Dead Wrong

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As soon as I get home, I call Serenity, from my work phone. "Hey, it's late." She laughs. I didn't even think about that. "Oh wow. I'm sorry." I say, ready to hang up. "Haha, it's okay. I just figured you'd call earlier, with some news." "I just...uhh...I just got the information." I can't tell her I had sex with Layla. "So apparently both of our exes met up, to plot against me." "What?! What are they trying to do? Why are they being such children? People break up all the time. Get over it." "Well, there's a little more to it. Mrs. Charm is in on it too." "Wait what? Why? She's married isn't she? I mean I know y'all was tryna tongue each other down, at the party but why go to this extreme?" "So, for whatever reason, she thought that she could trap me, by getting her pregnant. She would then say that I forced myself on her, while we were discussing the whole situation. Then the other two idiots could get their satisfaction by saying I'm still out here hoeing and that's where you come in. Layla wants to make it seem like I failed Taj, to be with you." 

"What the entire fuck?" Serenity says, shocking me. "Sorry. This is just insane. Like how did she expect you to fall for that? And even if y'all did have sex, wouldn't you use a condom?" "She had one poked and ready for me. I saw everything. I got pictures as proof." "Wow. Wait how did you get this information?" I don't want to lie to her. "I went to her house yesterday and while she was getting ready, I snooped around." "Mmm. Okay. Well how was the visit?" She asks slowly. I feel like I know where she's going with this. "Like, would she have been successful at her plan of getting pregnant or?" "Serenity." I lower my head. If she could see the guilt on my face. "It's fine. Just...asking." She pauses. "So what are going to do with this information?" She asks. "I didn't get all of the information, when she was getting ready. I needed more time so..." I started. "You don't have to explain. It's not my business and I shouldn't have asked." 

I wish I was telling this to her face. I'd make sure she knew it was her that I wanted. If anything happens and the police gets my phone, I'd rather them not have proof of me confessing my love for her. "I think I should bring this to the board or maybe the police but  I don't know how. I don't want them to think that I either planted this stuff or that it's he say she say and not even look into it." "Well why don't you tell the police, first. Tell them, you can get her to admit to the things that she was doing, by going to the police. She won't know that you already went to them and they're listening in." "That sounds like a good plan but do we really want all of them to go to jail? I just want my name cleared, for my job. They're probably not going to let me work another semester, even after proving I was innocent." "You're probably right but it doesn't hurt to try. I can go with you. I'm part of the problem." "Okay. What about tomorrow?" "Let's do this. 


"So you had sex with her, to get information? Why didn't you just ask her?" The officer asked me.  He thinks this is a game. Serenity and I came in here, at the crack of dawn. I've explained everything to him and I feel like he's playing with me. I'll be sure to report Mr. Jackson."Do you really think she was going to tell me this? Then she would've gotten rid of the evidence." I'm trying to stay calm. "Can you at least look at the evidence he brought?" Layla asks. She made sure that I kept a copy, for myself and gave them another. The officer rolls his eyes and reluctantly take the folder. As he reads, he realizes that this isn't a game. "And you got this from her house?" He asks. "Yes. She has a whole binder on her bed, about their plan." "Wow." He sits back in his chair. "Wait a minute, this guy here, he looks familiar." He points at the picture I took, of the whole binder. I didn't realize there was a family picture, right there on her night stand. "What guy?" I lean forward. "Right here. Do you have the picture on your phone? Email it to me, so we can zoom in." I do as I'm told. "Pearson, I need you to run facial recognition on this guy." He phones someone.

Within seconds, a guy I assume to be Pearson, comes running in the office. "Sir, that's Omar Boucher!" He says. "I knew it!" Jackson yelled. "There's a warrant out for his arrest." "What?" Serenity says. She's as shocked as I am. "Who is he? Layla said her husband's name Maxwell Charm." I say. "He's no charm. Do you know where he is now?" "No, he's almost never home. He's always away on business." "Pearson search flight records for a Maxwell Charm. We need to get him custody NOW!" "I don't understand. Who is this man?" Serenity asks, slightly afraid. "We call him The Butcher. People hire him, to revenge kill someone who's betrayed them. There are over 20 cases, within the past 4 years but we could never find him. He cut off his hair and got colored contacts but this is our guy." "What does this mean for Layla? Does she know?" "I'm not sure but we're going to find out." "Tell them your plan." I say to Serenity. "What plan?" Jackson asks. Serenity tells him the plan and he actually agrees. 

"We'll get a wire set up, for you. Make plans, to see her today. Get her to talk about Omar and also her plan...but mostly Omar." Jackson says. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into, coming in here. "I'm not going to lie, it could be dangerous if either of them have any idea what you're doing. If there are any red flags, my task force will breach." "I don't know Trey this is not what you signed up for. If he butchers people, what if he comes after you when he finds out you got his wife arrested?" Serenity makes a good point. Do I want to go through all of this, just to save my work reputation? I think back about all of the hard work and I make my decision. "I'll do it." I say. Serenity looks at me with wide eyes. "I have ONE request." I say. "I'm listening." Jackson leans forward, onto his desk. "Reopen the murder investigation of Officer Watson." I say. He looks taken aback. 

A few years ago, when I was all about being Trigga, I was always into the wrong shit. Tyrone and a few others got set up during a drug deal. Nine cops came on the scene for four people. They didn't realize that I had taken a bathroom break and before I came back out, into the warehouse, a stand off was happening. My boys wasn't backing down but neither  was the police. I had grabbed my own gun, just in case some shit popped off and I'd need to use it. One officer, Mr. Watson got trigger happy and fired his gun. I watched it bounce off of the metal pipe, behind Tyrone. They assumed that Tyrone had fired his gun and shots started flying. Two of my boys were shot. Only one made it and was arrested. Tyrone was able to get away, with his wound but they put out a warrant, for his arrest. His name was Cain, back then. When the police left the scene, I got rid of all of my boys' DNA and took up all of the bullets. Word got out that the police were pissed and they had nothing else to identify anyone else. They stopped investigating and they haven't been as pressed to look for Tyrone. I have a video of the entire thing. 

"We can't just reopen a closed case. It's been 5 years and unless the shooter gives himself up, we have nothing else but who we arrested." "You have the shooter. It was officer Watson." I say as a matter of fact. "What? Watson didn't shoot at us." "No, he didn't but he eagerly started shooting and shot at a metal pipe. The shot that almost killed him was out of his own gun. I can prove it...but you have to take Cain off of the most wanted list." "Mr. Neverson..." "Sir, it's Boucher. He's a big fish and to be honest, Watson hasn't been the same since then." Pearson says, as he pulls Jackson to the side. I'm sure it's because he feels guilty. "I don't want to know how you got a hold of this information but if it pans out to be true, Cain will be off of the list." Serenity looks at me confused. When the time is right, if ever, I'm going to have to explain this to her. 

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