Chapter 3

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They set off the same time as they did yesterday.
"How you feeling today Newt?" Thomas asked as he walked over to his friend.
"Still pretty crap with the odd cough but other than that, I'm fine" Newt said
"Well, we'll be watching you closely incase time repeats itself"
"Yeah what ev"
They had walked for about an hour and Frypan had taken over from Thomas with walking beside Newt and checking up on him. Thomas was now walking with Brenda and Jorge and was quiet.
"Cat got your tongue or something?" Jorge joked
"What? No, just thinking" Thomas replied
"About last night? Thomas, no one is spying on us" Brenda said
"Wait you saw someone last night?" Jorge asked
"Vaguely, I saw their silhouette in the darkness as they ran past the camp but other than that, no" Thomas explained.
"Well as I said, it could have just been a crank" Brenda reminded him
"Yeah yeah I know, it's just, I have a strong feeling it isn't"
"Well ignore it then"
Thomas rolled his eyes at Brenda. He kept trying to forget about it but, his instincts were telling him different. He soon gave up and went back to Newt and Frypan.
"How you holding up?" Thomas asked looking at Newt.
"Same as before. You guys don't need to keep watching me though" Newt said
"And then you start vomiting again, not taking any chances" Frypan said
"Look, I said I'm feeling better ok, so I'm going to walk up ahead and you can't stop me" Newt said and walked further up front.
"I don't know if that was stubbornness or anger but, I'll never get tired of it" Frypan said
"Always been the stubborn one huh?" Thomas asked
"Well, it's either him or Albi or Gally"
"I'll take my chances with Newt rather than Gally any day"
"Good that"

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