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Semyaza returned to his quarters in the citadel - patience running thin with mankind. Enoch had refused to recant his accusations against the angels. Semyaza had offered everything he could think of, threatened him with torture and death, promised to track down his father and kill him... nothing would make Enoch take back what he had said.

Semyaza knew why. His threats meant nothing once Azrael returned. There was no hiding his deception from Azrael now. Even if Enoch recanted his story, the city would not be convinced. And Azrael would quickly uncover the truth. Enoch would be the least of Semyaza's problems at that point.

There was nothing left to do but wait. 

He fell into a cushioned chair, exhausted. He hadn't slept for almost two days. His pursuit of Enoch had kept him awake all the previous night. He cursed his foolishness - they should have disposed of Cain. The old man knew the layout of the secret tunnels. Semyaza should have known he would be poking around and causing trouble, no doubt in some desperate plan to regain his throne.

Cain wanted Tubal on the throne. Semyaza knew why. He laughed to himself. If only Cain knew the truth! It didn't matter, Semyaza intended for Tubal to take the throne anyway. Cain didn't have to try to force it. 

Naamah did not compliment Semyaza's intentions for Nod's future, and until now, it had not hurt anyone to remain silent about his objections to Azrael's appointment. Tubal would sit on the throne, that was for certain. But the old man had to be dealt with somehow. Semyaza trembled a little at the thought. Cain was cursed. Whoever killed him would face a much more terrible fate in return. It was the only reason Cain still wheezed at all. 

A slave entered the room, placing a wineglass onto the table by his seat. She leaned in, placing a kiss on his forehead. He waved her away without a word. He was not in the mood tonight.

She left him, and the door closed behind her with a soft thump.

He raised the cup to his lips and drank deeply. As he drank, he felt the air in the room go cold. 

His skin tightened, and his hair stood on end. Something was in the room with him.

Slowly, he set the cup back on the table. 

"I've been expecting you." Semyaza said with a sly smile.

A growling sound replied from the shadows of the room. 

"I assume you have been informed more fully on the situation and your... role in our task here?" Semyaza said, his voice tinged with mockery. "Do you now know everything?"

Moloch appeared, a shadow of his usual ferocious self. 

"There was no need to keep me in the dark!" He snarled sullenly. 

"You shouldn't take it personally," Semyaza replied. "Be thankful you were chosen at all."

"Thankful?" Moloch spat. "All hell mocks me and pretends they knew all along. I've been made a laughingstock!"

"And soon you will have your opportunity to prove otherwise," Semyaza said.

"How so?" 

"You know of our problem today?" Semyaza asked.

"The Sethite? What of him?"

"I need your help to destroy him." Semyaza said.

"Why? Just burn him, crush him with rocks, or drop him in the river," Moloch replied, uninterested.

"You see, this is why you aren't told things until everyone else already knows," Semyaza chided.

"What do you mean?" Moloch barked.

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