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Quickly and silently, Cain led Enoch through the winding staircases and long halls of the citadel. Enoch's feeling of dread grew with every step, but there was no turning back now.

Entering the throne room, Cain stepped behind the throne and pressed on the stones in the floor in two places. To Enoch's surprise, the stone gave way without a sound. What looked to be a massive floor-stone, was actually a relatively thin trap door that revealed a narrow stairway. 

Cain stepped back, and motioned Enoch to descend into the darkness.

"What is this place?" Enoch asked.

"In the years past, I had many secret passages placed throughout the citadel. Their location and existence were known only to me. I put to death those who built them."

"And now you reveal your secrets to a Sethite?"

"The angels knew of every passage the day they arrived. I have no secrets anymore."

"What will I find down there?"


"Should I be afraid?"

"Truth is always dangerous. You should know that more than most. But without truth, real freedom is not possible. If you want answers to the questions that plague you - don't deny it, I know you wrestle with what you cannot reconcile in your mind - then this is the path you must take."

Enoch gritted his teeth, and walked down the steps. There was barely room to move. 

"How will I know the way?" Enoch asked, just before Cain closed the trap door above him.

"Follow the others," Cain said, closing Enoch into the passage. 

"What others?" But Cain was gone, and Enoch was alone in the dark. He could see the steps at his feet. Slits in the walls somehow let in light from the outside, just enough to be sure of one's footing.

He quietly made his way down the stair until it ended in a slightly larger passageway. He stopped here, unsure if he should go right or left. With no clues as to the direction he should take, he was considering going back up the stairs and leaving the whole mystery behind him. 

But instead of retracing his steps, he remained, waiting. 

His patience was suddenly rewarded. A figure dressed as he was, in angelic robes, passed by him in the passageway. The figure moved so silently, Enoch could have sworn he was gliding. Then another passed a moment later. Then another, and another and another.

Enoch stepped into the passageway, following. Were the others angels, or men dressed as angels? Enoch couldn't tell, but he was certain that they were angels. They moved as angels, and had the strong physical builds of the angels.

The passageway wound from right to left several times before spilling out into an underground chamber several times larger than Enoch's hut in the forest. The angels around him stood quietly - not one turned to the other or made any sound.

At the other side of the chamber were two large wooden doors. They were shut, but golden light leaked around their edges. Whatever lay on the other side of the doors was brightly lit in comparison to the dimness of the room they now stood in.

Enoch thought he heard the plucking of a stringed instrument, and maybe a flute. But the sounds were so faint, he couldn't tell if they were real or if his mind was playing tricks on him.

He wondered how long they were going to stand there. Not moving, not speaking. 

More hooded figures joined them, until at least twenty filled the small space. Enoch made space for others, and unobtrusively settled back into a dark corner. Whatever happened next, he wasn't sure he wanted to be in the center of the action. From here, he could observe and determine his next course of action.

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