Chapter 6

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We finish our set thanking everyone for entering the contest- a contest that the band nor I approved of or was even aware that our tour manager Mel had allowed us to be entered in. I storm off backstage, the guys following.

Shocked. That's the only way I can describe what I'm feeling. I reenter our dressing room. Before I can even speak, Jason does. "The princess you had on stage was something else Ryan, she has some fight in her. It's not a surprise she stuck out to you in that mob of fans."

"What do you mean it's not a surprise that she caught my attention?" I question, wondering what he could be implying.

"Cool it man, all I'm saying is that the chick was easily the most unapproachable in that entire horde. Also, she was easily the sexiest." He says almost laughing.

"Yeah well it didn't go exactly how I had planned. She ran dude; fucking ran."

At that precise moment, a female walks in interrupting our conversation. She introduces herself to Jason first, then Gage, Zepp and Liam, then me.

"I'm Layla," she says, in a smooth seductive tone.

"Uh, Hi Layla and what may I do for you?" I say with a suggestive wink. This girl is fucking hot; thing is she knows it. I'm unsure if this is a good thing or a bad thing with her.

"Oh no, baby, it's not what you can do for me but what I can do for you. You see that hot little thing you were just singing with on stage, well I know her name. Am I wrong in assuming you might want to know it too?" She says sure of herself.

I look around at the guys; curiosity laid out over their faces. They want to know as bad as I do who this girl is. The one- the only person we've come across that's remained unflustered, almost offended by our music. I mask my features, needing to remain calm, cool and collected. I don't want any of them to really see how interested I am; I want to teach this little girl a lesson or two.

No one runs from me.

"Sure. So what's her name and who is she to you. I mean she has to be somebody if you would risk sneaking past security to get in here. Am I right?" I say back sounding uninterested.

"One, she's my best friend. Two, if you hurt with her I will come after you." She says threateningly. "And three, her name is Natalie. Natalie Wright."

It's clear this girl means something to her, but I will heed to her warning. "You have nothing to worry about; I don't plan on seeking her out. She's a college kid for Christ sakes. Nothing special." She flinches as if I cut her.

"Security" I yell.

"Will you help this kind young woman find her way out?"

Dee offers her his hand, and she reluctantly takes it, glancing back she says, "Remember what I said? Don't hurt her." And with that she disappears from my view.

"Drinks. Now. This is our last few days off consecutively so let's enjoy it. Also, is that bet still on?" Gage walks over five bottles of Whiskey in hand, no need for those girly shot glasses. When we drink, it's to get fucked up.

Zepp starts laughing, "Hell Yeah, that bets still on, let the battle begin."

And with that we all smack our bottles together and drink until we can't handle the burn anymore.

I wake up to the light streaming through the windows. When I open my eyes, pain shoots straight to my head. Fucking alcohol, I always seem to forget why I choose to stop drinking. Alas, the morning after never fails to remind me exactly how shitty it really is.

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