Chapter 14

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She fucking smacked me. The amount of things I have ever done with a woman, in all of my experiences, I have never had one smack me. She left me speechless for the second fucking time today. Stuck staring at Liam; he wouldn't even look at me. I can't tell him the truth. Sorry man. When I initially walked in here, I believed you two to be doing something. Turns out you weren't, but I had already reacted and punched you.

Yup. Not admitting that. Even though they weren't doing anything, he shouldn't have had his arms wrapped around her yet again. I trust him with my life. For some reason, I don't trust him with her. Not with my Minx. When in the fuck when did she become mine, my fucking Minx? Tonight cannot get here fast enough.

Ignoring Liam, not wanting to have this conversation with him right now. I will, later when we are off the bus, preferably drunk and searching for pussy. Alcohol inhibiting my mind will make it less likely that our conversation will end in a fist fight. I walk out of the room, taking the same path Natalie took only seconds before.

I make a beeline straight for the driver, asking how much longer it will be until we hit our destination. The Hilton in Albany. He tells me we have about two hours depending on traffic. It's rush hour now, so everyone is on each other's asses bumper to bumper.

Disregarding everyone, I grab some clothes and plan on having yet another shower in one day. With Liam and Natalie shacking up in the back bedroom, the bathroom is the only place I can go to escape. By the time the cold shower cools the uncontrollable burning thrum of my body, we should be at the hotel. Hiding out here in the bathroom is a much better choice. Rather than having to face Natalie and Liam's angry and questionable stares.

Liam seems to have taken to my Minx rather quickly; I'm shocked though because he has known what my plan was all along. She is by no means of any consequence. She's only here temporarily; I desperately want to figure out what it is that's going on between them, but it's none of my business.

Not my place.

I shouldn't care but for some reason the idea of them going to each other for comfort just bugs me. Embracing, holding on to one another like life support, the idea consumes me, putting me in a rage of jealousy.

I need to remind myself why I steer clear of women for the long term. They only want what my life can give them. The money, fame and connections. No one is interested in me. My soul or my pure intentions. All women are fake, materialistic, greedy, and selfish. I don't have room for bullshit like that in my life. Unless she's game for one night, I do not have room for her in my bed.

Stepping out of the ice cold shower, my mind is wagering back and forth on what to do. Should I stay out of her way?

Ignore her? Push her into Liam's arms?

Could I consciously deal with that?

Fuck it. Tonight I'll fuck her all away with a stranger. Fuck away the lingering remnants of her body against mine. Fuck away the hauntingly abandoned looks she's always shoving onto me.

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