Chapter 18

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Jumping away from her, while dropping the miniature shot bottle I had in my hand.

"Are you all right babe?" she asks curiously.

I need to get the fuck out of here, right now. Something is seriously wrong with me; I am declining a willing pussy. Instead, inside, I am shaken and stirred over the Minx.

"Yeah, I'm fine, uh why you don't make yourself a little more comfortable while I run down to the lobby."

Noticing that I had spilt the last of the liquor I had while jumping away from her blunt ministrations.

"I'm going to get us some drinks." I say on a fake promise.

Closing my room door, assured that I have nothing of value or personal in that room, a lesson from the past learned. I lean my body up against my door hoping the one-nighter doesn't come looking for me. I look to my left knowing its Natalie's room. For the second time this day, fuck it.

Approaching her door, second guessing if I should knock. Should I do this? Walk into this possible fucking mess. Would I be satisfied would she be satisfied with only one night? Can I consciously break her this completely? This thing between her and me, it has to end. We cannot go another seven weeks like this. On the borderline of hate and encompass. Making my choice, I lift my hand up enclosed it in a fist and knock.

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