Chapter 6

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"Gally?" Thomas asked as he sat up "We thought you were dead. We saw you die"
"I thought I was too until Wicked ended up saving me" Gally said
"Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Wicked saved. You of all people. Chuck died because of you and they couldn't be bothered to save him. Chuck died for nothing" Thomas stated as he hands closed into fists and the anger inside of boiled Goa point where it would explode
"I'm sorry"
"Sorry isn't going to bring Chuck back!"
"Thomas calm down ok. You getting angry won't solve anything" Minho said as he grabbed Thomas's arm
"Minho's right, if you want answer's, you boys better get along" Janson said
"Where's Teresa and Aris?" Minho said
"Where they normally are Minho"
"Bring them here"
"Wait, why Teresa, after what she did"
"She needs to be here to explain things as well"

As soon as Teresa and Aris walked in the room, they all started talking.
"Ok, you three go first" Minho said pointing at Thomas, Newt and Frypan.
They explained the plants destroy Wicked, to save Minho and the Immunes and their walk here until they were kidnapped.
"Where'd you get the smoke bombs Gally?" Teressa asked
"Janson gave them to me also this question might pop up later so I'll answer it now. I spied on you guys because they said they'd hurt Minho. I've known Minho for as long as I can remember, probably as long as Newt and Alby. I couldn't let someone hurt him. All I knew was that they were going to get you three back here and make us explain everything to you"
"Well, you could have let us come here on our own" Frypan said
"Yeah but you wouldn't know any of the truth"
"What other truth do we need to know other than you killed Chuck and they saved your shuckin ass instead of his" Thomas grumbled
"Thomas I was controlled ok, Wicked controlled me to do it. I don't know how or why. They controlled Chuck to jump in front of you. That bullet was for you"
"Am I meant to believe that you shank"
"Yes because it's true. You guys heard what they said right Minho?" Gally asked looking at his friend for help.
"Sadly he's right Thomas, when they got us here, they explained stuff you's.some things we wanted to know and somethings we didn't"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Newt asked
"Teresa was right, we shouldn't have left Wicked when we did Thomas. There were answers we would've been told"
"If we stayed we would've been killed Minho,or harvested for the thing in our blood" Thomas said
"Well you wanna know something Thomas. We lost friends out there. Friends that would still be here if we stayed"
"Didn't you just hear me Minho, we would've been..."
"Your not listening Thomas, because of you we're gonna lose someone else"
"No, that's Gally's fault, he basically brought us back here!"
"Your still not listening, because of you Newt is going to die!" Minho shouted which shut everyone up.
"Minho what do you mean, I'm gonna die?" Newt asked, confusion lingering in his voice.
"Minho we weren't meant to say that" Teresa said
"Say what? Guys what aren't you telling us?" Newt questioned
"We can't say"
"Tell me, how is it Thomas's fault that I'm gonna die? In fact how do you know I'm gonna die?" Newt questioned starting to get very agitated
"We um..." Gally mumbled
"Tell me!"
"Guys it's getting to him"
"What's getting to me?!"
Thomas's dream/memory then seeped back into his mind and he realised what was going on.
"No... No it's can't be true" Thomas whispered
"You know?" Minho asked
"I bloody hope I don't"
"Guys, what aren't you telling me?" Newt questioned who was beyond mad "I swear I will punch someone if I'm not told"
"How do you know Thomas?" Teresa asked
"I had like a memory dream and it was like a warning or something about this and he was also very sick yesterday. Just like Winston. His breathing was shaky, he was coughing and he vomited"
"Guys tell me already"
"I'll explain it to all of you" Janson said who had just walked into the room. "And Newt, you better calm down or we will be putting you on high surveillance"
"Just tell me!"
"In the maze, we sent Immunes but, not all of you are. We had two per maze that weren't immune, one you already know, Winston who died whilst you were in the Scorch. The second,is Newt which means he can get the Flare and he has it, it's choking him quickly in its grasp. Taking him under slowly but quickly and making him go mad in the brain as you already know what happens with the Flare and you can see that it's already taking a quick hold because, as Thomas said, he was sick yesterday and that's the first sign as well as a bad temper"
Newt started to calm down a bit but was shocked.
"You told them?" Newt said pointing to Aris, Teresa, Gally and Minho"
"Yes we did, they needed to know"
"How did you know Thomas?"
"I, on the Berg I had a like a memory or something about when we were like eleven or something and you were crying. You were going on about Ava having told you that you were different and all you managed to say was 'The Flare' and then it changed to the hallucination I had when Brenda and I had been drugged. You were a Crank"
"And you didn't tell me any of it?"
"I didn't know what it meant at the time. I'm sorry"
"I... I need to go" Newt said and ran from the room.
"Newt!" Frypan yelled
"Leave him, he deserves a break" Gally said
"I can't believe this is happening"

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