "Maybe but it wouldn't be like next semester. I'd have to have to apply and have meetings. I just don't know if it's worth it anymore."

He stays with me, while I finish grading. It's no surprise that Serenity got the highest grade. I'm glad she's a straight A student so there was no way they could say I gave her the good grades. I already told them that there was no curving on anything in this class. I didn't want to show favoritism in any kind of way. "That Damn Mariah." I say out loud. "What?" Jerrod asks. "She almost didn't pass my damn class. This final gave her a final grade of 72." "Damn. Well at least she passed." "That's exactly the kind of mentality that gets you nowhere." I laugh. "You see I didn't go back to school." Jerrod laughs.

I post all of the grades and begin packing up my things. Thankfully I didn't accumulate too much stuff. I hear a faint knock on the door. "Come in." I say. To my surprise, I see the very first person to ever see me, here. She fainted and almost caused me to lose my job before I even started. "I know it's probably long overdue but for what it's worth, I am so sorry about the first day of school." She says. "Oh it's okay. It's in the past." I lie. I was pissed that day. "No, it's not. I didn't even apologize and I dropped the class. Well I had to anyway but I should've said something and I'm sorry." "I appreciate you saying that." "I'm Aaliyah, by the way, Professor Neverson." She smiles. "Nice to meet you, Aaliyah." I smile back.  She smiles and leaves, without fainting. I let go of my breath.

I finish packing up around 12:30 and it's time. "Alright bro, I'll catch you later. Good luck." Jarrod says, before leaving. "Preciate you." I say back. I close my door and head for the president's office. When I get there, I see that his door is closed. He's probably with the board, meeting about me. It's okay because after today, they won't have to deal with me. I slide my notice into his Dropbox and head back out. I peek into Layla's desk and temporarily reminisce on what transpired. They hadn't moved anything, from her office but they've placed plenty of flowers.

I head back out the office and take the long way to my car. I'm going to miss being here though, to be honest. I really wanted this to work. "Trey!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and it's Serenity. "Hey, what's up?" I ask. We both start walking to my car. "Get in the car." She says. It was stern but sweet. "What?" I stop in my tracks. "Get. In. The. Car." She says again, but slower and even more stern.

Honestly, I do as I'm told and she gets in the passenger seat. Drive to the parking lot, behind the library." "Serenity, what's going on?" She just looks at me and I just drive. As soon as I get there and barely put the car in park, she gets out of the car. She walks over to my side and opens the door. She kisses me, hard, and this time on my lips. I've been waiting four months, for this moment and I can't believe it's finally here. Our kiss grows deeper and deeper and I have no intention on stopping. I could stay here, forever. "Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you're no longer my professor, before I did that." Serenity says, finally breaking the kiss. I am lost for words. "Woah." I say. I can't say anything else. "I didn't want to get to know you as a friend. I didn't want to go home that night. I didn't want to sleep in a separate room. I wanted you. I think I need you. Although we went through all that bullshit, it was for a purpose; for us to be more than teacher and student." I couldn't agree more with her. I sealed our thoughts with another hungry kiss.

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