Chapter 7

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Thinking i should call Mel before breakfast with the guys, i take my cell out and speed dial his number putting the speaker to my ear. " You still pissed off?" he says wearily. " Not as pissed as i was two days ago, i wasn't calling to chew you out again. Just dont throw shit on me like that again. You know our tour starts in a few days. The guys were saying goodbye to their families and you took that away. Your lucky they agreed to come along. Anyways, who am i interviewing and what is going to be their job?" i ask patience running out.

" They are interns, literally all we have to pay for is accommodations and meals. They work for free, learning whatever they can on the way. Its not up to me what your looking for, its ultimately the bands choice. Berklee is a huge school, everyone getting a degree under music. You have the pick of the liter here, take advantage of it. I have a professor that will help accommodate you and set you up with interviews, he will give you and transcripts you might have an interest in taking a look over. " he explains.

" that's all?" i ask with a slight laugh " dont sound so interested, remember when i found you guys all playing in that hole in a wall bar. You had all you could do not to beg me to take you on, i took a chance. Pay it forward Ryan. This school has the cream of the crop , these kids have to work their asses off, if they dont they dont stay past the next semester." he says defending students he has never met" alright, just give me this teachers name and where i can locate him , ill let the guys know our plan for the day when we meet up for grub." he proceed to tell me I will find a Professor Roberts in the head of Sound Engineering building.

I hang up, butt my smoke out and throw it in the ashtray then make my way back to my room where i am sure the guys have already made their way to and are stuffing their faces. They have better left me a fucking cup of coffee. As i near my door i can overhear them, yup as i figured. It really is a bad idea, handing each others room keys out. It has its upsides, also its downfalls. I enter and in Unionism all i hear is TWO? Really two fucking girls? I laugh, must be i am already in the lead. Serves them right, bringing this wager on,I'm going to have to come up with something much more creative this time. A way to start tour off with a fucking bang.

" Come on guys, you've all had two or more at once, dont act so innocent . In fact I'm pretty sure Gage here has had four women at once. I walked in on it, in MY hotel room at that" i remind them" Dont forget, you told me that night you wouldn't be back, and i didn't want them to know which room i was in. Plus one of the girls did offer to suck your dick, to make up for you sour ass mood." he says defensively. " i was only in a sour mood because i had just outran a crazy obsessed fan-girl, who didn't know the meaning of No" at that we all start laughing. I remember that morning clearly.

I decided to join this after-party, big fucking mistake there. I wanted a night of normalcy, never again. This hot piece of ass, walked right up to me, yanked me into a bedroom, got on her knees and started unbuckling my jeans. Who in the fuck was i to say no? A blowjob, i will take any-day. So i let her, paying her back with a rough fucking. After all was said and done. I thought she had passed out in the bed, i went to sneak out and she jumped out of bed, talking about fucking marriage. This girl was defiantly not a Virgin, and I'm not marrying anyone. When i made that clear she went crazy, throwing shit at me and crying, I've never gotten dressed so fast, and i booked it. She took off behind me, naked. Last time i party in Houston.

A mans one-night stand nightmare. This bitch was fucking crazy, the entire time i was running from this psycho i kept thinking where the fuck are the police. This one should be locked up, i pity the next person she involves in her life sexually. It was certainly the last thing i had expected to happen, and then that last statement became false, as i entered MY hotel room. There is Gage, complete naked, his penis at full staff two woman sharing it with their mouths while another two women are on the side pleasing themselves. On my bed.

" What in the fuck is this Gage?" reaching my boiling point because of the crazy i was just running from. " Wanna join? There is more then enough pussy to go around." i raised my eyebrow, considering it " i think ill sit this one out." just wanting to find a bed to crawl into and sleep for the next twelve hours. As i was exiting the room one of the girls who had just been laying her salvia on Gages' cock offered to take care of mine, i declined and left.

" So down to business" i say snapping out of the past, not that they noticed because they were eating every bit of food i had ordered." We have to make a visit to campus, well probably be there for most of the day. Interviewing for interns, Mel says its a must. Our recording label signed a contract with the contest organization. Winning included a performance and an intern for the summer. " i tell them, wondering if their as pissed off as i am about it.

" why not" Zepp explains" way i see it, our team is going to help someone learn the trade, it only seems fitting they learn from the best. We will have to filter our the applicants, see if there being true or want to just tour with us. Let go for it" Everyone else agrees. Seems I'm the only one feeling put out. " Lets go then, find this Professor ."

Making sure i grab a cup of coffee before we leave. Exiting the hotel, our limousine is already there waiting on us. Already aware of where we are headed , Pat opens our doors and we climb in, me demanding to sit on the outside, since i am the only one who smokes. I light up, rolling the window down as far as it will go, guess I'm going to be smoking a lot more then usual today.

My patience has been trying since Mel called me three days ago and told me about this shit. I am not a fan of surprises, i plan, i control everything around me. I also have the final say on anything concerned with the band, this not solely my decision. The guys know i have nothing but our best interest, and that i am a man willing to make it happen, i do not compromise or bend to anyone's will. You want us, then you give in to our demands.

Pat opens my door first, i get out and he informs me that the red brick building about one hundred feet from us houses the Sound engineering department, where Professor Roberts will be and also where every possible intern is waiting for an interview, over eighty he says. I grimace, its going to be a long fucking day..

I turn to the guys, and explain what Pat just said. Exciting interest permeating their faces. Fucking Joy. Entering the building a desk located just before me, with a pretty little thing setting there in a rolling desk chair leg on top of the other, filing her nails. "Professor Roberts "i ask for. Without hesitation, or looking up she says " down the hall about thirty feet first door on your left have a nice day"

With that we walk right by. College kids i think shaking my head. This school is for the privileged, pat also informed me of that great detail. Even more of a reason for me to despise my future intern. Meeting The Professors door i knock, after the first pound of my fist the door opens. An eccentric old man answers the door, he smiles and clasps his hands together " How wonderful you are all here " he exclaims.

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