Chapter Three

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Alex leaned against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest. I stood next to him with my mouth open. They were fist fighting now.

                “Shouldn’t we stop them?” I asked Alex.

                He shrugged. “They do this all the time. I usually just watch, and wait until they stop.”

                Helena hit Sean in the chest. He stepped back, but the movement seemed more to get the energy for his next swing, and not because he got hit. Sean swung, but Helena caught his hand. They stood there pushing against each other’s hand. I saw the blue bolts streaming from her hand and onto Sean’s. He grunted in pain.

                “Are you sure we shouldn’t do anything?” I whispered to Alex.

                He looked at me and smiled. “Don’t like seeing Sean getting beat up?”

                 I shrugged. “No, he is my friend after all.”

                Alex just looked at me with a smirk and turned back to the fight. It wasn’t going so well for Sean. Helena had punched him in the gut with her free hand. He had to step back from the force and their hands separated. Helena then, in a flash, swung her leg in the air. Her foot hit Sean in the face and he fell to the ground on his stomach.


                I fell to my knees next to him, and sat one hand on his back. The position sent pain through my left leg, but I ignored it. At the moment I didn’t even care. I was too worried about Sean.

                He let out a groan and pushed himself up and adjusted so that he was in a sitting position. There was a cut on his cheek where Helena’s boot had hit him. I pulled a paper towel out of my jacket pocket, I kept it there just in case I needed, but I never thought I would need it for blood.

                “Well this is embarrassing,” Sean said letting out another groan as I started wiping the blood off his cheek. It was starting to roll down to his face to his chin. I quickly moved the napkin to stop it.

                I just smiled at his comment. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

                “Yea,” Helena said, “don’t be ashamed that you can’t fight. Some people are just that way.”

                “Shut up Helena,” Sean said looking annoyed.

                She rolled her eyes. “You better get that cut cleaned up.”

                “She’s right,” I said getting to my feet slowly. My left ankle hurt a bit from sitting like that, but it seemed to relax as I stood up.

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