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While Nod slept, Enoch's trial began in Cain's throne room.

It wasn't the reunion Azrael had hoped for. The room was quiet and tense. Azrael stood at the top of the stairs leading to Cain's throne, stopping just short of the throne itself. He waited for Enoch.

Enoch had proclaimed the Watcher's secret to the whole city. Semyaza wanted his life. Azrael could not decide if he should admonish Enoch or praise him. He needed to see him, to really know what he should do. They had made so many mistakes, he didn't want to make another one now.

Naamah arrived with her father Lamech. For the first moment their eyes met, she looked as if she were able to run to him. But then something prevented her. Azrael wasn't sure exactly what quenched the spark in her eyes. She wanted to come to him, but she had stilled herself. She was forcing away her desire. He noted this, and his heart fell even further.

Tubal arrived with the captive. His hands and feet were chained.

"Unchain him!" Azrael cried. Tubal complied. Enoch rubbed his wrists and looked up at Azrael. 

"Thank God you have come," Enoch said, stepping forward and bowing at Azrael's feet. Semyaza stepped forward.

"My lord, you know the charges against this man," he said. "Blasphemy against God's own messengers, and stirring up the people against the angels."

"Enoch, what do you say to Semyaza's accusations?" Azrael asked, his voice flat.

"I say that if truth is blasphemy, then I am guilty," Enoch said simply. "Your brothers have sinned greatly against God and mankind, my lord."

"Indeed," Azrael sighed. Semyaza's face grew tight.

"And what would you have me do then?" Azrael asked. Semyaza tried to speak, but Azrael silenced him with a hand.

"Make right the wrong," Enoch said, almost excitedly. "Purge your ranks of anything that has tainted yourselves. We will sacrifice to God for you, and implore heaven on your behalf." 

"And if some will not comply?" Azrael said.

"Then do what you must, but not in Nod," Enoch replied. "This city has had more than enough false gods."

"Brother against brother?" Azrael asked quietly. 

"Your brothers deceived us all, even you, while they masqueraded as pinnacles of uprightness" Enoch continued. "It must be dealt with, or your word here will never be trusted."

Azrael bowed his head. He closed his eyes and breathed slowly. How had it come to this? Enoch's words were true... and he hated them.

"Who is this man who judges angels and instructs us on justice?" Azrael said, his tone final.

Azrael stood and stared down at Enoch, whose face was full of bewilderment.

"Would they have erred if not for the sins of mankind? Have we not witnessed centuries of every sort of abomination, uncleanness, and atrocity that man has committed - all without any consequence - and you want me to denounce my own brothers for one weakness when so much is at stake?"

He was shouting. Every fiber of his being that had been closed up since Sariel's death was streaming forth. Those assembled saw the new Azrael that had returned - and it was a fearsome sight.

Azrael calmed himself.

"You have no idea what we have lost coming here. What it meant. The hope we have lost."

"I think I do," Enoch said softly. "The messenger has fallen. I have failed."

"Azrael, don't do this!" Naamah pleaded finally.

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