Chapter 11

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Steele escapes the table before I can tell him I am unwilling to accept his invitation to join the band in a night out participating in drinking and pussy scoping. He has to be the most frustrating person I have ever had to share oxygen with only inviting me out of obligation to the band.

I could feel the thick fog of tension when he made it bluntly clear the sole purpose of visiting an alcohol establishment was to get laid. Under the table, Liam had grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring squeeze. Choosing not to go, to be an unwanted guest. If I had chosen to go, I could easily predict that I would be left behind when they all found what they were looking for.

Definitely not my scene. And Ryan Fucking Steele knew it. His asinine arrogant attitude was way too much for me to handle right now. Overbearing ogre. I should go just to mess with his head. Show him that I can become a chameleon, blending into whatever atmosphere I am surrounded by. Parading around like I belonged.

I'm feeling the need to confront him. To turn his views on a backwards axis. Forgetting Liam's hand was still on mine, I let go and rush to the bathroom where I saw he retreated minutes earlier.

Knocking on the door loudly, impatient to tell him that his challenge, as I view it was accepted. Steele pulls the door open rapidly, almost stumbling I catch myself. He's naked, towel around his waist but naked nonetheless.

Think, Nat, think. His being naked inches away from me has my bodies hormones running rampant. My mouth hanging open surely my salvia is about to start slowly dripping out of my mouth. Unaware of the sexual need firing in my veins, he half smiles a snarky grin.

"See anything you like?" Cocky bastard.

"Please, I have seen much better." I most certainly lie. The man is sex in a bottle. A drink if picked up, I would never be able to put down. An addicting bad habit.

"Then how can I be of help?" He asks. If you only knew. An assuming asshole, he doesn't see my innocence, at this moment he is the closest I have been to seeing a man naked. Ever.

Looking away from him in all his glory, I can feel my face flushing, my heart pounding in my chest and my stomach is swirling with butterflies. These feelings of attraction I have never felt. Only with him. Why couldn't it be with someone else, anyone else? I start counting the tiles, trying to calm my body. These unwanted reactions to him.

"Are you there Minx?" He says in a light husky tone.

No longer able to ignore him, I look up. Eyes smoldering. He isn't as indifferent as he proclaims to be. Before I can answer him, he grabs on to my hand hard and pulls me then spins me around. My back slams the door shut.

My arms pinned above my head, held down by one of his hands.

I cannot hide from him how badly he is affecting me; my legs are shaking, adrenaline firing throughout my system. My lungs are gasping for air. I don't know what I am more scared of, him or embarrassing myself. Like my natural shell protecting myself, I go into automatic defense mode.

"Have you finally lost it Steele?" I say taunting him.

He grins. Keeping one hand over mine, he reaches forward with his free hand and cups my chin. Forcefully yanking my jaw up, so I have to look him in the eyes.

"No Minx, I think I have finally gained it."

He runs his fingertips down my jawline, lightly brushing my neck leaving goose bumps in his touches wake. His fingers stop as they reach the seam of my shirt.

I want to beg him to just do it. Rip my shirt down and touch me. Touch all of me. Instead, he runs his fingers back through the trail he previously paved over my neck then grips the back of my head with his large hand.

First Chance : Rock Romance #1Where stories live. Discover now