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Caleb and his band of Edenites had been assigned to mining stone from the mountainside from the day that the angels arrived in Nod. In the weeks that followed, they kept their heads down, observing much and resisting the urge to make a break for the river and return to Eden.

Adam's vision had been fulfilled in a way they could never have hoped to dream for - messengers from heaven had indeed come to Nod and they had heard much of the angel's message. But there was a still another compelling reason they could not yet leave the island. This was a secret that had been kept from all others. They had not even told Seth.

Enoch had not seen them since he had escaped from the dungeons with Naamah. The few times he thought about them since, he had assumed they had managed to escape and return to Eden with the news of the angels' arrival.

After hearing Azrael's proposal that Enoch and Naamah could lead the Cainites after the angel's departure, Enoch had remained on the mountain summit a while longer after Azrael and Naamah had descended the mountain together to return to Nod. 

Now he walked down the zigzagging path as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. He jumped back in surprise as a dark figure lept off a rock and landed on the path in front of him. Then he recognized the young man in bewildered relief.

"Jehuda! What are you still doing in Nod! I thought you had managed to escape?"

"No, we've remained captives, here on the mountain slaving away to build Nod's wall."

"All of you?" Enoch asked. Then he realized that others had emerged from the twilight crawling over the mountain face. His question was answered as he looked around. All the Edenites had remained in Nod. Caleb stepped forward.

"We stayed to learn as much of the angel's message for mankind as possible," Caleb said. "But we chose not reveal ourselves. Nod still bears no love for Eden. We do not need that kind of attention in order to fulfill our mission here."

"So we chose back breaking labor as a cover," Jehuda said with a groan. Caleb ignored him.

"What did the angel want with you and the girl today?"

"It was..." Enoch stopped. He wasn't sure how to explain Azrael's proposal. A Sethite leading Nod? It was crazy. He decided to not share that point.

"Go on," Caleb encouraged. "We need as much information as we can to take their message back to our own people."

"The angels do not intend to be here long," Enoch continued. "They wish to set up a powerful force here in Nod and appoint leaders in their stead. These leaders would ensure that the world honored Heaven again."

"Ensure?" Caleb asked.

"They believe that is what we should be doing, not being content to believe and instruct those willing to hear, but that it is our duty for the faithful to preserve faith in the whole earth - by whatever means needed. Thus, the force being assembled and trained here."

The Edenites looked from one to another in dismay.

"I suppose the earth had it coming," Jehuda said solemnly. "How many times have we lamented the loss of faith and righteousness among Adam's descendants?" 

"And what of Eden?" Caleb pressed.

"They never speak of your people." Enoch said.

"What do you make of that?" Jehuda asked Caleb. "It doesn't seem like they even..."

"The angels have spoken," Caleb replied. "They are the messengers sent to fulfill the vision Adam had. Our mission is not to judge their message, but to relay it back to him."

"How will you manage to get out of Nod?"

"Getting free isn't the problem," Jehuda said.

"Then what is?" Enoch asked. 

"Enoch, can I ask you to do something for us?" Caleb's voice was low now.

"I can try."

"The angels have enemies. We need to know who."

"The Herabites?"

"No, a new enemy." Enoch looked confused.

"We're not sure who, or what we are looking for, but we know that with the coming of a messenger in Nod, a new enemy would arise to oppose that message. We cannot return to Nod until we know who this enemy is."

"Adam foresaw this as well?" Enoch asked, and Caleb nodded.

"You didn't tell us this," Enoch said.

"We did not feel it would be wise. The world needed to know of hope to come, not necessarily about a new enemy to fear. You are close to the angels each day. Watch and be wary, and let us know if you discover anything that might give us a clue to the identity of this enemy. The messenger must not be allowed to fall to this enemy! Will you do this for us?"

Enoch nodded and Caleb smiled gratefully.

"How is it that a Sethite comes to Nod in a prison wagon, and now is training with their warriors and a confidant of the messenger of God!"

"Not by choice," Enoch replied. "Once you told me that sometimes hope comes from places where we least expect it. But when the angels leave, I will also leave."

"When you leave Nod, will you take me with you? Nod is nothing to me. My place is with my father and grandfather, what is left of my village. I must return there."

Caleb nodded.

"When we go, you go."

As Enoch left them, Caleb turned to his men.

"One mystery left to uncover, and then we break these chains!"

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