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(note to readers who are already beyond this point in the story - I edited the previous chapter and added this chapter based on some feedback recently received. So check out the previous chapter and this one if you want an updated and expanded version of events you already read)

The door opened, and Azrael could barely make out the outlines of the approaching horde from without - hooded beings. His boiling mind couldn't understand what he saw. Why did they cover themselves up so carefully?

Then something happened the demons did not expect. The door flew off its hinges and pinned them against the back of the cave, and the cave was filled with blinding white light as the beings entered, their robes falling from their shoulders.

"Do you know what fear is?" A voice said. "You will when your masters return and find that you have lost your captive."

And Sariel stepped out of the light, Semyaza just behind him with two hundred angels. As Sariel attacked Azrael's chains, Semyaza came up close to him.

"Word spread of your stand, Azrael," Semyaza said. "These angels have come to fight with you. Hang on brother!"

Azrael was too weak to respond. His chains were cut, and Sariel threw him on his back, and the angels exploded out of the cave.

"How?" Azrael managed to ask.

"We concealed ourselves and crept in without being detected. They really don't have many angels trying to come down here, so their guard is lask. It wasn't hard getting in, but getting out..."

"We've been seen!" An angel shouted. The angels raced along red hot passageways, unable to use their wings here. The space was too narrow, and the environment too toxic. Angel wings would burn in places like this.

Semyaza led the way, somehow always darting confidently forward when faced with a fork in the tunnels. Azrael could only be relieved he wasn't leading the way. Semyaza's sense of direction was unparalleled.

Then Semyaza stopped. At their feet was a dark and narrow hole in the floor of the cave.

"Why have we stopped?" Sariel said, panting.

"They're coming!" Another angel shouted from the back.

"We must take this path. It's the only way, or we will all be captured." Semyaza said grimly.

The angels drew back from the gaping black hole.

"We need to go up!"

"We're so deep that any direction is up," Semyaza said. "Follow me!" He stretched his wings out just a little and then the darkness of the hole swallowed him up. Sariel was next, Azrael on his back, and the other angels followed.

The narrowness of the hole widened enough for the angels to fly two abreast, if you could call it flying. It was more like barely controlled falling.

"How do you know of this place?" Sariel shouted at Semyaza.

"I've heard it spoken of," was all Semyaza replied.

Suddenly, their way was blocked by a host of armed demons.

"Our exodus is known throughout all hell now," Semyaza said. "Pray that heaven has heard of it as well, if we are to escape!"

The fight was desperate and fierce. Angels and demons fell wounded as the two forces collided in the narrow tunnel. Light against dark fought furiously.

But the demons had innumerable replacements. The angels did not. As the fighting proceeded around him, Semyaza lifted a fist forward, shooting a beam of light through the mass of demonic bodies above him. The beam was narrow and so potent that the demons gave way for its burning intensity to shoot past them.

They didn't realise its full significance until too late. The beam was not directed at them, but at the planet's surface high above them.

And the call for help was heard. As Azrael lost consciousness, his vision was filled with the light of mighty archangel swords cleaving demons from the tunnel.

He awoke to the faint tinkling of the celestial realm. To angels, space didn't look like it does to us. Every photon, ray and form of light that crisscrossed the depths of the universe was light to them - undulating, dancing and shimmering lights!

His body and mind had been renewed in the purity of the heavens. He looked around - others were also being healed from their wounds. Greater angels were among them, ministering to them. He recognised Michael. Michael had rescued them? God's Archangel of War!

Michael came over to him.

"Thank you," Azrael said.

"The Almighty sends His greetings. He wishes to see you before the Great Throne, Azrael."

Azrael lowered his head.

"I have failed Him. I have failed you all! How can I show my face there?"

"Because He commands it, you will," Michael replied stonily, before his voice softened, seeing the sadness in Azrael's eyes.

"He worries for you Azrael. He misses his child. You have been gone a long time from His presence."

"And if I go, what will become of Nod?"

"Nations whose God is the Lord rise. Nations who forget Him fall," Michael replied. "The Cainites have sown great evil in the earth, and long has God been longsuffering with them, allowing you space to let them turn from their wickedness by their own free will. But all seeds that are sown much bring forth fruit and reaped by the sower."

"But what of the faithful that remain? He will desert them?" Azrael said.

Michael looked at Azrael long and hard.

"After so many years defending their faith, have you lost your own, Azrael?"

Azrael did not answer.

"Your presence is awaited at the throne," Michael said, and then left them, his comrades following him. The Watchers were left alone.

Semyaza neared Azrael. They remained without speaking a long time. Azrael could not tear his eyes off the earth floating below them in the celestial sea.

"Why are we, His own sons, forsaken here?" Azrael whispered. "Are we not defending His creation? His workmanship? His honor?"

"Perhaps He does not act, so that those that can act, will act," Semyaza replied. "You know of what I speak. It's time Azrael!"

Azrael looked at Semyaza, his eyes full of sorrow and loss.

"They will kill her," Azrael said. "For doing as I asked her to." Semyaza did not reply.

"Are you sure we can do as you say?" Azrael said finally. Semyaza's face lightened.

"I know we can!" Semyaza said, his voice trembling.

"Show me," Azrael said, his voice fierce. The two angels stood, their long wings stretching out to heaven, and then swiftly downward. Celestial dust blasted around them as they shot into the celestial deep.

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