Panty Droppa

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I touch down, in Virginia, for very much needed visit, to the family. "Nice of you to join us, Ru says, as he pulls up. "Don't start." I say. We do a dap that turns into a hug. "Aiden's been asking about you all week." "I miss my boy, man!" I treat my nephew like he's my own. I love that kid. It only takes about 20 minutes to get to my mom's house, from the airport and he's who I want to see, first. "Mama been worried about you too." Ru says. "Why?" I ask. "You been in the media too much and then you started back doing more appearances. She thinks you're trying to prove to the world that you're still Trey Songz." "Man, I am! I'm not a teacher anymore and I'm still single, so I can go back to my lifestyle." "I hear you but just be careful man. She's young and probably doesn't know what she wants, for real." "She's not that young. She's 24." "That's young!" Ru yells, making me laugh. "Yea, I guess."

We pull up to the house and it's beautifully covered in snow.   I run toward the house, when I see Aiden, at the door. "It's cold, out here. You should be inside!" I say, as I pick him up. "I missed you!" He yells. "I missed you, too!" I walk him into the house. I can smell some good food cooking. "When you get a cold, don't be sad." My mom teases Aiden. He just laughs. I put him down, to hug my mom. "Mmm. My babies are both here, again. I am so happy." She kisses my cheek. "I'm happy to be here. Lord knows I need it." I say. "Yea, since you been acting up all over the world." My aunt says, throwing shade. "I didn't intend on that happening." I defend myself. "Serenity is a nice girl." "Mmhmm." She eyes me. "Well she shouldn't be in this mess, hun." My mom says. "I know but it's not our fault. If she was dating a real man, none of this would've happened." "And I suppose that real man is you, huh?" She smiles. "You know this." I laugh. "I just want you to be happy." "She makes me happy, ma, and it's genuine." "Okay. Well while I still have you, can I feed you?" "I'm always down for your food." I rub my stomach.


The week seemed to go by too fast. I would've stayed longer but I have a plan, for Valentine's Day. I know we're not together but after all we've been through, I think Serenity deserves a good one. "Welcome back." Serenity says, over the phone. "Thanks. I had way too much fun." "Your family seems so fun to be around. I love my family but they're always too serious." "You gotta come visit with me, one day." "I'd like that. I've never been to Virginia either." "What? Then you haven't lived!" I say making her laugh. "Do you want to come stay with me, this weekend?" I blurt out. I've missed her. "Sounds like somebody missed me." She laughs. "I really did. I can come get you, so you don't have to drive." "Mmmmm...okay. I'll pack a bag AND my homework." She makes sure she adds that. I always distract her. "I promise I will give you some homework time, Ms. Meyers." "Thank you, Mr. Neverson."

Within the hour, I make it over to Serenity's place. I texted her about five minutes ago but she didn't answer. I'm sure she's still trying to get ready. As I pull into a parking spot, near her dorm, I see why she hasn't responded. That nigga Taj is here. Now, I'm mad. He looks my way, as I get out of the car. "Oh you for real, Ren?! All that shit about nothing going on but this niggas is here, at your house!" Taj yells. He better calm down. It's dorms and I know people gone be looking. "Taj I am single. I can do what the hell I want. Don't you have a kid to worry about?" Serenity yells. That pisses him off. He raises his hand, to hit her but I step in, just in time. "You a real bitch, if you about to hit a female!" I yell. Students are starting to come outside. "Nigga get yo hands off me! This is between me and my girl!" "I'm not your girl, Taj! You ruined that!" Serenity grabs her bag, off of the floor and heads to my car. I push Taj away. "You real lucky." I glare at him. "Trigga would've handled that ass." I whisper to him, before walking away. I can see random flashes, so I know I'm being recorded. Fuck!

We drove to my house, silently. I've been watching my back, to make sure none of the students followed me. I notice some tears falling, from Serenity's face. "I'm sorry." I say. "It's not your fault. I just can't believe how crazy my life has gotten." She wipes her face. "I didn't see this coming." "Neither did I. I've gone through some crazy things but this is kinda up there. People just don't want to see us happy." "What did we do to deserve this?" "We've just been too nice to the wrong people." I say, as I pull into my garage. "I see."

She takes her things, into the guest room, per usual. She's been sleeping in my room but I think she thinks she can't stay in mine. "You know you can put your things in my room right?" I ask. "It's okay. When I do my homework, you should be nowhere in sight." She laughs. "Fine. What should we eat, for dinner?" I ask. "Can we have pizza and wings...and cheese sticks?" She laughs. "Damn, did you eat, while I was gone?" "I've really been craving them but I keep my unhealthy habits for the weekend, mostly." "I got you. Pizza Hut's not far. You want chicken and spinach for the pizza and mild wings?" She looks at me, shook. "So you DO listen, when I talk." "Shut up." I smile. I make the order, giving me pepperoni, for my half. "45 minutes to an hour." I say. "Kill me, now." She dramatically drops on the couch.

I walk over to her and lay next to her. I just want to make love to her all night. "What's on your mind?" She turns to me. Instead of answering, I crash my lips into hers. Within seconds, our clothes are coming off. Pizza is the last thing on her mind. I undress her, while looking directly in her eyes. "You are so bad." She smiles and shakes her head. "And I just wanna do bad things to you." I say deviously, as I grab her legs, to keep them open. Her moans, alone can make a nigga fall in love...

Our love making is interrupted by a call, from the gate. "Shit, the pizza." I'm upset. I rush to put clothes on, to meet the guy. I normally put on a low hate and a turtle neck, so I'm not recognized. I just hand him $50 and rush back in. "Thanks, man!" He calls, after me. "No problem!" I close the door, behind me and lay the food, on the counter. "Well the food's here." I say. "The only meal I'm concerned about right now, is the one standing in the kitchen." Serenity says, surprising me. "Oh yea?" I lick my lips, as I make my way back to her. We have unfinished business.  

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