Chapter 12

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Thomas was in a room, standing behind a glass pane looking at Gally who was strapped to a chair with bolts of electricity flying from it. He looked like he was in pane. Thomas couldn't bare watch it as Gally writhed in his seat. Getting weaker by the minute. He then yelled stop to a person in a white lab coat who was pressing the button and they turned and looked at him.
"Your killing him"
"We have to test how strong he is, how much he can take, you know that Thomas" the man said. Words then flashed in front of him. Wicked is good.

Thomas awoke on a long seat in The Berg. As he tried to move his leg, he moaned in pain.
"Hey you shank, finally awake are we" Gally said who was sat next to him.
"Yep I guess so"
"How's that leg of yours?"
"Quite sore but I'll be fine. Where's Brenda and the others?"
"Brenda woke up not too long ago and is helping fly The Berg with Jorge up front and Newt and Minho, well their asleep" Gally said as he pointed to the left and there was Newt and Minho asleep on a chair similar to what Thomas was on.
"It's taking him under quickly Thomas" Will sighed as he looked at the floor. He was obviously talking about Newt.
"Yeah I know, we just gotta be there for him"
"I'm surprised he's actually lasted this long, basically 4 years with it. Teresa did say using his brain moved the flare a lot quicker than normal. Especially whilst we were in the maze"
"Yeah. One way we could get it to slow down a little is for Newt to sleep a lot. We don't use our brains when we are sleeping"
"Your right, let's not wake him up, he can get up himself" Gally said but he still seemed sad.
"What's bothering you Gally?"
"Its just, the thought of losing Newt and, I feel like it's my fault the flares moved so quick. He had to deal with me being a slinthead the whole time"
"Hey Gally, listen to me. It's not your fault. He was second in command for one thing and he would've had to do a lot of thinking anyway. Don't ever think that it's your fault" Thomas said as he put his hand on Gally's shoulder.
"Thanks Thomas"
"Never thought I'd see you two have a nice chat ever" Minho said as he woke up
"Shut up Minho" Gally laughed
"Good to see your awake Thomas"
"What were you two shanks talking about anyway?"
"Just Newt that's all"
"Oh, about the flare?"
"Yeah, let's try not to wake him, it's better if he sleeps"

Ten minutes later, the guys had moved away from Newt so they wouldn't disturb him when they started to hear shouting from where Newt was and they ran back in to see Newt sweating, crying and yelling in his sleep.
"What the heck is wrong with him?" Minho questioned
"I don't know but we need to wake him up" Thomas said going to Newt's side.
"Guys wake up, please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thomas no!" Newt then bolted up breathing hard and shaking uncontrollably and he started crying a lot.
"Hey Newt it's alright calm down, we're here. Your alright" Thomas said as he hugged his panicked friend as he continued to cry.
"It was just a dream. Thank god"
"What happened Newt?"
"I had like dream or nightmare thing where I got so angry that I lost it and I hurt you guys, maybe even killed you. I don't want that to happen Thomas. I'm scared"
"Hey it's alright, it won't. It was just a dream and we're still here"
Newt continued to cry.
"Gally go grab some cold wet cloths and Minho go get Newt a drink of water" Thomas said to the other two who nodded and left.
Thomas just held Newt close to him. Newt was absolutely terrified and the flare wasn't just making him angry and sick but it was giving him horrible dreams. It was going to really drive Newt mental. Minho and Gally then returned and Thomas let go of Newt who'd calmed down a bit. He was still shaking a little.
"Here drink this" Minho said as he passed Newt the cup of water.
"Thanks guys" Newt said as he took a sip.
"Hey, we'll always be here for you, don't forget that" Gally said as he handed Thomas the wet cloth who wiped Newt's forehead which was still a bit sweaty.
"You feel better now?" Thomas asked
"Yeah, it just shook me up that's all"
"Could've guessed by the way you were screaming. I swear I lost half my hearing" Minho said trying to be funny which worked because Newt laughed a bit.
"I was pretty sure you were already deaf. You only listen to a third of what I say anyway" Newt laughed making the others laugh as well.
"At least nobody's lost their sense of humour, that's one thing we need to keep us going" Gally said
"Yeah but, the main thing we need is each other, and we have that" Thomas said and the boys smiled "cause we're all in this together".

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