I Almost Lose It

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*** 6 Months Later (November)***

Most of my family is gathered at my mom's house for Thanksgiving. I'm happy Serenity agreed to come and that her family was okay with her being away, for the first time. I explained why it was so important to me and they agreed. "Baby, check the mac & cheese for me, please." Mumma says. She's been cooking since 7AM, this morning and she will make sure everything is perfect. I check the oven and it looks perfect. "I think she's ready." I say, looking for the oven mitts, to take it out. I place the mac & cheese on the counter and catch Serenity playing with Aiden. My nephew loved her and she loved him. She thought she wasn't good with kids but she's proved otherwise.

3PM comes around and everything is finally ready. The tables are set and everything is on burners, to keep warm. "Okay, so who wants to say the prayer." My mom yells, getting everyone's attention. "Trey." Serenity nudged me. Funny thing is, I was actually going to offer to do it. Everyone laughs, as I pretend to clear my throat for speech. We all gather hands and I get serious. "Father God I come to you, today, to thank you for everything. I thank you for bringing my family together, here safely. I thank you  for the preparation of this food and I pray that it nourishes our bodies. Lastly, I thank you for all of the blessings you've brought upon us this year. You really looked out for me and my family. In your son Jesus' name, I pray. Amen." "Amen." Everyone says, together. "Aww that was beautiful." Serenity says to me. She just doesn't know she's the biggest blessing I've had all year.

We all eat and talk for about an hour, before it's time to make a toast. Every year, a few of us say a few words and we all toast, with apple cider. About 10 of my family members make some memorable speeches but I wanted to make the most memorable of them all. "Okay, so last but not least, Trey has a few words." Mumma says. "Here he go." My younger cousin Jasiah says, making everybody laugh. "You hush." I laugh. "I'd like to thank everyone for being here, because I know we all don't live close by and it can be a hassle. This is actually the biggest gathering we've had in a little while." I smile. "I'd like to thank y'all for allowing me to bring Serenity here, this time, as I know most of you haven't met her before." "It's all good, she's nice!" Aiden yells. We all laugh and Serenity blows him a kiss. "Serenity, I thank you for allowing me to be in your life, because I know it wasn't easy, for you." "In the words of Aiden, it's all good, you're nice." She says, making us all laugh again. "I hope you still feel this way, after today." I say, before stepping back a little. 

A look of worry crosses her face and I'm sure my face doesn't help. I've never been this nervous before. I've seen her almost every day, for the past 6 months, but TODAY, I am sweating. "I love you so much, Ren. I never knew I could love someone the way I love you." I begin. Her worried look turns into a smile and it eases my nervousness, a little. "I know this is the first time you're meeting most of my family but I hope that this is the only time they meet you as my girl friend." I dig into my pocket and pull out the secret my family and I have been holding, from her. I get down on one knee and at this point, she knows where I'm going with this. Tears form, in her eyes and she looks around to see that cameras are out and everyone is smiling. "Trey." She whines. "I love you much Serenity Meyers. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, so far and I've never been happier. But I'd be the luckiest man alive, if you would do the honors of becoming my wife." Her tears fall, as she covers her mouth, with both hands. "Will you marry me?" I ask. 

Without hesitation she yells "Yes!". The entire room cheers, as I place the ring on her finger. We have our first kiss, as an engaged couple. "I love you, Tremaine." She says and smiles, as I hold her close. "My baby is getting married!" Someone yells. Serenity recognizes the voice and quickly turns around. "Mama!" She yells and runs over to her. Of course I wanted her family to witness this, so I flew her parents, grandparents and Trish here, to Virginia yesterday. Ru snuck them in, about 10 minutes ago, before the toast. She hugged them all, as she cried uncontrollably. I let out a sigh of relief. I finally met the woman on my dreams...

***Author's Note***

Thank you for reading this story! I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it. Of course I can't leave you all hanging, so there WILL be a sequel, coming soon. You have to see how Trey and Serenity deals with the married life. Be back soon!!

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