Chapter 15

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Hightailing it off of the bus to light a cigarette that I have been craving for hours. Since we left Boston. The altercation earlier, only making me crave nicotine even more. For the past hour, I have been pacing the bus like a god damn junkie in need of my next fix. Already having an overnight bag packed in hand and not waiting for anyone else, I rush into the hotel lobby.

Ready to take my room key and disappear, I race to the concierge desk. We only use hotels that have employees who respect our secrecy about where we are staying. God forbid someone let that information out. The press would have a field day and so wouldn't every married and unmarried woman above the age of eighteen. It would cause a nightmare of numerous events.

Knowing that Mel used my alias to reserve my room, it's a long standing joke. "Eddie Hurst," I tell the lady at the desk, waiting to check me in. When signing our first recording contract Mel had asked me who my idol was. What musical artist I wanted to live up to. Possibly lifting the bar they had set. I told him Eddie Van Halen. He had laughed at me then, and even laughed when signing us. He thought that it was impossible.

Once we proved him wrong and showed him that we would reach every one of those goals he started calling me Eddie. She pulls up my alias, has me sign a paper about damaging the room and hands me a card. Not caring to look back I stroll out of the lobby to the elevators. Not looking at my key card until the doors of the elevator closed in. Third floor room I think to myself. Hoping luck is on my side that Liam nor Natalie are roomed near me.

On second thought that could be a good thing. Me coming back with a statuesque blonde haired groupie and Natalie seeing. It has the potential to right things between us. Warn her off before she gets caught up in my shit storm.

Remembering the wager made between us guys, trying to make some kind of amend with Liam, I take my cellphone out of my pocket and send a group text to the guys.

Me: I still have the lead. Anyone game to change that tonight? Bar. Alcohol. Women.

Zepp: Game. What time?

Gage: You're going down dick

Me: Don't want to go out too early, 11?

Liam: I wasn't going to go but sure. You're buying though Steele. You fucking owe me douchebag

Jason: You can't win every time fucker

Me: 11 it is, bring your best bitches

Me: L, it's always on me lol

Putting my cellphone on charge, relief consumes me. Unsure if my actions earlier fucked Liam's and I friendship. I'm close with every one of the guys; they are the only ones I've let know even a bit of myself, my past. What makes me, me. Their friendship and this band are something I do not want to risk, for anything or anyone.

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