Chapter 3

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"You say you want me! That you need me! Then get on your fucking knees ..."

I dislike this song to my core; I also don't want to get up out of feathery stuffed bed and shut my alarm clock off, thus shutting the horrible song off. I'm sure Layla has planned some all-out get beautified morning for this concert. But first I need to get up and shut that god-awful song off. Then coffee. My morning routine, I cannot break; Coffee, cigarette then shower and then hopefully I am awake enough to converse with Layla.

I've tried it once before, disrupting my routine. It did not end well, for Layla, or myself because she ended up talking me into meeting a blind date she had planned and failed to remind me until the very night of said blind date. I considered going, but my anxiety clammed me up. I would have embarrassed myself if I went. To say I've learned my lesson is an understatement, she called me hurt and offended when the blind date called her because I never showed.

Since then, she tries to trick me into agreeing to do things she knows I would never agree to. Nothing like a blind date, but for instance this concert, she will remind me right up to the date, and the day of she won't leave me alone. Reassurance that I will go along with whatever plan she had made for me. It's clever I'll give her that, but it's also sneaky.

Begrudgingly, I throw my comforter off my body. I put my pink fleece robe on and slide my feet into my house slippers that are located right next to my bedroom door. Walking into the kitchen to make some delicious French vanilla flavored coffee, I see that Layla isn't awake yet. A few more minutes of reprieve before I have to listen to her all day go on about the "mouth-watering" Steele.

Once that's brewing I go open the sliding glass door to our balcony, located off the living room, being that it's June the heat is already sweltering, thankfully the wind is also whirling about, making the heat bearable. I light my morning cigarette, pulling that first drag into my lungs hits the spot. The spot that has long needed to be filled. My craving has finally found its fix. I know people are always preaching, especially Layla how it "will kill me", and "do you know what poisons they put in those cancer sticks?" I do not live under a rock, and I consider myself quite intelligent. So yes, I do know what is in "those cancer sticks."

I also know that one day; it could kill me. But so could many other things.

Although today is another glorious morning where I do not care. When I breathe it in it brings a sense of calming over me. Starting in my lungs, moving outward and expanding. Somehow allowing me to feel like I breathe that much easier.

Finishing my cigarette, I butt it out then go inside to start making my coffee. This is when Layla decides to grace myself with her presence.

"You smell like smoke Nat. When are you going to stop?"

"Don't worry, I will shower before we leave today, and I'll make sure to carry hand sanitizer and breath mints. Happy?" she holds a smile tightly, I know this doesn't make her happy but because I compromise she will close those pouty lips tightly and rein in whatever lesson she wants to teach me today about cigarette production.

"Layla, I am going to shower and get dressed. We can talk about our plans for the day after. If I know you then I know you have something up your sleeve." I tell her with fake enthusiasm.

"You're going to looooovveee what I have planned Nat." She squeals with excitement.

"I'm sure I will." I mumble on my way to my bedroom.

I grab my new Tom Petty shirt that is still in the bag on my bedroom floor from yesterday. Opening my dresser drawer, I grab my favorite pair of black lace bra and panties, then my favorite pair of grungy blue jeans. There are small man-made rips in random places and the seams are fraying, but I will never get rid of these things.

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