Chapter 5

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Thomas was walking around a lab when he heard crying. He ran towards the source of the sound when he saw his best friend Newt who looked about eleven years old. Thomas looked around the same age as Newt.
"Newt what's wrong, why are you crying?" Thomas asked as he sat next to Newt and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Why am I different Thomas, why do I have to be different?"
"What do you mean different? Your like us Newt"
"No, you guys are safe but I'm not, Ava said I'm not. It's in the test results"
"Tell me Newt, tell me"
"The Flare"
Thomas then found himself at Marcus's party that him and Brenda had been drugged and resaw his hallucinations, one was of Winston before he died another of the Greivers and the last of Newt as a Crank.

Thomas bolted up and found himself not out in the Scorch but in a dark room. He tried to move but felt as if he was tied to something. He wondered where he was and where was everyone else?
"Newt, Frypan, Brenda, Jorge, where are you?" Thomas asked into the darkness in a panic.
"Thomas? Thomas where are you?" It was Frypan
"Frypan! Where's Newt?"
"Guys, is that you?" It was Newt
"Oh thank god the two of you are ok"
"Where's everyone else?" Frypan asked
"I don't know but,  where are we?"
The lights then turned on, blinding the three boys.
"Well, you three are finally awake, welcome back" a man said who Thomas immediately recognised but Newt beat him to saying who it was.
"Janson! Where are we and where are our friends?"
"Now now, their back at where we grabbed you three from, in The Scorch"
"Let us go Janson!" Thomas said
"I'm sorry Thomas but that is something I cannot do, you see, we are so close to cure and, well, we need you three"
The dream Thomas had was starting to flood back into his mind.
"We don't care about your stupid cure, your killing us teens for it" Frypan stated
"You should it could save people you know. Now back on task, I bet your wondering how we found you"
When he got no response, he continued.
"We had someone spying on you the whole time"
"I knew it" Thomas whispered
"Obviously Thomas was the only one who noticed them. But anyway, let's get you three inside and we'll explain some stuff to you"
"Where's Minho?" Newt asked
"You'll see" Janson said as three guards came on and untied the boys and dragged them out of the Berg and into Wicked headquarters. They were pushed and shoved until they reached a room and the three of them collapsed on the floor.
"Bring in Minho and our little spy" Janson ordered as the guards raced off to find the two people that Janson wanted.
Five minutes later. Minho walked through the door with some other kid who was wearing a hood. When Minho saw his friends, he ran over to him.
"Guys your ok" Minho said as they had a group hug.
"Us ok? We should be saying that to you, we didn't know what they were gonna do to you but you seem alright" Frypan said
"Ok before you start saying anything Minho, we'd like outer three guests to meet their spy, which you might recognise" Janson said as the kid took off his hood and shocking the three boys in the process.

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