Chapter 22

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Unable to sleep hours later, my thoughts running wild about this amazingly unpredictable woman cocooned in my arms. Something passed between us tonight. It was more than sex. Much more. I need to digest this. Away from her. Her being around inhibits me from thinking straight.

Slowly unwrapping my arms, trying not to disturb her beautiful sleeping form, I disengage my arm from under her. Covering her with the blankets I search for my clothes. Putting them back on and taking one last glance at her I leave her room.

Not wanting to deal with the situation in my room, hoping she took it upon herself to find her way out. I head downstairs, outside to have a smoke. Your thoughts are better sifted through with a clear, unbiased mind. An employee part of hotel personnel security stops me when they see I am smoking. Pointing me in the direction of where the smoking spot is. Apparently customers prefer non-smoking hotels and the smoking area to be hundreds of feet away from the entrance.

I step up into the round gazebo that has one commercial ashtray situated in the middle. Fortunately it's so damn early in the morning no one else is here. No one to recognize who I am. Sitting down on one of the benches I inhale my fix. There is no way I can allow my Minx to be a one-time thing. Last night, I can't even think of any possible words that could form a coherent sentence to describe what happened between us.

I could write a song about that one moment, where everything changed. I don't want to settle down; that's not for me. I also don't want to let her go; I don't want to let her ignore what we have. The thought of her running back to Liam, even if it's just for some semblance of comfort, it makes me sick. God- I am a selfish prick.

Throwing my cigarette in the ashtray, I decide I can't wait for this conversation between her and me to happen. I have to wake her up. Waiting will just allow my thoughts to fester and grow. When we checked in, I made sure to get a master key for all of our rooms. Something I did ever since Gages orgy in my room.

Unlocking her door, I see that the bed is empty. Check the bathroom. Empty too. I sit on the bed. Maybe she went to get something to eat or back to the bus for a change of clothes. After waiting for a half an hour, I run down to the parking lot, knowing that's where she has to be.

Searching the entire tour bus, her shit is still here but she isn't, I'll check her room again. She has to be back by now, Stepping into her room it's the same as it was when I left a few moments earlier. Angered, I just start throwing shit. The TV, the lamps, anything nearby that I can get my hands on. Running my hands through my hair, think, where the fuck could she have gone? I run out of her room and start pounding on Liam's door. He opens immediately.

"Where the fuck is she?" I yell while grabbing his throat and pinning him against the wall.

"Who?" He yells back.

"Natalie! Where is she? Are you hiding her?" I scream, squeezing his throat harder.

"Calm the fuck down. I haven't seen her since yesterday. Why are you acting like this?" His breath coming out short.

I know he is telling the truth. I would know if he were lying. He's the worst liar.

I slowly unlock the hold I have around his neck. Checking my pocket for my phone, I remember I left it in my room. Suddenly I find myself running across the hall, unlocking and opening my door. I don't even realize Hot Bartender is still here, shoving my clothes around in my overnight bag I find what I am looking for.

As I drop my bag, phone in hand and ready to call Natalie. I stole her number from her School transcripts. Leslie speaks, shocking me out of my revelry of finding my phone.

"I didn't think you were coming back, but I'm pretty happy that you did. I was hoping that Brunette creature didn't run into you."

I drop the phone from my hand.


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