Chapter 15

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The tall crumbly building towers over Thomas, Minho, Gally, Brenda and Jorge as they head towards it.
"Now remember, you guys are pretending that you have the flare and Brenda and I have brought you here got that" Jorge said
"Yeah, let's just save Newt and get out of here" Thomas said.
Jorge knocked on the humongous brown wooden door five times, each having a three second break in between. After about a minute the door opened and a man in a white coat, just like the one Brenda and Jorge were in stood in front of them.
"What is your business here?" The man asked with a stern expression.
"Myself and my college found these three civilians walking around Denver infected with the flare. Not gone yet but still not worthy to be roaming round the place" Jorge said as he shoved Thomas, Minho and Gally forward slightly.
"Alright, bring 'em in" the man then stepped aside and they walked inside the crank palace.
They were lead through a large hallway with doorways leading off into other rooms every seven foot. Some cranks stared at them as they walked past, others just kept rustling about as they pleased. Soon they were lead out side. It was like a very city of their own except, there was garbage everywhere.
"It's the only way to basically stop the buggers from attackin' us" the man said as he stopped "your free to do whatever ya' want with 'em" he then walked off.
"Ok, now to find Newt" Brenda said
"Should we ask someone?" Minho asked
"And say what? We can't just go up to some sucking crank and say 'hey, how you going? Have you seen a guy about yay big with dirty blond hair with the name of Newt" Gally said sarcastically.
"Ya'll looking for someone" a gruff voice asked from behind making them turn around in the direction to see a man, sitting on a brick wall smoking a pipe.
"Ah, yeah by that exact description. Do you know where he might be?" Thomas asked
"I can't tell ya'll that but the two nut job guards over there will be able to. They have a list of every crank here"
"Ok, thanks"
They then headed in the direction of the guards who were leaning against a wall having a nice chat.
"Excuse us, we're looking for a boy who was brought here about yesterday. Do you know where he might be?" Jorge asked
"Depends. Need a description, name and a price" the tall skinny one said crossing his arms
"He's about yay big, has dirty blond hair and goes by the name of Newt" Minho asked and smirked at Gally who just rolled his eyes
"Hmm, let me just check the roster. Ah yes. He's here and hasn't moved from the spot we dumped him at which is the bowling alley. Just been sitting there the whole bloody time"
"Would you be able to take us to him?" Brenda asked
"You ain't named ya' price yet" the shorter one said who had a bit of a gut poking out.
"Well if you let him know that we're and that we want to see him, I'll give you $20" Jorge said
"Hmm, $30 and it's a deal"
"Alright, come on Nick, don't want to disappoint" the tall one said to the short one who was obviously called Nick.

The group waited for 5 minutes and then the guards came back.
"He said for y'all two bugger off" The tall one said
"What do you mean he said for us to bugger off? Are you sure you have the right guys?" Gally asked
"I'm afraid my friend Greg is right, those were his words" Nick said
"Your taking us to him" Thomas ordered
"That wasn't part of the deal" Greg said
Thomas looked at Jorge.
"$50 and that's it" Jorge said as he handed them the cash.
"Righto, let's get a move on then" Nick said and they headed to the bowling alley.
"He's siting at lane 1 over by the wall" Greg said as himself and Nick stood at the door.
The group then stepped into the bowling alley. There were plenty of cranks in there. They looked to their left and saw a familiar slouched figure facing their back to them.
"Newt!" Minho called out as they headed over.
Newt's head turned slightly.
"I thought I told those shanks that I didn't wanna see you" Newt said sounding angry.
"Newt, we're here to take you back with us" Gally said
"No! No I'm not going anywhere, I belong here now..."
"The only place you belong Newt is with us back in that berg" Thomas said
"Shut up Thomas! I can't even look at you. Your a disgrace!"
Thomas was taken aback by that. His friends looked at him in shock.
"Where the hell did that come from?"
"Just leave me alone, I don't want to see any of you ever again"
"Please Newt, come back with us. Our group isn't the same without you" Minho begged
"No, didn't you just hear me? I'm not going with you guys no leave now or I'll..." Newt started to tense up.
"You'll what?" Gally asked
"Or I'll shoot you!" Newt shouted as he turned around. Gun in hand. It was one of those that fired out grenades.
"Woah, easy now Newt. Where the hell did you get that?" Minho asked
"I stole it, from a guard that wasn't, how do I say, pleasing me" Newt said with an evil glint in his eye.
"Newt please, just listen to me. This place is making you worse..." Thomas began
"I've had enough of listening to you Thomas. Every time we do, we just end up in worse situations than the last and what does it matter if this place is? I'm gonna be a full gone crank anyway. Now leave or I'll shoot!"
"Fine shoot me then, because I ain't leaving without you" Thomas said. He knew Newt wouldn't shoot him. He had to still be there, somewhere in that dark abyss of madness. Newt stood his ground at first, staring at nothingness. Then he pulled the trigger and Thomas fell to the ground, bolts flying.
"Thomas!" Brenda said as she kneeled next to him.
"What the hell Newt!" Gally asked "why did you do that?"
"I told you I'd shoot if you didn't leave!" Newt yelled now shaking and had tears in his eyes "please just go before I hurt anymore of you!"
Thomas then sat up when the pain had subsided. The group looked at each other. They didn't want to leave.
"Go!" Newt yelled tears spilling from his eyes.
"Come on guys, let's go" Thomas said as Brenda helped him up.
"But Thomas..." Minho started
"I said let's go" Thomas said as he turned and started walking away with the others following.
When they'd gone, Newt tossed the gun and it fired as it hit the ground and hit another crank. Newt then fell to the ground crying and yelling. He'd just lost his best friends. For good.

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