Chapter 17

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After taking quite a few tequila shots in my hotel room from the ungodly expensive hotel mini-bar. Not caring about the cost, I just needed these drinks. I make my way to the elevator. Headed to the concierge desk to ask about all the party hot spots. Stumbling into someone, looking up eyes fuzzy I make out that it's Liam. I clap my hand on his shoulder to balance myself.

"You smell like a God damn brewery, Ryan." He says clearly irritated.

"Pre-gaming my man, pre-gaming."

Walking into the elevator using Liam as leverage to keep my body upright.

"Self-Medicating" he mumbles.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I ask, not understanding what he is implying.

He shakes his head, conversation over before it started. I give in, putting my white flag up before shit gets deep and heavy. Closing my eyes, drowning out my thoughts, concentrating on my goal for tonight, I don't hear Liam talking to me.

"The guys should be down in the lobby already, are you going to be good douche?"

Opening my eyes, I catch the last part of what he was saying.

"Forgive me already, I don't know what I was doing. I just... I just didn't think. I'm sorry." Not wanting him pissed off at me, or this interfering between us.

"I owe you one. Remember that. I will forgive you. But when the time comes, and I need to fucking punch you in the face, you better forgive."

He smiles, like he already has the when and where planned. I disregard his comment knowing that no matter what, I would forgive him.

Doors opening to the elevator, the guys, Gage, Zepp, and Jason are there waiting. I put my hand back on Liam's shoulder using him as my feet.

"Ready to fucking party?" I growl. Needing to get this want for the Minx out of me in a seriously bad way. All eyes on me. They start laughing. They had identified that I am besotted with tequila.

My lovely, lovely lifelong friend.

I remind them of the bet and also that I am still up by one. Winning. They groan, then give back fighting remarks how they, except for Liam, are all going to have five-some orgies tonight. I start laughing with roar but not because I doubt them. If anyone could do it, easily it would be us.

We don't chase pussy. Pussy chases us. But imagining every single one of them having orgies in their hotel rooms tonight. If only the Self-righteous Natalie could see us now. Then she would really know what she has gotten herself into. What fold she has been sucked into. It would be priceless.

We would corrupt her soul, rip it out, stomp on it, and shred it again and again. We are all Free-Lancers in the commitment department. Simply forming a bond with each other. There is no room for a flighty unstable brunette. It would be best for her to learn it sooner than later.

Stepping outside the hotel, a black stretch limousine, is already waiting for us. Probably Gages doing. The guy is always prepared, I was set on taking a cab. Liam shoves me in head first. I fall onto the seats body askew; the guys start laughing and climb in sitting on opposite seats.

"So where to?" I ask questioning.

If they have planned to have a limousine outside waiting for us then surely they've planned where we are going.

"We're headed to New Scotland Ave, there's a club there. A Popular party scene that holds a lot of willing pussy." Gage says eyes glinting.

"Great, just what I need."

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