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Moloch arrived. The statue was close to toppling over. The Cainites drew back from the statue in terror, screaming at Naamah to stop.

"Azrael! Stand down!" Moloch howled. "You've lost them to me."

"Not while she stands," Azrael replied. "Not while she believes." He gripped his sword and readied himself for the onslaught he knew was coming.

"Finish her!" Moloch shouted at his seething hosts, clutching desperately to the darkness they were hiding in. At first, not one demon moved.

"Or maybe you would rather spend the next century serving the lords of the deep," Moloch threatened. The demons left their hiding places, leaping gingerly back into the searing light and skimming the ground, wings outstretched.

But the demons did not head in Azrael's direction. Instead, they veered to the right and to the left, and winged their way through the trembling throngs of Cainites around the statue.

As they flew, they projected words of wrath and despair at the people gathered to pray to the statue. The people had been so shocked by the sight of Naamah's attack on their object of worship, they acted as if in a dream. Not one of them had thought to try to stop her.

Moloch knew why. Azrael's presence could still be felt in their hearts, especially with the power flowing through him right now. All Moloch had to do was counter that effect, but it had to be done quickly. Moloch could not imagine what might happen if the statue fell - they may listen to the girl. Their blinders may come off. They may fall on their knees and repent. Moloch could not let that happen. His masters would make him pay dearly for such a mistake.

Azrael was sure he had enough time. The statue was cracking, and the people were still not willing to rush into the energy flowing from the statue, even with Moloch's minions urging them into panicked action.

Then Zillah burst through the crowd, running for the statue. Moloch himself plowed through the crowd, parting them as Moses would part the Red Sea more than one thousands years in the future. Zillah ran in his wake, unaware a demon was assisting her - her eyes were for her daughter only. She had been within earshot of Cain's throne room when Cain had been notified that his statue was under attack. She had heard his words to the soldiers.

"Naamah! STOP!" She cried out. Sweat dripping from her face, Naamah looked up to see her mother running toward her. She held the hammer still as she answered. As the hammer stilled, Azrael could feel Naamah's resolve waver as the girl saw her mother's desperate face.

Azrael did not notice what she said when she replied to her mother. Moloch slammed into him at that moment. Although a lesser power, Moloch was furious and Azrael had already expended a lot of energy in the fight. Moloch's rage almost overcame Azrael's foothold at Naamah's side. Azrael threw him back with great effort, but Moloch's attack was just the beginning of the end for Azrael.

Cainite soldiers were coming, their feet hastened by swift demons and a wall of Cainites suddenly moving forward towards them - driven and prodded by the screams of ten thousand hellish fiends.

Zillah's rush forward had been the tipping point for the crowd. Now they were following on her heels, fear in their eyes - the fear of a fanatic who suddenly realizes his faith is crumbling under his feet.

"Fools! What are you doing! Naamah!" Azrael spoke. "Don't stop now..." Azrael raised his sword as the demons swarmed in again, and he shot bolts of glory into their dark winged mass, dropping them by the score. But more and more rose up to take their fallen comrades' places. Like a wave, they billowed higher and higher around the altar.

The light shining at the centre of a ring of darkness grew dim.

Then the wall of people crashed into the base of the altar and it shook. Naamah reached out as she began to lose her footing. The hammer fell.

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