Chapter 11

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The next day, every subject, as Wicked called them, headed to the medical wing where they'd be getting their memories back. But as Thomas and the Gladers and Aris were making their way to the destination, they came across a little surprise. They were walking down a hallway when Thomas was grabbed and he yelled equaling to the others to turn to the source of the yell.
"Thomas!" Frypan yelled as Thomas was pulled down another hallway and they ran after him.
When Thomas was pulled around the corner, he was pinned to the wall.
"Let me go!" He yelled as he struggled
"Thomas stop its me" a woman said from a mask. Thomas recognised the voice but before he could react, the woman was tackled to the ground by Teresa and Aris.
"Thomas are you ok?" Newt asked
"Yeah I'm fine but, guys stop!" Thomas ordered at Teresa and Aris. "It's Brenda"
The woman took off her helmet revealing none other than Brenda.
"What the heck are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be with The Right Arm?" Minho asked
"Um guys who's this?" Gally questioned
"This is Brenda, she helped us in the scorch" Frypan said
"That's what I'm about to explain but there's no time, just trust me and I'll explain later" Brenda said
"Trust you? Do you work for Wicked or something?" Thomas questioned
Brenda stayed quiet.
"Do you?"
I said I'll explain later. You guys better get to the med wing. Remember, just trust me" Brenda said as she ran off in the opposite direction.
"That was weird" Teresa said
"Yeah but she's right, we better get going" Aris said as they ran to the med wing.

"Now, in each room we will be calling around nine names, if your name is called, you will be staying in the room it was called in, now let's get a move on" Janson said. It wasn't until the second room that the Glader's names started getting called.
"Dexter, Aris, Teresa, Frypan..." Janson listed, they made it look like Teresa was getting her memories back even though she wasn't.
They were then in the last room where Janson listed off the remaining subjects.
"Gally, Thomas, Newt, Minho..."
"We don't want our memories back" Gally spoke up as the other three nodded in approval.
"Are you boys sure, Thomas?"
"Yes, we are sure" Thomas saw a gleam in Janson's eyes that made him think that their was something going on.
"Very well, the guards will escort you back to your dorms" Janson said as two guards came up behind them and they were taken back to their dorm.
"Well, that was easier than expected" Newt said jumping on his bed
"Yes, oddly it was but who cares, we didn't need to put up a fight for once" Minho said leaning against the bed frame.
"I don't know guys, something seems odd" Thomas said
"It always does to you Thomas, half the time your correct but, you know, it's time to cut them some slack, ease it down a bit" Gally said
"No, this time I know it, Janson he, he looked at me weirdly. He had like a evil look in his eyes"
"Doesn't he always Tommy? I mean come on, he kills people in cold blood" Newt said as he was now hanging upside down on his bed
"Yeah and haven't we done the same thing" Thomas said looking straight at Gally as he said this.
"Don't go looking at me, well, not just me, don't forget Minho"
"Yeah but I didn't kill you, surprisingly" Minho said
"Anyway this isn't the point, it seems, too easy" Thomas exclaimed
"Well let's take it, for once we don't need to do anything" Newt said
"Ok fine I'll ease off a bit"
"Finally, never thought this would happen in my life time" Gally said and Thomas shoved him playfully.

They'd been in the dorm for about half an hour when Janson came in. The boys jumped up in surprised.
"Sorry boys but, looks like you will be getting your memories back" Janson said as four guards walked in.
"What, I thought you said we had a choice?" Minho questioned
"Told you it was too easy" Thomas said
"Well, we can't have four boys running round with no clue of their past can we, besides, it would change a few things" Janson said as the boys were grabbed from behind
"Let us go!" Newt yelled as he fought and so did the other boys as they were taken to the med wing where they were before. They were then forced to sit in chairs with tazer guns aimed at them with grenades ready to be fired at any second.
"If you boys fight, you'll feel the most painful five minutes of your life so, I wouldn't try anything, now who should go first. Thomas come with me" Janson ordered but Thomas stayed put. "I said come with me!" Janson yelled and Thomas stood up and was pushed out the door. He gave Newt, Gally and Minho a look that said 'I'll be ok' before he was out of their sight. He was then forced into the operation room where there were three guards to make sure he didn't try anything obviously and two doctors. The guards came over and forced him onto the bed. Thomas struggled to get away but their grip was too tight.
"Sedate him, now!" Janson ordered "I'll be making sure the other three aren't causing anything" Janson then left the room.
Just as the doctor started to inject a needle into him, one of the yards hit her from behind and then before the other two could react, the guard shot them. The guard then ran over to Thomas and took off their helmet. It was Brenda.
"Told you you could trust me"
"Brenda? How?"
"I'll explain later, your friends are in trouble, let's get them first" Brenda said as she helped Thomas up and tossed him a gun and they ran to where Newt, Gally and Minho were. They barged into the room, guns pointed and Brenda shot the guards. Thomas pointed his at Janson who was unarmed.
"Try anything Thomas and you'll be swarmed by guards" Janson said
"Thomas, what the shuck is happening?" Minho asked as Brenda tossed them all guns.
"We're getting out of here, and your not stopping us" Thomas said aiming his talk at Janson
"Your not leaving, you can't"
"Try me" Thomas said and shot the grenade and Janson fell to the floor, sparks flying from his body.
"And we were just talking about killing in cold blood earlier" Gally smirked
"Get a move on Gally, we haven't got much time guys" Thomas said as they ran out the door.
"Come one, we need to get to the hanger, Jorge is waiting for us there" Brenda said
"Wait Jorge? How is he here?" Newt question
"We used to work for Wicked but we met you guys and knew it was wrong so, we're against them now but there's not enough time for questions, we gotta move"
"What about the others?" Thomas asked
"They'll escape don't worry, when they realise something is up"
"They went this way, come on!" They heard a guard yell from behind.
"We gotta run faster come on" Brenda said as they turned a corner. The hanger was just down the hallway. They ran out to the hanger to find two ships.
"That's weird, there's meant to be three, they must've escaped already. Now where's Jorge?" Brenda asked herself.
"Brenda, come on, I've got one of the Bergs ready to go" am and said as he ran up to them.
"Jorge, good your here, come on guys lets go" Brenda said as they ran after Jorge to the berg on the other side of the hanger. Grenades then started flying from all directions.
"We have to take cover" Gally said and they ducked behind a crate and started shooting.
"There's too many" Newt said
"We need to get to the berg" Jorge said
"Minho, go with Jorge to the berg, Brenda and I will cover you. Net and Gally, you guys stay here and cover us as we run halfway" Thomas said as he took charge and everyone nodded.
"Ok go" Brenda said as Jorge and Minho started running with Thomas and Brenda keeping them covered and Newt and Gally keeping the guards distracted. Jorge and Minho then got to the berg and gave the signal to run. Newt and Gally then came running towards Thomas and Brenda who ran when they'd reached them. Everyone was fine until Brenda got hit and fell to the ground, sparks flying from her body just like Janson.
"Brenda!" Thomas yelled as ran back to get Brenda. He covered her until the Sparks died down a bit and then attempted to carry her but she was too heavy. Newt had come running back and helped Thomas carry the knocked out Brenda to the berg where Gally helped pull her onboard. Just as Newt and Thomas started to climb up the stairs. Thomas was hit in the leg and fell back down the stairs.
"Thomas!" Newt yelled who ran back down and covered the electrified Thomas by firing at some nearing guards.
"Gally help!" Newt said as he tried shooting as well as picking up Thomas as Gally ran down to help Newt and they got Thomas who was now knocked out like Brenda with pain still surging through their bodies from the grenades connecting with them onto the berg and closed the door and took off into the open sky.
They'd escaped Wicked once again.

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