Chapter 19

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Laying on my side, blanketed in sheets and comforters, saddened to feel so alone, and left behind. I hear a loud knocking on the door, who the hell could this be at three o'clock in the morning? Getting out of bed and shrugging on my robe, I open the door. Ryan Fucking Hurst. Clearly intoxicated with the smell radiating off of him is beyond powerful, I was wondering if one could become inebriated by scent of alcohol alone.

"Yes?" I ask irritatingly.

"Can I come in? We need to talk." Ryan says. Trickily asking but an underlying demand laced in his tone.

"I have no reason to talk to you. Unless it's about my internship or the tour. We have nothing to say to each other." I say shaking my head showing that this isn't up for discussion. Suddenly I am pushed back. Ryan shoving his way into my room. Locking my door behind him, this man clearly has an issue with the word no. Either he doesn't know the meaning or just doesn't listen.

"What in the hell do you think you are doing? Ryan, I think we played this game earlier, and it ended just as it should have." I say, slowly putting space between us and wrapping my arms around myself with chills zapping at my skin.

"You see, Minx, this is where I think you are wrong." He says, coming at me.

Glint in his eye, and a sloppy stumble in his step. I keep backing up until my legs hit the bed. I know there is nowhere else to run. I'm stuck in this position. Ryan holding the expression of a hunter on his face and I am his prey.

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