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"About two hundred have answered the call," Sariel said as he approached Azrael and Semyaza, who observed the throng before them with astonishment. "Word spread quickly that Azrael was determined to deliver a daring blow against Moloch and his minions. To witness such an event is not sufficient for them, they wish to be a part of it!"

"With such a host, we could change the world!" Sariel breathed. "Truly, heaven looks with favor on us! When Nod has been made safe, and the people remember to honor heaven again, surely, we shall be restored to our present form."

Azrael did not answer immediately. They were about to do something of their own volition that went beyond their heavenly mandate by leaps and bounds. But was not their mandate to protect and point men to heaven? 

Azrael looked around at the setting Semyaza had chosen for this monumental moment - a shattered universe, the testament of the absolute certainty of their Creator's immeasurable power to destroy any deviation from His Holy purpose. Could this moment be their test? Like Adam and Eve's test in the garden? 

A tremor of fear shook Azrael's core as he looked at the mass of enthusiastic angels before him. For himself, he knew that he would do what he needed to regardless of the consequence. Even if heaven disproved of his choice, he could not allow Naamah to see death on his account. She had knowingly risked everything for him. No power in any plane of existence could prevent him from doing the same for her.

His fear was not for himself, but these angels who so willingly followed him headlong into an uncertain future. He could not advise them on their fate if they followed him. He was certain they would perform admirably and be restored to their former glory as heroes. But he could not lie - there was no guarantee. 

Azrael placed a hand on Sariel's shoulder.

"We cannot know what consequences our actions will have," Azrael said solemnly. "And once we do this, there is no going back, only forward to whatever conclusion may follow. The risks are not small, Sariel."

"We are ready to take the oath," Sariel replied, smiling broadly. "Whatever may happen, we will not forsake each other!"

"Very well, we need to begin," Azrael said, final resolution in his voice. He looked at Semyaza. "Once the city is secure, we must act quickly to find new leaders among them that can lead them in our place, in the ways we will instruct them in. The longer we are among them, the more dangers will emerge. Our work among them must be swift. We must not linger!" 

Semyaza nodded, and the three moved near the throng of angels, who grew silent as Azrael prepared to address them.

"Too long has heaven's dominion been scorned and forgotten on earth," Azrael spoke, all traces of his former trepidation gone, or simply hidden. "As great powers in heaven wrestle all around them in a realm they cannot see, mankind is content to forget and ignore us! We fight for them! They fight only for their own lusts, their own glory - not heaven's."

"Because they cannot see us, they chose to forget us. Today, that will change forever. We will enter their realm, and never again will mankind forget we watch them from beyond their mortal veil. To do this, we leave our own immortality behind. We will have to earn it back, as men. But united, we will be victorious over our enemies, and return to heaven as heroes! Let nothing come between us, above all else! Our loyalty is not to the people of earth, but to each other."

With his last statement, Azrael gazed full into Semyaza's eyes. His companion was eager. 

"Who will take the oath and bind themselves together?" Semyaza said, stepping forward to stand beside Azrael. The shout raised by the angelic throng shook the remnants of the celestial objects orbiting them. Azrael could not help but smile under the surge of power ringing the heavens. Then everything went silent. Their shout reverberated in the expanse and faded to absolute stillness.

Azrael was overcome with anticipation for what would come next.

The angels began their song. But it could not be compared to earthly music. It began with a faint trembling that could only be felt, not heard. But in the subtle vibrations, power flowed. As the trembling continued unslackened, the angels brought forth low sounds - so low that Azrael hardly could distinguish the difference between the trembling and the actual sound. These started slowly and with great thundering deliberation, but it was not long before some angels began building in layers of complementary harmonies.

The flowing chorus rose rapidly from here into a triumphant assault of singing and intertwining melodies. Never was an angelic song the same twice, and this was a song of victory, of daring, and of adventure. Its violence and boldness began to tear and smear the celestial dimension binding them. The time for their transition was nearing.

Azrael had not yet sung. Overcome with the responsibility of this action and concern for their fate weighed on him. But as the song rose and rose to new heights of angelic power, his fears left him. Its energy was infectious.He watched the angels before him, shouting with all their might. With such a host of brothers behind him, what could he possibly fear? After centuries of passive defeat, today was a day for victory. 

Azrael joined the song. The angels surrounded him. One voice rose over the rest, more telepathically than audibly, for no one sound could compete with such a joyous tumult.

"Speak the oath as one," Semyaza intoned. "And may the sons of God become flesh, and bring salvation to mankind this day!"

The song ended with one word, spoken all at once. At that word, a billion stars in the surrounding galaxies instantly went supernova. And as the brightness of their fiery explosions overwhelmed the void, it was all over, for the angels were gone! 


And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.  Enoch 6: 3-6

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