Chapter 10

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Twenty minutes earlier.... Laying in my bed, humming a tune that has been stuck in my head for days, I am trying to let the lyrics come to me. Song writing is a pretty long progress. How much do you want to reveal your inner struggles to your fans? Making yourself vulnerable to judgment, to people assuming they know what your song is about. You can write about any battle you have had in your life and just dismiss any ideas about it meaning something more with the swipe of your hand and a wink to a fan or reporter.

Many of the songs that my band has performed and laid down in the studio, I have written, and every word is from experience. But when asked about the meanings behind the songs I always comeback with some smart ass made up lie. Our drummer Jason also inputs songs on the regular. Some we've collaborated on. I can hear every instrument playing in my head, but the lyrics just won't come.

Giving up, I open my curtain and make my way to the ladder located at the end of my bed. I'm three beds high in the air. Even at six-two I am not jumping to the ground. Fuck that. I would rather look like a pansy then possibly break a bone. Shits not fun and it hurts. Grabbing ahold of the steps on the ladder, I hear a shrill scream almost causing me to lose my grip and fall. I realize it's from the Minx's' bunk.

Ripping open her curtain, she's laying there on her bed sweat beading down her face, body shaking. She's breathing. That's my main concern the other being what in the fuck had scared her. Not saying a word she shoves me back and jumps from the bed. Walking through Liam like a blockade in her path. She runs to the bathroom.

I'll give her a few minutes. That is all though. For some reason, her scream cut into my gut. I could feel the pure fear she had felt. Wanting to make sure that she will be all right I proceed to the bathroom. Turning the knob it refuses to budge. The Minx locked it.

Screw this. There is no way she is going to lock me out. She had to have known I would go chasing after her. I start pounding on the door repeatedly. Not giving in until she answers.

She yells to me "Who is it?"

Oh, my Minx, you know who this is; I say to myself.

"What do you want?" she asks a little more angered now.

I'm not answering her. She's playing a game. She knows who it is, and she knows that I want to check on her.

She whips the door open as I am about to knock again for the hundredth time; I catch my fist right before it hits her in the face. I would never be able to forgive myself if I were to have accidently hit her.

"What! What is such an emergency you could not wait until I was done?" She's pissed.

Probably because I witnessed a moment of weakness. A weakness that shows how vulnerable she really is. I push her in farther, so as to allow me to close the door. I don't want everyone overhearing our conversation. I lock the door and turn back to face her. She looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Frozen. Possibly not expecting me to lock the door, I'm not a God damn pervert. Her virtue is safe with me, but she doesn't need to know that just yet.

She goes on the defense. Calling me out. That I don't have permission to just shove my way into the bathroom, and something about not giving her privacy. I just drown her nonsense rambling out.

I stare at her, fully taking her all in. She's a spitfire that's for sure. She won't just take it and sit back down. Testing her limits, I step closer and closer. Seeing how far she will let me go, at what point will she set a boundary. She is fucking gorgeous. Such pert little lips, I would love to glide my tongue over. To taste her. At this second, all I want to do is pull her body to mine, feeling her supple curves grinding against me.

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