Chapter 16

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Watching Steele run off of the bus, afraid to confront his demons head on, Liam grabs the hand that's holding my clothes for the night. He then pulls my overnight bag out of the other, pulling my now empty hand with him and closing his fingers around mine, yanking me of the bus. Zepp, Gage and Jason following behind us. We enter the breathtaking lobby showcasing all of the glitz and glamour of being able to stay within luxury. Black marble tiled floors, varnished wood desk, oversized sofas. And a giant hanging chandelier that looked like it was worth a million dollars.

Also, a beautiful little sitting area consisting of a small library and oversized maroon sofas surrounding a red brick fireplace. Reaching the check-in desk the concierge gave me a quick once over and shuddered in disgust. Seemingly telling me without words that I didn't belong here. That I didn't belong here with these men with devil induced good looks. Luckily for me, even with all of my fucked up half ass life issues, I might be lost within myself and my own mental ass bullshit but I knew that I was worth more. I was worth being judged by my character, not by the people who surrounded me.

I make myself.

I'll be damned if someone was going to belittle or begrudge me into being someone I wasn't. All qualities, my parents, raised me with that I intended to carry on within me. Not giving the lady a chance to get a word out, letting go of Liam's hand. I approached the desk with a big smile laid on my face preparing to smother her with my kindness.

"Hello" quickly looking at her name tag "Joyce" I say in my brightest most over-the-top friendliest voice.

"We all have rooms reserved here, my names Natalie Wright, and this is Li..."

Liam cuts me off "Names Sam Adams."

I look at him, confused. What the hell?

Incredulous, I ignore the obvious lie he just told. Even if he was using a different name, how does he or the other guys not think they would be recognized? They are famous for fucks sake. Years of touring and they still haven't figured this out. Their tours bus, showcasing their bands name, pulled up to the front of the hotel, and they all stepped off not disguised.

It would have been easier if they just told everyone where they were staying. Maybe put it on the ticket stubs the fans attending their concerts bought. Surely everyone in this town knows that a billboard chart topping band is in town putting on not one but two shows in this area. The first being tomorrow night. Shaking my head as I sign the paper Joyce handed me and collect my room key. Liam already has his. Pulling me along to the elevator, he asks what room I am in. Checking my key card.

"Third Floor room 315, you?" I ask curious if we are neighbors for the next couple of nights.

"Same floor, room 314." He says smiling.

Reaching my door, he leans in and places his lips upon my cheek while still holding my hand. A connection I really didn't want to break.

"If you need anything Princess, I'm right next door. Before I forget, hand me your cell." He says, face still close to mine.

"Why would you want my phone?" I ask with uncertainty.

"So I can add my number to your contacts. I changed my mind I am going out tonight with the guys. I just want to fix whatever happened between Ryan and I earlier. If you end up needing to reach me for anything at any time now you can."

He must have changed his mind from earlier this morning when we discussed it at breakfast.

"Oh, Okay." I reply. Bummed.

I let go of his hand, reach in my pocket and grab my iPhone and hold it out to him. When he grabs my phone, I back away upset. Upset that Liam is going out. Leaving me alone, him being the only one I am comfortable with. Saddened because I feel that he is the only one sincere with his caring and comforting of me besides Layla.

First Chance : Rock Romance #1Where stories live. Discover now