Chapter 13

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Waking up, my iPod still blaring music into my ears; I slide the curtain open observing what everyone is doing. From my point of view, I can see the kitchen table where Liam is currently sitting, eating a sandwich. He is a gorgeous specimen of the male race. Rough around the edges but with a smooth, soft soul. Just being near him soothes me, my emotions.

I should inform him of the confrontation between Steele and me. Maybe he can find a way for me not to be alone with him. Or maybe a way I can discourage Steele from wanting anything like that to happen again. I know Steele is a man of non-repetitive bed partners. If and whenever I choose to give myself to someone, it will be with one who wants to share my bed for the long run.

With the state of my life, my past, my present, I can't see where my future is going and if I will ever allow anyone in besides Layla. My gut is telling me that Liam is a decent candidate to share some piece of myself with. Usually my mind overrides my gut instincts but I need someone on this bus who will have my back. Protect me from myself. I am weak, never having anyone from the opposite sex showing any kind of sexual interest in me. I really thought I was stronger than this, until I met Ryan.

The way he made my body catch fire earlier, losing all of my control. Embarrassing myself because I couldn't stop what we were doing. Just coming down from the sexual high when he smacked my hand away. His disgustful stare, instantly cooling the hot quivering need. Determined to keep my innocence, and pride intact. I slide my ass down my bed latching on to the ladder and hop to the floor.

Approaching Liam, he looks up and gives me a small friendly smile. Not asking I squeeze in next to him and start eating the chips off of his plate. He says nothing. We sit there eating in silence. Contemplating how I should bring the subject up, I glance at him nervously and he notices.

"Something on your mind Princess?" He asks, reaching his arm around me and pulling my body up against his side.

Being embraced by him, it feels natural. Almost brotherly. If I ever had one, I am sure this is how it would feel. When we were in the back bedroom, we didn't even speak. Words weren't needed to express how we were feeling; I didn't know his issues nor he mine. Unjudged comfort is what we gave each other. There were no questions that needed asking, and I know whether I shared this with him or not when and if a time came I needed him as a defensive shield, he would take the chance.

Liam is also Steele's friend. His bandmate. I couldn't nor would I ever, want to get in between their friendship. The only way I can see protecting what they have is by discussing it. Letting him know what is racing throughout my mind.

"Can we go in the back bedroom to talk? I would feel better if no one overheard us." I whisper. He doesn't speak. He just slides down the wrap around L- shaped seat pulling my body along with his.

Still holding my hand he leads me to the back bedroom, opening the door shoving me inside and then shutting the door. Grabbing my hand again, he pulls me towards the bed that's up against the wall. He pulls it away from the wall and lets it drop to the floor. Liam sits down and pulls me down with him. Our knees touching, our arms rubbing each other's side by side. He's allowing me time to decide how I want to start this conversation, and for that I am grateful.

I look at him from under my eyelashes. How he the one? Who makes me is feel so comfortable? To most he would be intimidating, hard, gruff, and full of angst. Downright scary. At least six-five with a body builder physique. Short brown hair buzzed close to his scalp. I can see tattoos peeking out of his shirt. This is what people see when looking at him on the outside.

Inside I see a desperate weeping soul, needing to be held and loved. In him, I see myself looking back at me. He's lost. Tears threatening to fall, because his pain is what I feel every day, he pulls me closer. Wrapping me into his arms clutching me close, for the second time that day.

Seems everything is happening in seconds today. At the same time Liam and I fall into an embrace; Steele opens the door. A new first though, Steele doesn't walk away. I wish he had. But he didn't. This time, he rips Liam away from me. Liam lets go willingly. I believe he was trying to deflect a confrontation with Steele. When Liam is about a foot away from me, Steele punches him hard in the face. I don't even bother checking if Liam is ok before I begin lashing into Steele with my words.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I scream beyond enraged.

"Nothing is wrong, nothing at all Natalie." He says eerily calm.

This does not satisfy me as a response. You don't just punch your best friend for no reason. I look back at Liam, who is clutching his face and biting his lip. He wants to attack Steele back, but he's also trying very hard not to make the fight worse.

"There has to be something wrong for you to walk in here and punch your best friend in the face." I state. Calling him out.

"How about you answer me a question? What were you two doing in here? What did I interrupt? Is that why you are mad Natalie? Two different band mates in one day. Wow! You're another regular groupie aren't you?" He says, laughing.

Unable to help myself I smack him, open handed on the face, angered beyond belief. I don't wait for an explanation, an excuse or a retort, I storm out of the room.

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