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Azrael stood in a beam of light that poured onto the stone floors of Cain's throne room. Cain had not moved from his perch, but the the old man peered fearfully at the assembled angels from under his heavy brows.

After centuries of standing in Cain's way without effect, Azrael noted Cain's fear with a measure of satisfaction. Here his stance was seen, and instead of being ignored, his presence was noted with respect and even fear. 

He waited until Cain could bear his silence no longer.

"Who is he who comes to unseat me?" Cain finally spat.

"He who deposited you on that shore the day you first came here" Azrael replied, pointing down at the river's edge. "You would have sunk to the bottom forever, it not for my hand."

Cain rose and stood rigidly, his dull eyes sharpening as he gazed at Azrael.

"I saved you from the river so that you could make a new life here in peace. You did not follow the path set for your redemption. Your time is over."

"I suppose you will replace me?" Cain hissed.

"Not I, but I will find one worthy to sit where you do, yes." Cain's head dropped at that.

"There was one I had hoped would take my throne."

"Tubal Cain - your namesake," Semyaza interjected. "Where is he?"

"This way, follow me!" A voice shouted from behind them. Covered in grime and blood, Lamech shoved his way to the front of the angelic assembly, mumbling a thousand pardons as he projected himself toward the voice that had spoke his son's name. He fell at Semyaza's feet in supplication.

"Great ones! My son lies dying! Can your power spare him?" 

"Take me to him," Semyaza said, lifting Lamech from the floor. "It may not be too late."

As Semyaza followed Lamech, Azrael kept his eyes on Cain.

"I will find one worthy to lead your people, but until I do, your throne will remain empty - beginning now." 

The command was clear. Cain, a god among men was nothing compared with these beings. He knew there was only one response. 

He stepped down from the throne. 

The throne did not remain empty long, and Azrael never could have guessed who would inherit it.

Naamah rushed through the corridors of the citadel to her own home as quickly as she could, dodging bodies and the wreckage caused by the Herabite onslaught. Enoch followed closely behind her. He did not have anywhere else to go - there was no safe way to cross the river and look for his father. Naamah insisted that she would make sure he was looked after. 

Even if there had been a way to return to his village, Enoch knew he could not leave until he had heard the message these heavenly creatures had brought to earth, and discovered what they planned to do.

Naamah burst into her home to see several angels bent over her brother's still body. Her heart lept and hung in her throat until she realized that Tubal was still breathing, if but faintly. Her mother saw her, and sprang to her side, crying with joy to see her alive and unharmed. Her step-mother Adah, greeted her with a knowing smile. Even her father embraced her without a word. 

Later, she tried to remember what the angels had been doing to her brother, but she was so overcome by their very presence, everything else was a fog. She even forgot about Enoch entirely, until she realized her father was trying to shoo him out of the house. She quickly explained that Enoch was no threat, rather he had helped her escape prison, had faced Cain, and had remained by her side instead of fleeing the Herabite attack until the angels had arrived.

Lamech, so overwhelmed by the events of the day, found it possible to even thank the Sethite and make sure he was fed immediately. Enoch smiled and even relaxed for a moment, that is, until he caught a glimpse of the dying man laying on the table, surrounded by ministering angels. He recognized him.

"Your brother?" He asked Naamah, nodding towards Tubal. She nodded, thinking nothing of the question. Enoch drew back, leaning against a stone wall of the home to collect his thoughts. Here he stood - a guest - in the home of the man that had pillaged and destroyed his own home. When the angels had come, he had felt hope surge through him, but now he was reminded that he was in a city of enemies still. He knew what he had to do - take what knowledge he could from the angels - whatever wisdom they would impart - and then get away from Nod with his family forever.

Semyaza turned to Lamech. He had been with Tubal for close to an hour. 

"Your son will live. Let him rest and recover now." Zillah gave a happy cry at his words. Lamech looked from Tubal to Naamah and lifted his hands toward the angel.

"You have saved both my children from death today. How can I thank you - I do not even know your names, or where you come from? Surely you must be gods!"

"We are Sons of God, sculpted by his almighty hands." Semyaza said. "We are they that shouted in delight to see the creation of your own world. You will know our names soon enough."

"We all are yours to command," Lamech said. "All that is ours is yours. Command it and we will perform it!"

"Then assemble the city, Azrael will speak to them."

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