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Cain's throne room was a grim place of extreme contrasts. His citadel was constructed of jagged stone blocks and roughly carved timbers from the forests across the river. Massive timber columns held up the ceiling and let light fall harshly into the large and yet claustrophobic hall. The entrance was a thick timber door.

Opposite the room was Cain's raised wooden throne. Everything about the place looked harsh, with one notable exception: the women that flanked his throne were anything but unpleasant to look at. Clothed in flowing white, they wore little jewelry. Their faces were pale and natural, and their hair brushed simply and arranged with white ribbons.

Cain's aged and withered form sat dwarfed by his throne. The mark on his face, though distorted by new lines and wrinkles, was still distinct. The throne room door swung open. Cain looked up as Lamech strode in, Tubal close behind. Lamech looked worried.

"My lord, Tubal has just returned from the other side of the river, and I fear the news is not good," Lamech began. "Herab readies for war. He means to destroy us."
"He has tried to do so before," Cain said.
"But our city has grown since any previous attempts," Lamech said. "If he can manage to prevent us from collecting the tribute of food, the island will starve within a month!"
"You overestimate him," Cain droned. "No one is fool enough to defy me!"
"But one has!" Tubal interjected. Lamech turned, annoyed at the interruption from his son.
"Son, please!" Lamech said shortly. Cain stood, raising a hand to Lamech.
"Let him speak," Cain said. "Who do you speak of, son?"
"An old villager," Tubal said. "He sacrifices as you have forbidden."
"What was his name?" Cain asked.
"He said his name was Seth," Tubal replied. Cain grimaced. Lamech approached the throne.
"You see what is happening?" Lamech urged. "Even old Seth defies your word! We must teach them - all of them - a lesson they won't forget!" Cain slowly sat in his throne again, his hand clenching.
"Begin with Seth," said Cain. "And do not stop until Herab lies dead. Crush any who resist!"
Lamech and Tubal bowed and retreated.

At that moment, Azrael stood on the rocky hilltop overlooking the island. Cain's words echoed around him. He buried his head in his hands.
"Do you despair, Azrael?" A new voice spoke. Azrael looked up to see a resplendent archangel seated on a rock nearby.
"Gabriel!" Azrael said, his countenance lifting at seeing his old friend.
"We haven't seen you for a long time in the heavenly court," Gabriel said reprovingly.

"I haven't been able to leave them," Azrael replied. Gabriel was silent a moment, looking out over Nod.
"Your claim here is about to be challenged, my friend," Gabriel said solemnly. "The Cainites have embraced Cain's path of rebellion and selfishness. The blood of many innocents cries out to heaven to see justice done on them."
"I just need more time," Azrael said. "They will see the power and truth again, I know it!"
"And just how long must we wait for that day to come?" Gabriel replied. "I have to listen to the cries of the innocents confined to Sheol, deprived of life because of Cainite swords. Daily those cries grow louder and more numerous. Do you think the justice of God will be prolonged forever? There is only so much mercy he can extend." Gabriel stood.
"What is to come is by their own hand, Azrael," Gabriel said. "You have done your best to influence them toward good, but enough is enough. Their judgement is self-inflicted."
"How can I show my face in heaven then, having failed?" Azrael said quietly.
"The wager you made with that demon was not wise," Gabriel said. "But you have done all you could. Do not think that losing Nod means that our enemy has gained anything of significance, except the temporary right to brag." Gabriel spread his wings wide, and just before launching off the earth, he looked at Azrael with great compassion.
"I will welcome you myself to the gates when you come back. Return soon, Azrael."

Several valleys and mountaintops away, a demon raced towards Herab's fortress. The demon quickly found Moloch within.

"Master! The Cainites send forth their armies!" The demon hissed. Moloch grinned smugly as he surveyed the cavern before him: weapons piled by the thousands and blacksmiths adding more by the hour.
"The age of Cain is almost over," he said.

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