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I spend hours at the police station, answering questions. I had called Serenity, on my regular phone and she came quickly. I haven't been able to process everything that just happened. I almost died, tonight. I thought I left the dangerous lifestyle behind but it was still following me around. Now, I know they won't let me stay for another semester. Quite frankly, I don't even think I want to. Serenity just keeps rubbing my back as a way of showing her condolences. I know I went there to set Layla up but I never wanted her dead. I also don't know what would've happened if I didn't set her up. The Butcher probably would've eventually killed me.

They finally let me know that I can leave. It's only after midnight but the events of tonight has me so drained. "I'll take you home, if you let me. We can get your car tomorrow." Serenity smiles. I feel like I can trust her. After all, she came running, when I called. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help." "I'm happy to." She smiles and we head out to her car. "You have a BMW?" I ask, when we get to her car. The parking lot lights allow me to see that it's a charcoal gray color. It's sexy as hell. "Yea, I do. A gift from my grandparents, when I got into college. They said they'll be buy me a house, next year, when I graduate." She smiles and unlocks the doors. "What do they do or did?" "Oddly enough, real estate." She gives a weak smile. The last thing I want to think about right now, is that.

When we get to my house, she looks at it, impressed. "Nice." She simply says. "Thanks." I reply. "Wanna see how I'm living?" I know it's late and she probably wants to go home but it doesn't hurt to ask. "Yea, why not?" She says. I smile and lead her into the house. We enter through the side door, by the garage. "I guess you really wanted to change your lifestyle huh?" She asks, looking around. "What you mean?" I ask. "This house is small, compared to your house in LA. I checked." She laughs. Her laugh brightens my entire day. "Yea I needed to. I wanted to just be least for a semester. Couldn't even do that." I start thinking about this entire semester and it saddens me. "You did everything you could, to change. Sometimes it takes longer than one little semester."

She comes and sits next to me, on my couch. "I wanted my mom to be proud of me, for more than just Trey Songz. She was so disappointed, when she found out about my Trigga lifestyle." I shake my head. "Yea about that. What happened tonight? I heard that one officer say that." Serenity asks. I really don't want her to look at me any differently but I don't want to lie to her either. "That's who I used to be, back when I was getting into shit." I started. "Behind my music lifestyle, I was still a part of a big drug ring and illegal gun selling." She widens her eyes but then stops, to let me continue. "Layla's husband was apparently secretly gay, before he met her and during a drug bust, his lover was killed. I was there and didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. The police didn't even know I was there. I just didn't want the rest of my boys to get caught. One thing I learned during that time was how to clean a crime scene. I left nothing for the police to find. Nothing. He hated me for all these years and used Layla, Jazz and Taj, to get back at me."

She stands up and walks around a little. If she didn't like me before, she probably hates me now. This isn't who Trey Songz portrays to be. I'm supposed to be a sex symbol for R&B really. After a while, she finally speaks. "Thank you, for telling me. I know that wasn't easy." I crack a small smile and sigh of relief. "I just feel like I can be honest with you because you don't care for who Trey Songz is." "But I do care of who Tremaine is. I really hope that after tonight, your problems, with your old life is over. All I have is Trish...and hopefully you. I know it's inappropriate but after all we've been through, I think it's only fair that we get to know the person that put us through so much shit." She laughs a little. I couldn't agree more.

We talk for a little while, before sleep creeps up on us. "I'm really tired. I think it's time for me to go." Serenity says, getting up from her spot on the couch. "You sure you okay to drive?" I ask. I'm genuinely concerned but I also wouldn't mind her staying here, with me. "Yea, I have to be. It's about a 35 min drive but it's okay. Just don't call me to go get your car at 8AM." She laughs. She makes all my pain go away. "You sure? I have five other bed rooms, that don't get any love. You can take one for the night." She ponders, for a moment. "I'm not tryna be a creep, I promise." I say. It makes her laugh. "Not even just a little?" She jokes. "Ehhh maybe a little." I joke back. We share a laugh that we both need. It's been a crazy day.

She agrees to stay and I couldn't be happier. She had brought clothes, just in case we stayed at the station all night. Smart. I gave her the room, closest to mine. I want to keep her as close as I can. "Some guest room. It's huge." She says, as she walks in. All of my rooms have attached bathrooms and walk in closets. I couldn't downgrade TOO much, now. "Haha. Thank you. The sheets haven't been used or any of the stuff in the bathroom, if you need anything." I say. "Thank you. I appreciate it." She settles in a little and I head to my room, to let her be.

I have hidden cameras set up, in every room and I'm reminded of that, when I enter my bedroom closet. There's a big computer screen with all of the camera feeds. I quickly disabled the feed in Serenity's room. My phone rings and it's Tyrone. "Trig man, I don't know how you did it but I know you did it." He says. "Boy you know I got you." I say. "Thankfully, I didn't shoot back, in that bust, so it was easy for them to take me off the list. They don't know all the other shit I done did but now I can be a regular profile criminal." He laughs. This nigga is stupid. "You a fool, boy. But yea, by Monday morning, they'll be making a press conference apologizing to you. Your face will be on the screen though." "Yea I figured that but it's all good. Nobody dumb enough to snitch on me. That's their own funeral." We laugh again. I'm just happy I could be off assistance. It's the least I could do.

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