Chapter 20

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I've got her just where I want her. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. We will be done with this right here and now. I lean in as close as I can without touching her. But oh, how I want to. Want to run my tongue along the seam of her luscious pouty lips wrap my fingers tightly in her hair and pull her to me.

But this, this is going to be slow and torturous. If I kiss her now, I know I won't be able to hold off from being inside her immediately. I'm going to strum this out for as long as I can. The longest guitar solo ever played. The lyrics, her moans.

Overcome by greed, I fulfill my cravings taking her all in. Inches away from my touch, she's trembling. Her hair mussed from bed. A white cotton robe concealing her curves, reaching her knees that I am holding back from ripping off her. Lust in her eyes undoubtedly, for me. Saving time, I pull my shirt off over my head. She continues to stare while remaining mute. Taking turns, her eyes slowly get their fill of me.

My hair free sculpted chest. My eight pack of abdominal muscles that I faithfully work hard to keep. I unbuckle my belt and unbutton and unzip my pants, letting them slowly drop to the floor pooling around my feet, stepping out of my jeans I kick them to the side. Grabbing her hands, I push them to her side. Untying her robe, I let the sash fall. Her robe slightly agape. I can see she has nothing on underneath; I want more than anything to rip it away from her body. But I can't, she has to come to the decision on her own. I want her full consent.

Nervous as fuck that she's going to tell me to get out. I stand there holding my hands at my sides clutched in fists, wearing nothing but my boxer briefs. If she cannot tell how much I want her at this moment, if she cannot see how hard it is for me to stay pliant. Then there is no hope for tonight. For this to happen.

She slowly brings her hands up, gripping at the opening of her robe. I suck in my breath, holding it until I notice she's deliberately delaying.

This Minx is teasing me.

I laugh out loud, causing her to insecurely close the gap. Reassuring her, I place my hands upon hers.

"I need you." I say with an unrecognized gruff. My emotions wavering through the air.

Our fingers become interlaced and together we slide her robe off. Leaving her eyes, I look down. My Minx is an angel. Supple and soft in all the imaginable right places. She is nothing I expected. Her breasts are more than a handful and her nipples area pale pink puckered begging for my wet rapacious kiss. Hips, enough for me to grab onto for leverage, and her pussy bare.

I look back into her eyes, subliminally conveying how much I want, how much I fucking need her. And then we combust. Her hands ripping at my hair wrapping around me. At the same time I pull her to me, wrapping her hair around one hand and grabbing her ass pushing her into me, so she can feel how fucking hard my cock is for her.

I lift her up and gently set her on the bed, throwing the comforter and sheets to the side at the same time. Climbing over her, I kiss her neck. Nipping, licking my way to her beautifully pink tinted areolas. Taking turns nipping and sucking at each nipple, her breathing coming in short rasps.

Continuing to pinch and rub her hardened nipples. I kiss her hip, her stomach and every untouched spot on her body. Making love to her skin, so unlike me. My cock, hidden in my briefs is ready to explode. Slowly, I spread her legs placing small kisses from her ankle to her inner thigh. Her pussy is soaking, dripping wet. Perfectly pink, slowly tracing circles around her clit. Teasing her, she moans out my name. Making me only want to be as deep inside of her as possible. Inserting one finger, she's so fucking tight. She begs for more; she's undoing me.

Leaning forward while pushing my finger in and out of her, I taste her. Her legs shaking; she pushes my head closer to her pussy her moans pleading for me to continue. Who am I to deny her needs? My tongue lapping at her, adding another finger. I suck her clit frantically, and I gently fuck her with my fingers and she suddenly comes apart, screaming my name and her body trembling. Pulling my hair.

I hop off the bed, grabbing my jeans searching for a condom in my pocket I had placed there hours before. I yank my briefs off, and tear the foil off the packet and glide the condom on over my cock. Placing my knee between her legs, kneeling over her somehow finding my voice. I ask; no I beg for her consent.

There's no going back from this.

"Do you want me?" I ask, nervous as to what her answer will be.

"Please....Yes...Yes...Fuck Ryan ...Yes," she shoves out on a breath.

Positive she has no doubts; I put my other knee between her legs. Spreading hers as far apart as they can go, placing the head of my cock on her lips. I slide it up and down over her slit. Rubbing her juices all around, basking in the wetness of her.

She wraps her hands in my hair, pulling me to her, placing rough open mouth kissed on my lips.

"Just fucking do it Ryan" she whispers against my mouth.

And Fuck if I didn't slam it in at the end of her words. Her body tense beneath me, I didn't know she was a fucking virgin. How did I not fucking see this? I yell at myself. Even if I did though, I still would have wanted her, if not much more.

I stay still frozen inside of her as long as I can so she can adjust to my swelling cock inside of her. I'll be damned that some part of me was overjoyed there has been no one before me in her. She rubs her hands over my ass, my back, clutching at my shoulders.

"Ryan, move will you."

Satisfied that her body has slowly relaxed, I pick of a steady pace, thrusting in and out of her soaking wet pussy.

She's clawing at my back, rasping breaths, whispering in my ear how good my cock feels. My release hanging by a thread on a cliff. Needing her to come before I do, I reach my hand down between our bodies and start rubbing her clit. Roughly kissing her at the same time. She starts moaning against my lips.

Begging for more, I feel her pussy walls clenching my cock. Her pussy vibrating in orgasm is my unraveling. My seed, shooting out of my cock by an unknown force. Catching my breath while still inside of her, I look her in the eyes. Un-Fucking-believable. That was the sex we just had. Fucking mind-blowing.

Unsure if it meant the same to her as it did me. I leave my cock inside of her, making it a somewhat awkward position, not wanting this moment to end, not wanting to forget how her pussy feels. Her eyes, blinking, opening slower and slower. She's going to pass out; I've fucked her to sleep. That's a first. Carefully sliding out of her, not wanting to cause her to wince in pain.

I stand up and walk to the bathroom. Ripping the used condom off I throw it in the toilet and flush. Finding a washcloth, I put it under warm water, squeeze it out, so it's not sopping wet, I walk back into the room. Sensitively cleaning her, she will be sore in the morning. I throw the washcloth on the bathroom floor, slide her over on the bed and lie down next to her. Holding her close. Breathing her scent in.

I stare at her peaceful sleeping form, wondering what has happened to her to make her so cold, so broken, but in bed the warmest, most reactive person I have ever had sex with.

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