Come Over

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Of course Layla had called again. I decide to ignore it. If it's important, she would've texted me by now. Ima let that be. I actually need a few things, so I might as well go inside. I throw on some shades, in this 60 degree weather and throw my beanie on. I throw my hoodie on, over my dress shirt. Ima regret that later but I'd rather not be noticed.

I grab a cart and look around, just to see what I may want. I just be buying shit and then still go out to eat. I always end up giving stuff away to my lil cousin. He got his own place now but he never denies help. I decide that I could use some shrimp tacos. I grab this Taco Bell tortilla pack. Before I could move to the cart, to head for the meat, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turn around. "Layla?" I question. Damn, now I can't avoid her. "Hey, I saw you and just thought I'd say hey. I know you have a lot going on so I figured I'd call." She says. "Yea, sorry about that. Just...yea a lot going on." "I understand. Please know that I'm here for you. I'm a counselor for a reason. Plus, my husband is away this weekend." She smiles and walks away. I know this woman isn't twitching this hard, right now. Come to think of it, why she even here, anyway? She should still be at work. But then again, it's around 12:30, so maybe she came to grab some lunch. I continue my shopping and head out.

The rest of the week goes by and I still haven't hit Tyrone back. Let me call him now. It's about to be the weekend, so it's better for me to do some investigating, from my house. "Yo Tyrone." I say. "What's up, man? You said a day." He says confused. "I know. I just wanted to make sure I laid low, if somebody following me, too." "Well I took it upon my hands, to continue digging. I can't let you go down like that. But it's up to you, if you want this information. It's more to it than I thought. I'll be here all day." I ponder for a bit but fuck it. "Yea, ima meet you at the spot, after my class." "Bet."

I teach the class, with all the damn drama on my mind. Serenity is back in class, but her mind isn't here. She better get right, for the quiz, next week. I'm not having it. She's my top student. "Okay So now let's talk about the next couple of weeks." I sit on the front side of my desk. "You got a quiz next week Monday and a test the following Friday. That way, after that, all you need to focus on is your final and your project. The project is due November 29. That's one week, before your final. Use your time wisely. Your final and this project takes up a large part of your grade. You've come too far, to slip up now."

Once my class is dismissed. I look over at Serenity. I had told her that I hadn't decided on what to do yet. I gave her a slight and unnoticeable nod, to reassure her that I'm handling things. She gives a small smile and nods back. After everyone leaves, I rush out, too. Last thing I need is Layla or even the president to find me. The board hasn't decided what they want to do. They don't want to give into he said she said, after the hearing. Thank God. But after I find out, what's going on, there won't be anymore of this.

I pull up to the spot and look for Tyrone. "Aight, so Monday, after you left, ol boy actually met with Jasmine again. We followed them and they met up with someone else. Another woman." He starts. "What?" He shows me a picture and yet again, my anger takes over me. "You know her?" Tyrone asks. "Man, that's Layla! The fucking counselor bruh!" "Wait what? What she got to do with it?" "Man she want me so bad but she a got husband! Why would she be doing this?" At that moment, it hit me as to how Jazmine and Taj know each other. "Layla has access to student information, like phone numbers. She must've called Taj and I left the Halloween part early; she must've stayed behind and talked to Jazmine. Wow."

I crunch up the pictures and walk around a bit. I'm so mad, I can't even think right now. "Damn you got a student and a counselor, nigga?" "I ain't fuck her! That's why she's doing this! And then she JUST saw me at Publix. She was acting all nice and shit, whole time tryna ruin my career." I don't know how I'd be able to prove this, without getting Tyrone involved. I can't tell anyone I had them followed. "Damn, man." I don't know what to do. "What you wanna do, man? You already know my words." Tyrone will have all three of them killed, with no remorse.

The old Trigga would've wanted to do the honors. I'm trying not to be that person anymore. Then it hit me. "Okay. Ima act like I don't know anything. I'm going to let Layla think that I want to come over for comfort. Ima let her set a time and I'll come earlier, on accident." I air quote. "She's going to be forced to continue getting ready and ima snoop around." "What if she doesn't need to get ready?" "Well, ima just have to put her to sleep." I smile deviously. Of course I wanted to have sex with her but never out of anger. I'll do what I got to do, to clear my name and Serenity's. She's too innocent, for all of this.

I text Layla right away. With the quickness, she responds. "It's set." I say to Tyrone. "Let me know if my boys need to be on stand by." We dap each other up and I head home. Layla wants to meet at 8, but I'm showing up at 7. That's got to mess her up a little bit. I pull into my driveway and look around. I have no idea if I'm being followed right now. I can't have random folks knowing where I live.

6:30 comes around and I'm ready to roll. I drive over, to her house, not sure what to expect. I ring the doorbell and it takes a while for her to answer. "What are you doing here?" She's clearly thrown off. "Uhhh, you said to come by." I answer, like I don't know what I'm doing. "Yea for 8." She awkwardly laughs. "Oh damn! I am so sorry. I don't know why I thought you said 7." I am truly an actor, at this point. "Should I just..." "No, it's fine. Come on in." She ushers me and closes the first door, on the right. Looks like that's her home office. Bet. She leads me into the living room. "I'm just gonna finish up some things and I'll be right back down."

She heads upstairs and I hear her close he room door. I look around the downstairs, trying not to make too much noise. I also try not to look too nosey, just in case she has cameras. I want it to look like I'm just curious and then I end up seeing some evidence. I make my way to her office and leave the light off. Her room is directly above, so I can hear her taking a shower. I'm going to have to most fast because I'm sure she won't take a super long one, now that I'm here. First thing I see is a sticky note, with Jasmine's number on it, stuck to her laptop. I take a picture. I rummage through some things but I don't find much.

Just as I hear the shower end, my eyes fixate on a school transcript. It's Taj's. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself. Along with it, is Taj's emails and even the picture from Juicy Crab. I take a picture and head back into the living room. I can hear her coming. "Sorry for the wait." She says, as she enters. I'm almost out of breath from walking so damn fast.

We talk about life and if she wasn't tryna ruin me, it could've been nice. She sat right next to me, in her short ass pajamas and I already know what she's on. I'm taking her up on that offer. Before I know, we're locking lips, on her couch. I pull off what little pajamas she had on, as she undresses me. I feel myself getting angry so I know she's about to get that work. Little does she know, it's not because I like her.

"Damn." I say, as I finally stood up. She wasn't easy, to put down. She's been putting in work. Maybe her husband isn't and that's why she's cheating. Either way, I'm here for one thing, to find out what she has planned. I throw my shirt back on and head upstairs. I'm sure her room has more information.

I was right. I find her camera and look at the pictures. "She's the one that took these?" I ask myself. "That's why they were meeting. She was showing them these pictures." Damn. I took pictures of the camera and the pictures. I put it back in place and I search some more. I feel on her bed and I feel something hard. I pull out a binder. I open it and I'm taken aback. There's a paper trail of everything from the moment I met Serenity. All the times I've seen her, the pictures, and even something worse: a plan of action. She planned on having sex with me and her getting pregnant. "This has got to be a joke." She was going to poke a hole in the condom and tell the police that I seduced her. I can't believe she actually has the poked condom in this damn binder. She's insane!

I take pictures of the whole folder. At this point, I don't care if I get caught. As long as she doesn't shoot me, I can hold her off and get away. I put the binder back and head back downstairs. On the way, I see a picture of her and her family. I forgot she even had kids. I wonder where they at now. Her husband looks familiar but it could be one of those faces. I peek around the corner and she's still knocked out. I grab my shoes and keys and head for the door. She don't know what's about to hit her.

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