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Semyaza led Azrael farther and farther into the depths of the universe, past galaxies of countless magnitude. In their dimension, there were almost no limits to the speeds that could be attained. But it had been centuries since Azrael had to summon such power to fly so fast and so far. Beyond and beyond they flew, and Azrael wondered where Semyaza could possibly be leading him. And yet Semyaza continued his breakneck course into the void.

Finally, Semyaza began to slow down. Azrael gazed about him, taking in the sight of massive nebulae that sparkled all around them. 

"Where are we going?" Azrael shouted at his friend. Semyaza smiled just a little.

"You don't recognize it yet? Just another minute or two, and I'm sure you will."

Sure enough, only moments later, they came upon a scene different from any they had seen in their furious flight across the universe - a shattering of celestial objects so immense that it took Azrael's breath away - galaxies ripped apart, stars 1,000 times bigger than the sun simply shredded. A billion supernovas exploding every second. Quasars pulsing their last surges of energy just before being swallowed by the ravenous darkness of black holes, which were also so numerous, they were consuming each other. A universe broken into hungry pieces, each trying to devour the rest.

"Not since that terrible day have I returned to this place," Azrael whispered, a look of anguish on his face.

"I visit often," Semyaza said. "To remember what we lost. When instead of standing together as brothers, angel fought angel, and He demonstrated for all ages His true claim to the name ALMIGHTY."

"Why did we come here?" Azrael asked. 

"To be sure that what we mean to do, we will do! We will not forsake what must be done." Semyaza replied fiercely. 

"You doubt my resolve?" Azrael asked.

"I know what you mean to do, Azrael. It's never been done before, and it is without Heaven's mandate that we will do it." 

"It is for Heaven's sake that we must do this!" Azrael replied. 

"I am on your side," Semyaza assured him. "No matter what happens, I will be with you, at your side - no matter the success, and no matter the consequences."

"This is something I must do," Azrael said. "I vowed to defend faith in Nod, not you. If things somehow go badly, it must be I who carries the blame. I accept that responsibility, and I would rather you not risk everything for what is my burden. It would be better if I went alone."

"That's not possible," Semyaza said. He pointed back to the way they had come. Azrael turned to see a collection of bright beings coming towards them faster than light.

"We're not alone," Semyaza said, smiling widely at Azrael. 

"More are willing to join us?" Azrael asked.

"You have touched the mortal world before."

"Once - with permission."

"Which is more than any of us have been allowed to do," Semyaza said. "We want to touch their world, to experience it. These Watchers have witnessed your thankless stand in Nod for centuries and they want to be a part of Moloch's defeat in the very hour he believes victory is finally his. And we all are prepared to swear to do this deed together, to whatever end."

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