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Enoch and Tubal first thought that the beast was circling Azrael, waiting to leap upon him. But as they continued watching, they realized what was really happening.

Azrael was circling the animal, keeping it at bay by some invisible method. The other angels and men had gathered around and were watching in disbelief. 

Tubal stepped forward, sword ready to slay the animal. Azrael lifted a hand, never taking his eyes off it, signalling Tubal to step back.

The animal struggled against unseen chains, but could not get free. Unhurried and deliberate, Azrael kept circling it, and it kept stepping out of his way, trying to shake free from the very real leash that Azrael had somehow bound it with.

"What's happening?" Tubal whispered. 

"I don't know!" Enoch replied, unable to tear his eyes from the scene.

"Magic!" Tubal breathed, his voice echoing the awe apparent on the faces gathered around.

The creature was growing desperate and panicked. It snorted and stamped, but Azrael did not let go of it, his thoughts penetrating its mind and holding on to the controls. 

Suddenly, a woman's scream reached their ears.

"Naamah!" Tubal shouted.

Azrael's concentration was interrupted for a millisecond, but it was just the chance the infuriated beast had been waiting for. It shook lose of Azrael's mental hold over it and launched itself into the air, claws outstretched and teeth ready to devour.

Just before the animal hit him, Azrael leveled another stare at it.

It  knocked him to the ground, completely covering his body with its hairy hide. But the beast did not move again. As the others sprang forward and pulled the animal off, it was clear that it was dead, and that Azrael was alive. He stood up, pain in his eyes as he clasped a hand over his rib cage where a claw had penetrated his flesh.

Enoch was relieved to see Azrael rise, but quickly his attention was captured by the beast itself as others turned it over, looking for the wound that had killed it so quickly. No wound could be found, but the animal's eyes were bleeding.

"You are wounded, Azrael!"

"How did you command the beast?"

"Enough!" Azrael shouted at them, and strode off in the direction that they had all heard Naamah's scream for help. The others followed at a run. Enoch followed, but could not resist looking back at the dead beast. What had he just witnessed? Obviously the angels still retained some of their old power. He knew that all of Nod would know the story by morning. 

They found Naamah moments later, her body secured to a tree trunk by ropes. Tubal was the first to her side, and immediately set her free with several quick hacks to the ropes with his sword. She burst into tears when she saw Azrael holding his side, his hand bloody. 

He smiled, and held forth something in his hand for her. Her eyes opened wide when she recognized what it was - her long lost necklace from Eden!

"How did you find... How...?" She struggled to articulate.

"It's back with its rightful owner," Azrael said.

"How did you know?" She managed.

"I was there. I was always there," Azrael replied. "And even if I go away, I'll always be with you." 

Naamah's family was waiting anxiously at center of the bridge. Zillah rushed forward when she saw the band returning. She wrapped Naamah up in her arms and showered her with tears. Lamech waited for them to come to him, but it was obvious to all that he had worried greatly as well.

Maori stood behind him. The relief in her eyes was obvious, and she looked around for Sariel. But she didn't see him.

Semyaza met Azrael, and immediately examined his wound. 

"Just a scratch! How did this happen? You must have let your guard down!" He said with a smile.

Immediately several began to tell the story of how Azrael had faced down the beast and somehow slain it without ever touching it. 

Semyaza looked at Azrael with new eyes. "Impressive. I thought that we had lost such abilities."

"So did I," Azrael said, grimacing through the pain shooting through him. They were silent a moment, considering.

"Where is Sariel?" Maori's invaded their thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Semyaza said.

"Sariel went with you. He has not returned," She said. Azrael was surprised at how much fear was in her voice.

That fear entered him as he realized she was right. Sariel had not returned from the dark forest.

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